Author Topic: Third parties  (Read 5391 times)

Offline Bark angel

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Third parties
« on: December 28, 2013, 04:14:16 PM »
Somnus' response in another thread prompted me to ask this question to those people here that are calling readers about a relationship issue, that have either discovered from psychics or know themselves that there is a third party.

I wonder how often that third party is classified by psychics as being "manipulative"?
Have your readers expressed this about a  third party or not?

Offline melancholia

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2013, 04:26:29 PM »
Well, I maybe should quickly clarify that in my particular situation, the woman in question has a history of manipulating men to take care of her and then dumping them when something better comes along. In my case, she originally left my boyfriend to go back to her ex-husband, and didnt come back until he dumped her all over again for trying to take advantage of him - facts I verified not only from the boyfriend but by seeing other communications he had with her daughter and future son-in-law, both of whom were telling him he dodged a bullet when she left.  So at least in this case, if the psychic wasn't seeing her real motivations, they may have at least picked up on the fact that I had seen her described that way.

That being said, I've considered the very real possibility that they say "manipulative" to make you feel superior to the person in question and give you hope that if only your significant other would just see her for what she really is, things would get better.

That's my two cents, anyway.  I'd be curious to hear everyone else's takes on this, too.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2013, 08:29:39 PM »
Seems to be standard practice. When they do that and try to make your SO a saint at the same time, that is when you know they are bsing. I called a reader out in a review once for it. Of course, got threatening emails.

Offline sagitira

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2013, 09:05:49 PM »
this was also my question. i don't understand why every reader once i say there is a third party they will say she is manipulative and plays on his emotions etc. i mean when i first started calling psychics i believed that. but now i'm like ok, so you say he doesn't really love her, he wants to be with me but doesn't know how to get out of the relationship, he doesn't want to hurt her i'm thinking: if he loved me he would do proper action to be with me, he would break up and he would want relationship with me. i've been strung along for 2 years like this. i'm slowly opening my eyes and start realising that this man will never leave....

readers who correctly picked up 3rd party were:
lady persephone - told me straight there is another energy around him and also says she is manipulating him and that he doesn't really love her sees them breaking up...
msdream228 - saw 3rd party before i said anything, also said same thing the girl manipulates him and sees them breaking up
cookie: i'm speechless what this woman picked up on her own without me saying a word i have to say..however i'm not counting on predictions to happen as i do not think it will pan out the way she saw = outcome was positive for me but been there for 2 years readers were saying same thing and nothing happened. present and past was almost 100percent accurate.
aurora - she saw 3 woman in the first few seconds of my call, said totally same thing. outcome was positive for me but i was not happy with the reader, did not find the reader ethical at all.

others did not see another woman around but when i said there is someone they all claimed that the girl manipulates him that he doesn't really love her ..

so...i'm wondering how can you not love someone but be with the person for 5 years? i cannot understand it. has someone had personal experience of being with someone and not loved the person? i find it hard to believe to be honest.

also i found one thing. on keen readers will put on their page notification that if they are not available they recommend certain psychics. i noticed that on lady persephone's recommendations there are if i remember correctly readers like msdream228 and barbara4846. could they share notes? any opinions? i'm only asking as i spoke with ladyp first and only then i read with msdream who also picked up on the third party but her reading almost mirrored the one i had with ladyp...i'm very suspicious now after having read with so many psychics and hearing about sharing notes..

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2013, 10:08:04 PM »
I don't believe that sharing of notes between readers is as popular as has been alleged.  Even when the readers are in the same group. What would be their incentive?  This is a business. Let me ask you, would you "give" another business person the edge over your business and all the information they might need to develop or hook a client that is yours to them?  I sincerely doubt that.  If I were a reader I would not share information so that a client would feel a natural affinity to another reader, even if that reader is in my group.  Why? What would I gain from doing that?  Nothing!

I think what is more plausible is that this "business" attracts the same sort of customers.  I'd be inclined to bet that most women that call about a man issue are either:
1. wanting a man to take the next step and commit
2. wanting to get a man back that they've lost.

If in scenario 1. then within the first minute or less of a reading a good reader can ascertain if that is the case with a simple question to establish if the couple are in contact and relating or not.
If in scenario 2. then if a reader determines that the man has been lost, unless it's a male caller, chances are it would be natural to presume that it is to another woman!

