Author Topic: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!  (Read 22977 times)

Offline Bark angel

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New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« on: January 03, 2014, 05:04:57 PM »
Ok, so I got a little curious.  Things haven't really been moving along and although I have a couple of trusted readers I consult from time to time, I wondered if I needed to get a fresh outlook from someone that knows nothing of my situation.  I spent most of the holiday between Christmas and New Year's Eve and day searching for readers that might offer a fresh outlook. 

Has anyone read with any of the following readers?


Mistress Voice Reader




Readings by Raven




Neptune Seer:

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, 05:17:36 PM »
I tried to get a reading with Readings by Raven a while back and she blocked me for no reason. I am not a basher or anything on Keen so I didn't understand why she blocked me.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2014, 05:25:40 PM »
Wow!  I had no problem getting a reading, in fact, she came on one day when she wasn't feeling well just to take my appointment.  I wonder if yours was a glitch?

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 05:41:49 PM »
Lately, I rarely recommend someone unless they've made some sort of prediction that has somehow manifested, BUT my last reading was on 12/27. It was a first time reading with Mistress Voice Reader. Although she said something MIGHT happen on New Years Eve, and it didn't, I'm still willing to say she was very impressive. (caveat: she did say it might happen and explained the one scenario in which it would, so I wouldn't even say she was entirely wrong, since she never said it was a certainty)

Anyways, she lnew a heck of a whole lot without me saying a word. I asked about two men, and I didn't bother telling her one of them had already given me the "lets just be friends" speech a few days before. She knew my history with this man and apologized but told me she had to be honest about the fact that he simply wasn't interested in reconciling with me, and he never viewed our brief and recent intimacy as a reconciliation, but simply as a mere hookup. I know that this is all correct, as I heard it directly from him. She was realistic and, I felt, honest.

With regards to the second man, she knew EXACTLY why we aren't together and aren't speaking. She knew specific details about his situation.

I cannot yet speak to her predictions, but I must say she was spot on for past and present and provided many validations without me saying a word.

Also, I used to really like MsLisaM, but her predictions didn't pan out for me. If anything, I'd say she's a good empath.

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2014, 06:23:03 PM »
Hey Bark, can you find readers under $2 that you like? I'm poor.

Neptune Seer has some harsh feedback. She had a 1 star review 3/2013 that was funny - so I had to post: waisted my lunch time placing this call she told me nothing that any homeless person on the street would tell me i got no psychic reading im sorry

When I look at reviews now on Keen, I always sort low to high first and avoid empaths whenever possible.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2014, 06:35:49 PM »
I hear you.  That's a problem really.  Not that I am saying expensive readers are any better, but I think that IF a reader is genuinely gifted then they are entitled to charge more, just as in any industry.  I have not had much luck with readers that are under $2.00.  Have you tried Dr. Ginny?.
Hey Bark, can you find readers under $2 that you like? I'm poor.

Neptune Seer has some harsh feedback. She had a 1 star review 3/2013 that was funny - so I had to post: waisted my lunch time placing this call she told me nothing that any homeless person on the street would tell me i got no psychic reading im sorry

When I look at reviews now on Keen, I always sort low to high first and avoid empaths whenever possible.

Offline Zee

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2014, 06:47:08 PM »
I hear you.  That's a problem really.  Not that I am saying expensive readers are any better, but I think that IF a reader is genuinely gifted then they are entitled to charge more, just as in any industry.  I have not had much luck with readers that are under $2.00.  Have you tried Dr. Ginny?.
Hey Bark, can you find readers under $2 that you like? I'm poor.

Neptune Seer has some harsh feedback. She had a 1 star review 3/2013 that was funny - so I had to post: waisted my lunch time placing this call she told me nothing that any homeless person on the street would tell me i got no psychic reading im sorry

When I look at reviews now on Keen, I always sort low to high first and avoid empaths whenever possible.
Yes, of course I have. I'm a member of this forum aren't I? Only to say that many of us try recommendations on here that worked for someone else. I've read with her twice. Incredibly sweet, but nothing she said for me happened.  She is a tad overly confident, because you are in the wrong if her prediction doesn't happen and she makes her gift seem like it's stamped with approval from the father, the son and the holy ghost.

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2014, 10:42:49 PM »
Here is my 2 cents:

Mistress Voice Reader: I read with her couple of months back right after I started seeing a guy, her reading was complete prediction and she said she thinks I am gonna get married to this guy. Am at fence with the reading however will let everyone know if and when it happens.

MsLisaM: I read with her 2 years back and I wont believe anything she says. At that time it felt that whatever she was saying was right however 1.5 years later I personally met the guy and I got to know whatever story she told me 2 years back was nothing as per the situation.

