Author Topic: Lucas Lyons  (Read 24978 times)

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2013, 11:53:24 PM »
No, unfortunately I don't.  I read with her on CP.  You can call CP and ask for an appointment if you are willing to speak for 20 minutes.  I know it is steep, but this way you know when you will be able to read with her.  Otherwise it is catch as catch can getting in her queue.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2013, 12:09:15 AM »
CP does not do appointments anymore! I tries with ULI...

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2013, 12:14:38 AM »
Yes, they do.  You have to keep checking with customer service.  Uli often suspends taking appointments and then in  week or so later reinstitutes them.  I think its because she has such a following, the queue does not work for all people at all times so she has to make adjustments.  Keep trying.
CP does not do appointments anymore! I tries with ULI...

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2013, 12:46:42 AM »
okay....did not know this...because the rep I talked to told me she does not do this anymore because her queue is so time I have a reading with her I try and retry!

Offline skyline

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #34 on: December 29, 2013, 07:49:10 PM »
I am not doubting Lucas' abilities, just trying to understand how readers get their information at times. I've had readers/astrologist even, pick up on things no one else has ever mentioned before, but then the reader goes on to be utterly wrong.  It's the grain of truth that sucks me in and leads me to believe they will be startling accurate, but then they fall short.

Yes, and this why it pays to being a seasoned caller. You eventually figure out that just because a reader is correct about contact or a meeting, they can be entirely wrong about how that meeting will go. You have to know how to use the psychic as a tool. I can't emphasize how important this is, and it will also save you money in the long run.

Offline melancholia

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #35 on: December 29, 2013, 08:13:06 PM »
I am not doubting Lucas' abilities, just trying to understand how readers get their information at times. I've had readers/astrologist even, pick up on things no one else has ever mentioned before, but then the reader goes on to be utterly wrong.  It's the grain of truth that sucks me in and leads me to believe they will be startling accurate, but then they fall short.

Yes, and this why it pays to being a seasoned caller. You eventually figure out that just because a reader is correct about contact or a meeting, they can be entirely wrong about how that meeting will go. You have to know how to use the psychic as a tool. I can't emphasize how important this is, and it will also save you money in the long run.

Agreed 10,000%. 

Offline Zee

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2013, 01:36:32 AM »
I was more or less trying to pinpoint, what bark angel did differently as to why her reading was so specific and why the reader was remarkable.

I value my hard earned money and though I've spent a lot, it hasn't been thousands and thousands of dollars like some of these posters have alluded to spending.  If I don't have the money I don't spend it, including imaginary money from a credit card.  Also, I don't call about a love interest, nor do I use emphatic readers in which readings can change at the drop of a dime and as soon as you get off the phone.  These people generally are not the ones I seek out and don't do me any good in the long run.

I consider myself "seasoned," so I honestly don't know where that quip came from. And I don't know how you could think to know this about anyone. I know how to use readers as tools as well, but not all readers know what they are doing and haven't had adequate training so it's often trial and error with many of them.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #37 on: December 30, 2013, 02:42:57 AM »
^^^ I wish we had a "like" button. LOL

Offline skyline

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #38 on: December 30, 2013, 03:30:42 AM »
I consider myself "seasoned," so I honestly don't know where that quip came from. And I don't know how you could think to know this about anyone. I know how to use readers as tools as well, but not all readers know what they are doing and haven't had adequate training so it's often trial and error with many of them.

Hi Zee, I was actually agreeing with post. It wasn't directed personally at you, just hoping it helps anyone reading this.

Offline chrys

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #39 on: December 30, 2013, 04:23:38 PM »
I emailed him off his personal site and he is actually cheaper on it than when he reads for Keen.  He seemed really nice in his email to me.  It seems that most people have had a good reading from him and I really need to get some clarity.  I know that I need to take a break from readings but I would like to try someone that is not affiliated with CP to see if the reading are consistent.

I worry all the time that there is a database and they keep notes with each other regarding what we have been told.  I hear the exact same thing all the time.  That the person I am having a fling with is my Soulmate and TwinFlame and that is why we can't seem to stop seeing each other.  That they see the fling lasting for many years and that he is in love with me but can't say it yet but soon.  I ask when they say he will open up in the next few months.  I said he has had over a year are you sure that he has real feelings.  Oh yes he is completely in love with you.  His feeling for you are stronger than your feeling for him.  This is more than a fling for him.

Offline Zee

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #40 on: December 30, 2013, 05:47:24 PM »
Yes, most readers are cheaper on their own site. Less third party payouts.

You seem to be in a fabulous position. What is the issue? You don't believe what you've been told or you don't believe they are reading the fling correctly?  Perhaps your questions aren't specific enough or just look at the signs with the guy. Has he been talking about the distant future with you, making plans, introducing you to his friends/family? Or is this something you don't want?

A database is possible and if you use chat on any of these sites, the reader has access to the same transcript that you read, so yes that too is a problem, especially on Bitwine. They have a tendency to reference the previous chat notes, but I'm not sure about a database that can be shared between readers. Many have speculated about that in previous threads.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #41 on: December 30, 2013, 05:59:59 PM »
@chrysraihl........just a thought, do you have a local psychic that you can go see in person. If you do and they basically come close to the internet readings this may help.

Offline chrys

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #42 on: December 30, 2013, 06:03:35 PM »
I have not found a local psychic as I am from a small town.  There are a few in larger towns a little farther away.

Offline Zee

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #43 on: December 30, 2013, 06:04:30 PM »
Rates for anyone who don't want to look for them.

60 mins $150
30 mins $ 80
15 mins $ 50
email     $ 25

$3.69 min

I think I'll try the email deal since it's not a lot to lose if he's wrong.

Offline chrys

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #44 on: December 30, 2013, 06:20:05 PM »
It is not that I don't feel like I am in a fabulous position.  I don't know if I believe what I have been told because it was not the answer to the question that I asked.  I always ask the same thing.  I tell them that we have been having a fling for over a year and do they see this continuing in the future and is his wife or my husband suspicious.  I have even had more then one of them tell me that not only does she know she don't care and they have an understanding.  I am a women, that just rings false to me.  :-[  I guess since I didn't ask how he felt about me I was confused as to why they keep telling me that he is in love with me and is just going through a pulling back phase (he hasn't really) and he is my soul mate and things like that.   I guess knowing is feeling is something that subconsciously  I wanted to know because I find myself having deeper feeling than just friendship with him.  When it first happened I didn't expect it to keep happening for over a year.  It was supposed to be a drunken one night fling.  Now I have people telling me he loves me and I don't see any of that from him.  He makes jokes about when we leave our spouses and get married and things like that but only ever in a joking manner so I just want to know where I stand so I can make smart choices on how to proceed.

