Author Topic: phoenix burning (Nicole)  (Read 46253 times)

Offline sagitira

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phoenix burning (Nicole)
« on: January 24, 2014, 07:37:41 PM »
has anybody read with this reader? i read with her today, was quite surprised by what she was able to pick up. found her quite honest, giving no fairy tale. predictions seem very realistic too. i am wondering if anyone has any experience with her? (there is another reader called phoenix rising - so don't want to mistake the two of them)

Offline Zee

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 08:56:08 PM »
Here is another thread that mentions her:,968.msg16197.html#msg16197

Offline sagitira

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2014, 10:06:07 PM »
thanks Zee, i read this comment but couldn't find anything else on her. i was happy with the way she did my reading, would be interesting to read more feedback about her. i felt she was ethical as well.

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 02:48:27 PM »
I was impressed with her the first time,but then she changed her reading completely the next time.So i never called again.


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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2016, 04:04:06 PM »
I feel so pissed at myself about someone I was dating that has come to a screeching stop. I feel like I made a new ghost ex - or am in the beginning stages. And I'm outraged mad at Phoenix Burning! I'm debating if I should leave bad feedback- in the midst of my anger.

First off PB isn't the only one to have said similar things and most times has been consistent. However, me and this guy were dating and I had brought the issue of exclusivity and then we got into an argument and he just stop all together communicating. PB has promised (as well as other advisors) that I would hear from him in really soon. That he's hurting. That he misses me, etc. No more than a week, tops. Of course that flies by. Before I move would hear from him? - nope. It's been over 4 weeks! I called her around the third week of no communication and she said no more than week. But she promised me less than 3 days no more than a week. Still nothing!

So I reached out this time to him on Sunday. Asking how is he? And it's been a gut wrenching 3 days, still with nothing. Normally, when I reach out it is less than 7 days. But I thought since it's been now over 4 weeks he would respond immediately. I called PB, again with the last spare dollars I was given as gift - and just utterly useless. This time she told me I am being flat out ignored and doesn't know. Said I would I hear from him in a week.

Then she has nerve (every now and then- not every time) to bring up this other person who I don't care about, whom she promised that we would make up as friends (and we never did) that it's not like that person. Arghhhgh!!!

I really desperately want to turn my anger to her- even though misguided. I would really like to leave a bad review. However, there have been times she has been right but at this rate (her higher rate too!) it's not worth it. I'm utterly devastated - because at face value this guy has now ghosted out on me, got scared, and doesn't want the same things... Let alone respect me, but do I? Ugh- reaching out to him has now made me feel even more weak, with less self esteem and just broke.

Hi FS thanks for sharing.  So sorry for what u are going thru. It's really terrible that that guy doesn't have the decency to just say something (whether he's done with u or not) so that u at least have an answer. Did u try calling him? I too have wasted tons of $$ on psychics to talk about guy problems and 99% were wrong on future outcome. Recently I have decided to just take matters into my own hands. I have gotten sucked in to asking a psychic first before I do something and there's really no point since they're wrong on predictions anyway. While a lot of them are correct on feelings and present situation, I say take action based on that.
I hope your situation gets better or that u at least get answers from the jerk who just disappeared off the face of the earth. Blessings~

tired of it all

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2016, 07:42:31 PM »
Fluttershy I am so sorry you are going through this.  Lots of hugs to you.  I know what it feels like to be ghosted.  I look at it as a power play and I think this it is very cruel.  Just remember his behavior is a reflection on him and his character.  It is NOT a reflection on you.  It's natural to keep wanting to reach out to someone you care about and find out what is going on.  Please don't blame yourself for doing that.  It shows that you are the stronger one because you are capable of reaching out and caring and being vulnerable, which this guy is either not capable of or not willing to do right now.

I have never read with Phoenix Burning but I think this sounds really flaky of her.  I have never had any qualms about leaving bad feedback if I feel like I've been played. 


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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2016, 07:55:02 PM »
Fluttershy I am so sorry you are going through this.  Lots of hugs to you.  I know what it feels like to be ghosted.  I look at it as a power play and I think this it is very cruel.  Just remember his behavior is a reflection on him and his character.  It is NOT a reflection on you.  It's natural to keep wanting to reach out to someone you care about and find out what is going on.  Please don't blame yourself for doing that.  It shows that you are the stronger one because you are capable of reaching out and caring and being vulnerable, which this guy is either not capable of or not willing to do right now.

I have never read with Phoenix Burning but I think this sounds really flaky of her.  I have never had any qualms about leaving bad feedback if I feel like I've been played. 

same here, i have no problem leaving negative feedback if theyre completely wrong. especially when they have been insisting on something for a while yet the opposite happens.

tired of it all

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2016, 08:10:11 PM »
What really yanks my chain is when they insist on giving a prediction with timing, and they are so SURE it will happen, using all kinds of flowery language to build my hopes up...then after those timeframes come and go a few times they suddenly recant everything and try to make excuses, or say they don't know anymore.  It's so flim flam and shady.

