Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Uli

Has anyone read with Uli Lately from CP

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Bark angel:
Of course, I should add that Uli is one psychic I have consulted that is very open about her thoughts towards the future and how it is subject to change.  So while Uli took this shift in the energues in stride, it was very painful for me to hear and naturally be actually impacted by it.  She does claim that "events" leading up to an outcome can change the timing of an outcome, but not necessarily the outcome itself.

@Barkangel...... delays suck!  :(   But at least she still sees it happening.... the delays are what's hard!

Bark angel:
Oh yes, but it is a vicious cycle, in my opinion.  As I see it, from the outset I was told I would have a long wait before things would turn around.  Now, when there is more time between a situation and a time when it is changing, there is more time for other things to come into play to divert the reading or alter it.  I just witnessed something freaky intervening in a 6 month imagine just how many freaky interventions are possible within another 2 years!!  That's what is unsettling.  It could happen again!


A few years ago I tried her site if I remember correctly is  Be forewarned though, she will not read with you if she read with you on CP or are a client of CP.  I had to email first and I was asked how I heard about her, to which I replied "A friend from work said her friend read with Uli and said she was wonderful"  and they wanted to know the name of the person who refered her. The email stated she follows strict guidelines and will not read for anyone that has read with her on her psychic lines, ie: CP.  Again, I THINK that is the site.

Hope this helps.

@Bella, thanks......but since CP has all my info, I wonder how to get around this? Also I just tried to google the site but could not find it. I am still trying though. I will follow up and post when I find the site.


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