Author Topic: What is a medium?  (Read 2748 times)

Offline BellaLife

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What is a medium?
« on: January 22, 2014, 09:40:26 PM »
Hey guys, I called this psychic who is on Best American Psychics, Psychic Medium Rev Majorie in Pittsburgh, she charges 80.00 for half hour in person 100.00 on best American psychics. So I asked how far out are her predictions, she said I don't make predictions, I am a medium. I guess I am confused, I thought a psychic is a psychic!

Can anyone explain on what types predict the future?

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Re: What is a medium?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2014, 12:45:14 AM »
i've been confused about the "medium" thing myself. mainly because i thought a medium was someone that talked to spirits on the other side. deceased people. if you want to contact a friend or family member that had passed. i feel like over the past year i see people calling themselves mediums but it's just a general term of communing with spirits on the other side. i guess it's the same thing, but i think it's because i initially thought it was just to contact specific people, where i've learned or seen it's really just communicating with spirits.

some other psychic terms:
- clairvoyant - clear sight (seeing visions i guess?)
- clairaudient - clear hearing (would this be like a medium? because what else are they hearing?)
- intuitive - instinctive perception of some sort
- empath - sensing feelings and emotions

i don't think any of these are specific towards the future, but in general a type of sense that helps them see things - past, present, future (hopefully) or anything else.

Astrologers aren't [always] psychic. they read the symbolic energy of the planets and their cycles. when planet A interacts with planet B these sorts of events or feelings come about. it's easier to "see" the future, but again it's just symbolic energy and isn't always as specific as a psychic reading. for instance, an Astrologer would see some trouble around the office, maybe regarding gossip or troubled communication. that's somewhat general, somewhat specific. a psychic would maybe get more details - a female that you work directly with will spill the beans about an error you made that you never brought up to management.

just my thoughts.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: What is a medium?
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2014, 01:10:14 AM »
@Truth....thanks...that does help!

Offline divine wishes

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Re: What is a medium?
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2014, 04:19:40 AM »
I've read a lot about the various types of divination. here's a breakdown I like from I hope it helps.

"Generalized Descriptive Terms

Clairaudient – ability to hear beyond the physical hearing; such as voices, music and sounds.

Clairsentient – ability to feel or sense beyond the physical; such as gaining information through the five physical senses (heightened), intuition or ‘gut feelings’.

Clairvoyance – ability to see beyond the physical sight; could be in the form of telepathy, precognition. Can receive information in the form of symbols; mind pictures; overlays (example: seeing past and present at same time).

Psychic – a generalized, and often over-used, term; can refer to basically any psychic abilities.

Some of the More Common Psychic Abilities

Channeling – ability to communicate with non-physical energies, such as ‘masters’, angels, guides and other world beings. (More found at “Channeling – Part One” and “Channeling – Part Two“)

Empath – ability to sense and/or feel others emotions, or residual emotions. For those empaths who are untrained, the emotions can feel like their own ad can be confusing. Public places and/or large crowds can be overwhelming. Shielding exercise can help.

The number of empaths on planet Earth are on the rise, and are usually coupled with one or more other abilities.

Far-See – ability to see far into the possible future (or past). This is closely related to the Probability ability.

Both abilities rely on the ability to foresee the most likely outcome based on the current energy patterns.

Far-See example: While driving, one can catch glimpses of the houses, buildings, landscape, etc. in the far future (or distant past).

Probability example: knowing what is going to happen shortly, based on the current energy patterns (closely related to Precognitive).

Healer – a very broad category. Healings can come in as many ways as the healers, themselves, develop. A word of caution to new healers: please never take others ailments into your own body.

Often beginner healers may start to see patterns during daily interactions. Friends and acquaintances may appear to feel better, cheerier, more up-beat or energetic when around you.

Some healers pray to heal. There are also: laying on of hands; visualization; manipulation of energy; auric healing (working on re-balancing the aura); chakra healers (re-balancing the seven primary physical energy vortices on the human body); Reiki, and much more.

Medium – ability to communicate with those who have crossed over (deceased). It can be getting messages from a deceased loved one or strangers.

Multi-talented Sensitive (my term) – one who has more than one working ability. A lot of people are now in the category, and it is growing.

Precognitive – ability to know things/events, etc. beforehand.

Premonition – ability to sense or feel an upcoming event – usually a ‘gut feeling’ about something. (Closely related to Precognitive.)

Psychometry – ability to touch an object, item or person and receive information. This information can be received in mind pictures (like still photos or short snippets of moving film); or sudden a knowing of information.

Telepathy – the ability to hear others thoughts, ideas, etc. (receiver) and/or send thoughts, ideas, etc. to others (sender). The ability to be both a sender and receiver is growing.

Tool Readers – ability to use a tool to provide a focus to access information about another. Examples can be (but not limited to): tarot cards, other card types, tea leaves, crystal ball, stones, minerals, ‘doodles’, etc."

Offline BellaLife

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Re: What is a medium?
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2014, 01:05:02 PM »
@Divinewishes...thanks, this helps also!

I am glad that the Psychic medium I called to set up an appt with in Pittsburgh was honest and told me I don't make predictions. Saved some bucks!