Having said that, I have had the same success with 3 of the 4 readers you mentioned sagtira.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2013, 10:14:51 PM »
I just think I used a word in my earlier post that was not quite appropriate and may have intimated something I don't wish to intimate.  I believe that the psychics  I consult on a regular basis have a real gift.  When I suggested that psychic readings are a "business" I should have said that performing psychic readings is a "livelihood" for psychics.  They have a right to earn a living just as we do.  I don't wish to convey that they do it for the money...but that they choose to use their gift to earn a living, just as anyone with a gift might be inclined to do - as in an artist, a musician, a baker, a cook....

Offline sagitira

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2013, 10:16:36 PM »
it makes sense you are right. i guess i was getting way over suspicious. those readers i mentioned definitely were gifted and all picked up on my current situation.
and i agree with you i also know or believe most women calling psychics will call for those reasons you mentioned there. i'm sure this is the most common question - will he come back, will we be together of course.

it's interesting though why if they are seeing those 3rd parties why the would state that the women manipulate the men..not one reader told me he was leading me fact they often portray the men as stuck, unable to move, not know what to do, not wanting to hurt the other girl - but what about hurting us? i would label the men as manipulative selfish heartless at times for playing and leading us on but i have yet to hear those words from any psychic. i sure would agree if a psychic told me that the guy is looking to get his cake and eat it too. sadly he is being portrayed as a victim and this really annoys me...(this must be the baggagereclaim website that i have been reading making me see how the guys manipulate us lolol)

Offline sagitira

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2013, 10:19:31 PM »
but i guess i forgot to add - literally all readers said that the girl is manipulative and emotional bs...all of be honest i did not see this i saw communication between them two for many months and she did not seem to be this way...even though i only saw emails i don't know what she is like in real life when speaking and dealing with him but in emails they don't even argue...yet most readers will say that they argue a lot. so maybe they see what i want or think (like i want them to argue think about it) maybe they pick up on that? not sure what to think..

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2013, 10:24:43 PM »
I think a lot of this is common sense.  Look men aren't all that complicated.  They prefer relationships where there isn't a lot of drama and emotion. It's easier for them.  If a "new" relationship comes without those 2 dynamics - they will be naturally drawn to something new.  Ask yourself that question - Wasn't the "first-getting-to-know" phase of your relationship exciting?  Did you get butterflies before he arrived at your door?  Did you take extra time to present yourself at your best?  Of course!  We all do.  So, a man gravitates to something new for the same's just that everything new eventually becomes old, commonplace, normal, not as exciting.  So that is when they lose interest.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2013, 10:28:58 PM »
This may be the area of this "service" that I find the most difficult.  Hoe comfortable would you feel if you received a call from a woman in tears almost every week (yeah, that's me :-( ) asking when something is going to improve?  How would you handle that?  I'm not suggesting that anyone is doing this, but just think about it.  Is it not possible that some of  what is shared is to bolster our feelings of self-worth so that we can rebuild our self-esteem?  I don't see anything amiss with that.  Truth is, what does it matter what the women are like that these guys are with, if eventually they leave them?

Offline sagitira

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2013, 10:49:22 PM »
makes total sense i too did that in the first months of my relationship with him...sadly as you say those butterflies went away as time went mainly cause he never showed signs of leaving his girl. but then again why if as he said his girl doesn't turn him on why is he still with her? is it really that there is not much drama so he is comfortable, plus he gets to cheat on her and bs her? maybe that is really true and he is too comfortable, too familiar with her.
yes readers say they will break up - they had been saying it for 2 years now...different timeframes so this is what makes me believe that this will never happen. plus now something happened (i don't wanna put out too much info) which totally changed the whole situation and he will not leave her now - if he did he would be biggest jerk ever. i can only wish he did leave her but then i'm thinking even if he did would i take him back? probably might sound selfish but after his treatment past few months i would not take him but..but i still want them to break up...pretty screwed i know..:(

i only wish i could do what somnus did and cancel my keen account before i will become addicted again (due to the new situation i started calling them again) now i'm starting to realise i have to look at the reality and not dream about what if....i need to live now, arrange my future according to what i see not what the readers tell me...

imagine all readers (apart from Kisha) told me i should wait..i didn't like that at all..i was saying i wanna move on now...the answer was even if you do and i see you distancing from him , he will be back and you will take him back....Kisha was the only reader who told me he would not end up with me period....and that i should try and move on sooner then better...this was also only advise that sounded more in tune with me...funny thing is kisha admitted she initially did not see third party...