I have had other readers stand behind a prediction even when lots of time has gone by.  That can be really crazy making but at least they are staying true to their word.  I really dislike it when readers flip flop on their predictions. 


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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2016, 08:39:27 PM »
I agree. When a psychic suddenly uses the scapegoat "energy changes everyday" or "free will can change things" it annoys the crap out of me because a good, true  psychic should be able to see the ultimate outcome- the outcome that takes into account energy changes.

Offline bstalling

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2016, 02:07:03 AM »
Sorry for your experience Fluttershy. I think you are asking for something out of these psychics that they just cant give. Timing. Absolutely dont count on them for it. You will just continue banging your head on the wall...and most psychics that offer it just offer it because their clients want it so badly..and about 90 percent of the time, they are wrong.

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2016, 10:41:41 PM »
I closed my account on Keen at one point, for a year or so and really thought I had sworn off of readings.  But when I went through this horrible break up with my bipolar ex I ended up opening a new account.  He did a 180 degree turn from one day to the next, one day was telling me he loved me and thought the world of me, then the next day refused to talk to me anymore.  That was over 3 years ago.  Then for months I kept hearing about all the nasty things he was saying behind my back until I finally had to just cut off all contact with those people.  If he had simply disappeared, it would have been horrible but a bit more merciful than launching a smear campaign and turning people against me. 

I have never understood why he turned on me like that.  Sometimes readings help me deal with it, and other times it is just torture, but I've realized either way, nothing anyone can tell me will ever make up for my ex not talking to me directly.  Nothing else can ever take the place of that, no matter what any psychic tells me I wish I could just hear it from him directly.  It hurts all the time and it never stops, I can try to distract myself but it's always there.  I miss him. 

Most readers just aren't any good with timing...I've certainly never had anyone get the timing right for me about anything.  I think the things they pick up on feel very immediate to them and they just don't have any idea how to translate the timing.  Sometimes they are just wrong though.  I can overlook a reader being wrong if they haven't messed with my emotions too much in the process.  But if I really get hurt by it, I won't call back. 

I've learned too sometimes a reader only works for me for so long then it's like the energy circuit between us burns out.  It's like I've gotten all I can from them and it's just time to move on.  Usually my guides will give me a nudge letting me know that.  Sometimes I have tried to keep calling past that point and the readings would just get more and more ridiculous.  Sometimes you are meant to work with someone else for awhile. 


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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2016, 10:21:13 AM »
Well I finally heard from that guy... But I worry he is distant because the conversation was short. So I feel bummed and worried. He did say don't worry about our fight- but didnt really say anything else and not so much even a sorry.
I really was hoping for a grand gesture - and something along the lines of missing me- but it seems like BP last prediction seem more intuned compared to the other crap she told me.

So there you are
:( sorry it was not what u hoped it would be

Offline Shayalay

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2017, 07:42:20 PM »
Read with her today after giving up on trying to get in touch with Lotus. She seemed very realistic and gave me specific times (e.g., Easter weekend) as opposed to a vague 4. Does anybody have any updates about this reader?

Offline bstalling

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2017, 10:46:24 PM »
Read with her today after giving up on trying to get in touch with Lotus. She seemed very realistic and gave me specific times (e.g., Easter weekend) as opposed to a vague 4. Does anybody have any updates about this reader?

When I read with her a long time ago, I clearly realized shes not good with timing please dont expect her to give you a chain of events or anything. She is more likely to read a few years down the line and not realize it. She can be talented in reading peoples motivations/emotions..and she can be good with giving practical predictions (for example knew that a particular woman at work was going to try to sabatoge me and why). The random stuff she picks up on can be very accurate. Overall, mixed results from her.

Offline SunshineChick22

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Re: phoenix burning (Nicole)
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2017, 11:09:36 PM »
Read with her today after giving up on trying to get in touch with Lotus. She seemed very realistic and gave me specific times (e.g., Easter weekend) as opposed to a vague 4. Does anybody have any updates about this reader?

When I read with her a long time ago, I clearly realized shes not good with timing please dont expect her to give you a chain of events or anything. She is more likely to read a few years down the line and not realize it. She can be talented in reading peoples motivations/emotions..and she can be good with giving practical predictions (for example knew that a particular woman at work was going to try to sabatoge me and why). The random stuff she picks up on can be very accurate. Overall, mixed results from her.

I agree. Her timing is off. Like one time she said "9 hours or 9 days" but turned out to be the 9th of the next month lol but she is honest - there was a friendship I called her about for about a year. She was honest that this person wasn't going to step up and when he did, I will have already moved on from that potential relationship and that friendship. That is true, that did happen. But some of the short time stuff is hit or miss. She won't mislead you though.