Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True

Realism - too much to expect?

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Bark angel:
I have been wondering of late just how much realism in a reading is too much.  I mean if there are guides that communicate with clairvoyants and clairaudients and empaths, just how much information and how specific is that information that is given?

I think about the facts that we are told that psychics receive messages in any number of ways - a smell, a word or words, signs and images and snapshots but from those is it really too much to expect or rather accept that a psychic will be able to tell you so much?
I began my psychic reading experience unaware of what to expect.  I then realized that there are good and not-so-good psychics, but what constitutes good?


The more I read the more I realize that some readings that are packed full of day-to-day details may be more a case of an active imagination of the psychic, filling in where the signs, images, smells, sounds leave of.

Do you really think that your guides believe it important for you to know that such-and-such a person will contact by a certain method?  Isn't it enough that we know that contact will come?

I think there are just so many no days!  I am not saying they are not all psychics. Psychics from back in the day when there were a few would tell you to wait about a year or two to come back.

Now it is a money maker, and the easy internet access is a stress reliever for us when we need help/a quick fix!

Bark angel:
But what I am trying to express, and perhaps badly, is how much of the rating that we give to readers is based upon our expectation that a reading will be packed full of day-to-day details?

I read a post a minute or two ago that referred to the reading as vague, and therefore it is implied it wasn't a good reading....but, in reality, why are we leading ourselves to believe that an accurate and talented psychic can tell us that our SO if going to contact us on Monday, by text and it will be a surprise?

Does the spirit world even differentiate between contact by phone, email, SMS or text?  Do spirit guides text their readers?  Really...what is too much to expect?

@Barkangel......Okay I understand what you are saying. Honestly I do not know! I do believe in psychic powers, because of so many things they have been predicted  happened!

--- Quote from: Bark angel on January 26, 2014, 05:53:00 PM ---But what I am trying to express, and perhaps badly, is how much of the rating that we give to readers is based upon our expectation that a reading will be packed full of day-to-day details?

I read a post a minute or two ago that referred to the reading as vague, and therefore it is implied it wasn't a good reading....but, in reality, why are we leading ourselves to believe that an accurate and talented psychic can tell us that our SO if going to contact us on Monday, by text and it will be a surprise?

Does the spirit world even differentiate between contact by phone, email, SMS or text?  Do spirit guides text their readers?  Really...what is too much to expect?

--- End quote ---

My feeling on this has always been that, if spirit guides and psychic powers are real, they'll communicate as best they can...however, if all they can do is snapshots and auditory snippets, it's hard to get a clear picture from that and the psychic will fill in the blanks on their own.  For instance, we all know Kisha, when she's on and she's getting things correctly, can give you a number and it generally corresponds to the question you're asking, but she can't say if that timing is hours, weeks, days, months, or even years...she can guess, based on what her guides are telling her and what her intuition is telling her, but she can't be sure...but she has that number and she can provide it for you.

This is why I've moved away from no-tools readers. I know a lot of people feel like tarot cards and astrology are crutches, but I can honestly say my most accurate predictions have come from tarot readers who also (supposedly) have psychic abilities, and astrologers who know how to properly read a person's charts.  In the case of tarot readers, the guides or energy or what have you should (in theory) be helping to arrange the cards during the shuffling process to ensure that the messages given apply to the situation at hand, and tarot cards frequently have very distinct meanings...even the ones that can be interpreted different ways usually are very clear when put into the context of the question. 

With astrology, I don't know that there necessarily needs to be any psychic ability involved at all, but I think the astrologists with psychic ability are better able to interpret what the different things that come up in the chart mean - for instance, if you have someone asking about two people that they're currently pursuing (or being pursued by), and the astrologist sees hardship coming between, say, January 12 and January 27, a psychic astrologist might be able to determine which relationship is going to be  impacted, whereas a regular astrologist would probably need to consult the other two charts.  Honestly, I'd be more likely to rely on the astrologist who consults all the different charts myself, but that's just me.

I guess what I'm saying is, I feel like you can probably get these more detailed readings that might be accurate when a reader uses tools, but when I get exact dates (or even timeframes) and methods of communication from a no-tools reader, I tend to be wary.


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