Author Topic: Learn from my Mistake  (Read 6073 times)

Offline newly2002

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Learn from my Mistake
« on: October 21, 2013, 02:03:10 AM »
I debated writing this but I feel that people should learn from my mistake and take a real look at your life.

My Psychic addiction... Yes this was an addiction, just like drugs or alcohol, It all started after a break up which I wanted but had a change of mind but was too proud to ask for a re connection.  I drifted to the horoscopes first and I wish wish that I had never come across keen's website but I did and took advantage of the 3minutes free intro. I talked with a male psychic who said rosey things.. I wish I had known that he was cold reading me but I didnt. I then progessed to another reader that said she won American Psychic challenge which I found out eventually was a lie. She was such a smooth talker that I believed every word she said and spent thousands of dollars on her. I started questioning her readings and she refered me to her friend. who was a card reader and knew alot about me. I should have known that they shared notes on me but I didnt.

I finally broke free of both of them after things were just totally wrong and it was obvious that they were grasping for things. I moved to Celeste who was more like a counselor, and noting she said happened in fact she was full of it.

I in the mean time tried alot of readers on the keens site, everyone was wrong. I tried Cookie and that woman can not admit when she is wrong, she made me feel like I was stupid for not believing in her greatness when things she said when I finally asked about it in real life from friends, I found out that Cookie was so far out there that she had made up alot of the things she said. She might be a remote viewer of You ONLY and nothing else. I finally got tired of all the money spent on her when things were not happening in the timeframe she stated. She kept saying read a book which I cant remember the name and that would spend timelines up however when the opposite thing happened, what pissed me off, is that she tried to say she was right which is just an insult to my intelligence.

I discarded Cookie after telling her off and God has finally unmasked the smoke screen she has used. She used to have long lines now I check just for fun sake and see her available with  no caller in queue.

I found only one Reader that was correct in the beginning. SincerityUk was right about a reconnection after the first breakup and she had said other things that were proven to be correct. When I reconnected with the ex which happened like sincerity had said it would. I trusted her because she was correct with not only personal stuff but other stuff as well. I would spend hours with her on the phone and somehow I trusted her more than even god and took her words as sent from above.

She would say that she only could see 6months in advance so anything she saw would happen at worst case within 6months. After the 2nd break up - I felt it was over over yet Sincerity kept telling me no this person has a major part to play in your life and painted a picture of a happy life. Fast forward 2 years after the break up and my ex is getting married. Sincerity at first said she didnt see an engagement, not even when I saw it with my own eyes, she would not admit that i was correct. She then later on started saying they would break up, I should have called her BS then or 2 years earlier yet I believed her. She was wrong with my professional career and alot of other things yet she would have a way to make it sound that she was still right.

I finally woke up and told her that she was wrong, which upset her. I then independently confirmed for myself that everything she said the opposite happened, EVERY SINGLE thing. I spent enough money to buy a brand new car and I am asking myself why... I didnt want the ex back but for these readers telling me ex was good for me, I would have said go to hell.

I am thankful that I never stopped my life waiting, and I have gotten closer to God. I am just upset about all the money I spent, the lies I was told, the pain that was caused to me.

My Take away and advice to you, DO not call, live your life, none of these Psychics are real, they are all professionals working for a living and you are the mark.

If I could turn back the hands of time, I would never have picked up the call when that keen call came thru and I would be alot richer.

I would note the Uli lady on Cp, did tell me that I would stop calling and although majority of what she said happened for me, She was just as wrong with personal and business stuff as the rest.

Please learn from my mistake, If you can name a well known psychic on keen, I probably tried them..THEY WERE ALL WRONG. OPEN YOUR EYES BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.

I felt I had to tell my story in this section. The lesson I learnt is thus, Only God can see the future and his assistance is FREE


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Re: Learn from my Mistake
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 05:12:36 AM »
Thanks for sharing your story. I know it's hard especially on a forum where everyone desperately wants to believe these psychics are right. I honestly don't even know why I check into this forum anymore because I haven't called psychics in a long time and I seem to be getting along in life just fine. In fact, i think I am better off than when I was calling them weekly.

I have decided to turn back to the law of attraction and manifest what I believe is best for me. Of course, I still believe deep in my heart my ex will return to me and that is something I haven't been to shake and I felt that psychics were just confirming that for me (well except for the few that were totally off their rocker by saying things like he wasn't even attracted to me...pfft!).

