Monica picked up a lot of men from my past and would just say their name. Sometimes if she didn't have a name, she would describe them to me and then I'd tell her who they were.
Like for my manager, she asked who is it that likes to go to the islands, who travels? The six months since I've been at this position, he has traveled to a different island twice, with his wife and plans to go to another one next month. She mentioned that he is very attracted to me and that the relationship with his wife wasn't working out - she is very needy. I told her he is on his second marriage and the first one was a very bad breakup and she was the needy one, so I don't know about the second one breaking up. The second wife actually works for the same company, in the next building; I don't know her, but he talks often about his horrible first marriage and about the way she tried to take him to the cleaners and how they fought over custody for the kids.
He flirts with everyone so I really don't think he is all that attracted to me, because not only is he on a lot of medications for health reasons (high blood pressure, diabetes, etc)., he had to get a prescription for Viagra plus Rick is overweight and I am just too disgusted at overweight men to even look at them twice, let alone talk to them. It is extremely easy for men to loose weight (except if they have gland issues). He is my manager so I'm obligated to interact with him.
She also asked who is Eric and who is Tony, which is the ahole who owns the apartment building I use to live in. I called him today as a matter of fact, just because of the reading. She said he too was attracted to me and I was like no way and she said he use to check me out when I wasn't looking. I found this extremely hard to believe. She said that Tony thinks I believe he is a smuck and I told her I do and she laughed. I guess he got some type of vibe off me about how I feel about his loser a$$.
I asked another question and got sidetracked about Eric when he came up so we never talked about him, although there was an Eric in my past. I wouldn't say she was a Wow, but She was excellent in picking up people surrounding me.