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2013, 10:59:07 PM »
People stay in relationships for all sorts of reasons.  Obligation, guilt, financial security, love, comfort - you name it.  It does not always mean that 2 people are in love.  However, if for reasons other than love, when other issues come along, and they do, then the strain placed on the relationship often times becomes too much.  A lot of that I believe has everything to do with "how" the relationship ended.  That tells me enough from which to base the readings.  As I have said all along on here, my readings are simply another filter or overlay that I place over the situation as I see it myself. 

If a reader tells me something that I find completely impossible, improbable, or out-of-character, I dismiss it immediately - regardless of who gives that information to me.  It could be from my best reader - I would dismiss anything that does not resonate with me.  I am a realist but I believe in the gift that talented psychics have.  Furthermore, and this is simply my opinion...I often scratch my head wondering why psychics can see the past and present with much more acuity than they tend to for the future.  I disagree, Wholeheartedly!!!

I believe that we direct the psychic and offer confirmations that help them to interpret the signs, images, phrases, snapshots that they get for the past and present.  It is with that additional information provided by us that we have the ability to state, "aha!  She got it, she nailed it..."   

The future is a different situation.  We can't help to guide the psychic with their bits and pieces to put it into a clear picture, so we are left with their interpretation of what those snippets of information really mean.

makes total sense i too did that in the first months of my relationship with him...sadly as you say those butterflies went away as time went mainly cause he never showed signs of leaving his girl. but then again why if as he said his girl doesn't turn him on why is he still with her? is it really that there is not much drama so he is comfortable, plus he gets to cheat on her and bs her? maybe that is really true and he is too comfortable, too familiar with her.
yes readers say they will break up - they had been saying it for 2 years now...different timeframes so this is what makes me believe that this will never happen. plus now something happened (i don't wanna put out too much info) which totally changed the whole situation and he will not leave her now - if he did he would be biggest jerk ever. i can only wish he did leave her but then i'm thinking even if he did would i take him back? probably might sound selfish but after his treatment past few months i would not take him but..but i still want them to break up...pretty screwed i know..:(

i only wish i could do what somnus did and cancel my keen account before i will become addicted again (due to the new situation i started calling them again) now i'm starting to realise i have to look at the reality and not dream about what if....i need to live now, arrange my future according to what i see not what the readers tell me...

imagine all readers (apart from Kisha) told me i should wait..i didn't like that at all..i was saying i wanna move on now...the answer was even if you do and i see you distancing from him , he will be back and you will take him back....Kisha was the only reader who told me he would not end up with me period....and that i should try and move on sooner then better...this was also only advise that sounded more in tune with me...funny thing is kisha admitted she initially did not see third party...

Offline sagitira

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Re: Third parties
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2013, 11:22:48 PM »
true, i often wonder about same things, past..present spot on, future completely opposite sometimes.
your point about relationships is interesting. i sadly dont have much experience in that area i have only dated one guy longer time was too busy to even date and when i got involved in this situation i didnt even think of consequences..just fell for him...knowing he has a girl...big mistake, one i will never repeat again....ever...but i'm learning the hard way..trying to understand dynamics of some relationships where other person cheats, why..etc...why psychics cannot pick up third parties..and of course why do they always see their gf as manipulative..

guess only time will tell what will happen. and yes i also dismiss what psychics tell me if it doesnt' sound true to me even if it is my favourite psychic as even they got predictions wrong. so this time i am listening ot my intuition and not waiting for him any longer..i still think about him all the time but no longer reach out to is very very hard to let go though because we work together :( i have to see him every day at work in one office...trying to let go of someone like that seems like impossible. moving jobs is not an option for me at all sadly (cannot explain circumstances but its impossible for some time) if we still work together months later i will at least be able to see who was right and who was wrong...and of course report...from what i saw so far probably no reader will be right on final outcome but lets see what happens...