Psychic calls also became an addiction for me and like you, I ran to them for answers and believed their words over God. I had been calling since last November and I was no better off or closer to my goals calling them the past year than I was before I started calling. In fact, i think I was in a far better place BEFORE I called them when I was just diving into understanding the law of attraction.

Good to hear you have had the smoke screen removed. While I do believe there are gifted readers out there and that I have encountered a few, I also feel that I am done with the fairytale readings and I just want to believe what I want to believe in and not because some psychic told me it was to be a certain way.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Learn from my Mistake
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 12:45:29 PM »
I think just about everyone here can relate to your post.  I think it is important to come to the realization that no one is 100% accurate, lucky? yes, from time to time.

Many here believe in manifesting, positive energy, or whatever term you want to put on it.  The change has to start within yourself.  I believe we all have an idea of where a relationship is going or if it is a broken one how it will turn out.  It is the need to have someone, a psychic, tell us it will be unicorns and rainbows to help us sleep through the night.  The person on the other end of the phone may connect with you for the length of the call, but after you hang up and try to digest what they just told you they move on without giving your heartache a second thought.  In the end it never turns out to be the picture they painted for you.

I understand like many others here, we have all lost a lot of money!  There are two things that you can do: release the anger of being lied to and look at it like an expensive car that you drove off the lot and crashed, your insurance was not paid and your car is not covered....make the best of a bad situation and work harder to get another car.  The second thing you can do is learn from the mistake and make your own reality....from this point forward decide that you deserve what you want and that it is on the way.  Deciding what you want does not mean that the person you want will be what you get, but rather a relationship that will be all that you could dream of and more.  If you are saying I will never be in a relationship, or have the career I want you are feeding the negativity and giving it roots to grow.  It is only when you say out loud I deserve xyz, and declare that it is coming that it will.  Some of you will agree with me, others will say Im nuts either way you and only you choose where your life goes from here.  The words that come out of your mouth prophesies your future.

None of us can get back the money that we wasted, there is no point in worrying about it now and being full of anger...ask yourself what lesson did I learn from this, and how do I change this.

Most of us wish we would have never made that first call, but you don't have to make another call.  There are more stories on this forum like  yours, yet we all overlook them and move on to who was right and who was wrong. 

I feel the only readings that are valid are the ones that are about YOU and only YOU.  I honestly don't know how any reader can pick up the phone and read someone else with the name sally or joe. My heart hurts for everyone here, I know first hand the disappointment that readings lead to, and the BS tales that are given that NEVER come about. 

I know many here are not religious and don't want to hear a religious rant so I wont do that. BUT, I will share that during my darkest hour not knowing if I would be on this amazing planet another day, I was given a gift...I was given a book written by Joel Osteen called I declare it is amazing.  If you don't believe in God you can replace the word God with Universe or whatever you believe in.  Joel is a manifesting machine, he shows you how to declare what you want and it makes more sense than someone sitting on the phone shooting sunshine up your skirt.

Im so sorry you went through this, and I truly know how you feel at the end of the day...we all do.

Offline Zee

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Re: Learn from my Mistake
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2013, 08:49:17 PM »
Sorry, but I just can’t read another book recommendation. I have tons of books I’ve purchased that I can hardly get through as it is. Can you, when you get time, give us the top ten highlights of the book, leaving out the religious spiel? 

If not, I understand..just thought I’d ask.

Offline Itsmylife

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Re: Learn from my Mistake
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2016, 06:39:42 AM »
Newly2002, thank you so much dear for spreading the words. i am very sorry to hear about the money loss you had with psychics.
I want to specifically thank you about your experience. I had added some money to chat with SINCERITY but hadn't done yet. After reading your post, i requested credit card refund. I won't talk to her. Thanks so much. Thing with me is, i know its super addicting and such a money waste. So when the desire comesback tochat with psychics, i come to this forum and it has helped me saved so much money, specifically that i dont have a job and my questions were when to find job etc.
May God bless you more happiness and anything youdesire.


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Re: Learn from my Mistake
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2016, 12:47:01 PM »
hey itsjustmylife, I would suggest that you try your best not to call psychics, I know it can be really hard when you feel anxious and down but try your best not to. Maybe  there can be another alternative to finding a job depending on your situation i.e. finding someone to assist with your resume, networking through professional conferences,moving to a different state. Which you might have already down but try. I am also struggling with trying not to call them .I have been calling them since January and I wish I can stop and save money. Good luck to you and I really hope you find something.