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Celebraty Psychic/Thomas John

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I came across this while searching: Feedback on Thomas John....

From Yelp!
mona g.

Brooklyn, NY
2.0 star rating 10/20/2013
I have reason to believe that Thomas John is just very good at memorizing search engine results.  Firstly, before you can even book your appointment, they make you pay with Paypal, and that way they find out your full name. 

One of the things he mentioned to me was the date April 4th.  My mother was born in India and a flood washed away the birth records.  When my parents came to America, they both had legal birthdays assigned which are not their real birthdays.  Had he mentioned my mom's real birthday, I may have been impressed, but he mentioned April 4th, my mom's legal birthday, which can be found on the internet and has no meaning to me.  I waited until April 4th to see if maybe something significant would happen.  Nothing did.

He mentioned my being a vegetarian and something about a big, white dog.  If you google me, the first two things to come up are a Youtube video I made about being a vegetarian, and a video of a big, white dog that my husband made.

He mentioned that my sister would meet someone special in July.  I did not tell her anything about this because I wanted to see if it would happen.  It did not.

He mentioned many general things.  He talked at length about my husband's family and barely mentioned mine.  Considering that my husband's sister and cousin go to him repeatedly, I am inclined to think that he was just mentioning that stuff because he'd already spoken with them many times and knows about them.

Maybe he has the gift and he's the real deal and only Googles people sometimes.  I don't know.  But I would advise anyone who goes to him to approach him with a critical eye.  Have someone else pay for your appointment with their Paypal and then show up, so that way he won't know who you are.  I do believe that there are people who can do this, but, from my experience, I'm really not convinced that he is one of them.


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