Readings by Raven: I am quite impressed with Raven. I only read with her once but she gave me couple of predictions and 3 out of them already manifested.

Ikshvivek303: I read with him once and not impressed. He gave me a prediction which am more than sure not gonna happen. If it does I will update.

Along with these two I wanna mention 2 I really have in my mind for their accuracy.

AstroSarah - I called her 2 years back and many other reputed ones. Among all she was the only one who said for my divorce that its gonna be very long and very tiring when all others were saying that its gonna be over max in an year. Now after 2 years am still fighting my case.

Lili Holiday - I read with her once and was very impressed. She picked everything on her own and went into details. However she is quite expensive.

Offline Zee

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2014, 12:32:41 AM »
Yeah, I looked up Lili Holiday. She has four listings on Keen and three out of the four are $7.77 per min, but she does have a cheaper one at $5.27.

She is also on Ripoff Report giving rebuttals.
If this is the same chick, she has her own storefront:

Phone readings
60 min $65
45 min $50
30 min $35
20 min $25
10 min $15
6 mths unlimited $750
3 mths unlimited $400
She also offers email readings $8 per question or you can purchase unlimited blocks.

AstroSarah has eight listings pricing out from $4.99 to $6.99 per min.

Mistress Voice Reader: I read with her couple of months back right after I started seeing a guy, her reading was complete prediction and she said she thinks I am gonna get married to this guy. Am at fence with the reading however will let everyone know if and when it happens.
I read this to mean you are implying this is close to happening. I've read with MVR, for a short five mins I think and she was okay.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 12:40:07 AM by Zee »

Offline bstalling

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2014, 12:40:47 AM »
MsLisaM: I read with her 2 years back and I wont believe anything she says. At that time it felt that whatever she was saying was right however 1.5 years later I personally met the guy and I got to know whatever story she told me 2 years back was nothing as per the situation.

Just wondering if I am understanding this right. She predicted someone to come..and when you finally met him 2 years later, it was not like she said it was going to be?

Offline newgirl

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2014, 03:12:59 AM »
Zee, you are right. She is the same. Thanks for finding her site, I will schedule a reading since its lot cheaper there. I have to say I am very impressed by my 6 mins call. Didn't have to tell anything, everything she picked on her own. Predictions are pending so cant comment on that.

Regarding Mistress Voice Reader - No am not even close to it and not even that much into this guy but who knows things develop thats why I said if it happens I will update.

Bstalling - Regarding LisaM - the situation was I was seeing a guy and then we were not in touch when I called Lisa and she mentioned how he is so much in pain, and misses me etc etc. But 6 months back I met him and we talked about all and the time when Lisa gave me that reading, he was pretty happy in his life travelling London, n not to forget he mentioned he was moved on during the time when Lisa mentioned he misses me.

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2014, 03:17:44 AM »
Am too much at fence with empaths. Some people here know my story when I called Mystikka who is considered to be best among empaths. However she couldn't pick a bit about the guy I called for. She gave all positive reading on him when in reality he scammed me 3000 dollars so I will never believe what empaths are saying they are feeling but rather believe my eyes and senses.

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2014, 01:29:45 PM »
i've read with some of these, so i'll write my experience/thoughts:

MsLisaM: read with her last year or the year before. she asked for birthdays and seemed to read from a personality perspective based on the persons Sun sign. for instance, i was calling about someone who was a Taurus. she started down this path of personality descriptions that were all Taurean.

Readings by Raven: read with her years back. she seemed totally legit at one point but 2 of her readings totally contradicted themselves. also said that someone i would be splitting up with someone i was seeing at the time.  never happened. ultimately she was just never right for me.

Ikshvivek303: he can be really, really slow. picks up some stuff. has been wrong other times. last year gave me several predictions that never happened. it's just annoying because when you read with him he talks like he has a hard time deciphering the answers he's getting from his guide, which is why he drags the reading out.

Ravenstar7: i used to read with this guy ALLLLL the time. strung me along for months/years about a guy i wanted to be with. it never happened.

Neptune Seer:
she was 100% wrong for me when i called her years ago. asked about something specific, she said it would happen and it didn't.

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2014, 04:32:59 PM »
LisaM - read with her several times in past. Very confident but nothing came to pass. I would read with her off keen as her keen rates are high. She is good at picking up personality traits.

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Re: New Year - New outlook - New readers - New leaf!
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2014, 05:38:50 PM »
Ikshvivek303:'s just annoying because when you read with him he talks like he has a hard time deciphering the answers he's getting from his guide, which is why he drags the reading out.

InMyHeart: ...but with cliffhanger twist at the end of the call prompting to add more money for more details. i realized her predictions were not manifesting, and current situation not accurate.

Such effing money grabbing techniques. If readers are good, their abilities would speak for itself.

