Author Topic: Lucas Lyons  (Read 24975 times)

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2013, 05:32:19 PM »
No.  I read some comments here about him and his keen feedback - some are negative but a lot are positive but I just gave it a chance.  I was literally gripping my chair  through the entire reading because within the first 15 seconds he mentioned a date that is sooooo significant that is upcoming and even referenced something that occurred in the last month that is related to this upcoming event and was a contributor to what Kemp referred to as a shift in energy. When Kemp (Luca Lyons) first mentioned this date I made no comment, although I knew instantly what he had picked up.  He continued to ask in multiple ways about this date, "are you aware of something that is to occur on ABC date....?"  "do you know if there is something on ABC date....?", "would it be that your love interest had something scheduled on such and such a date?"  in fact it was something he was so compelled to pursue.....I eventually had to admit that yes I was aware of this event and it is indeed very significant.  Kemp picked this up immediately and was focused on it throughout the entire reading.

There is absolutely NO WAY anyone other than a gifted psychic could know this and it was the first thing he felt as we began to read.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 05:34:16 PM by Bark angel »

Offline Zee

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2013, 05:50:54 PM »
This is a date on which an event is scheduled to occur that is VERY significant for my love interest.  Only I know of this event and the date - so I was floored that Lucas Lyons picked that up in the first minute or two of my reading.

I am not doubting Lucas' abilities, just trying to understand how readers get their information at times. I've had readers/astrologist even, pick up on things no one else has ever mentioned before, but then the reader goes on to be utterly wrong.  It's the grain of truth that sucks me in and leads me to believe they will be startling accurate, but then they fall short.

This event you're referring to, is it something you and your SO think about, which ultimately surrounds you both?  It's almost like readers are just picking up on our thought patterns and the experiences that make us who we are (the better ones at any rate without a lot of prompting or questions from us). If they ask a lot of questions, they aren't really that good, not that Lucas did this...I'm just giving examples.

Would another reader, a really good one not pick this up as well, since you think about it often and/or it's so significant?

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2013, 06:01:58 PM »
@Barkangel.......I just read with Lucas, he is very quick, since my situation is about new things and a person coming in, it is hard to say. Everything re: my reading is about the unknown future so I will keep you posted, he gave me the #4 , or the coming month April.  He also gave me a couple of initials a P and M. So we shall see. Also said Sept will be a great month for me.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2013, 06:10:14 PM »
I'm being vague on here because there is no PM feature and this board is read by many, but let me put it this way.  There are 2 events that are very significant to both of us.  One event occurred in the recent past and the other will occur in the near future.  They are not birthdays or anniversaries or celebrations of any kind.  However, both events are related and both herald a "change" for any forward movement. They are not hooked into the astrological charts, nor are they events that I am looking forward to, as in being excited about.

Luca Lyons (Kemp) picked up the specific date of the event that is about to occur in the near future.  When he mentioned the date I did not react.  He told me something would shift on that date that was significant.  Without any prompting he then asked if I was aware of something that is related that occurred in the recent past and picked the date of the other event.  My jaw dropped, but again I did not react verbally.  I allowed him to continue his commentary...which ultimately ended up with him asking whether or not I was aware of something crucial occurring with my love interest on that date in the recent past.

I believe Kemp asked questions about these 2 dates because he was so drawn by this information he was getting and yet I was not commenting at all; I wasn't confirming and I was waiting to see if he would get into it more and divulge what it is.  And he did!
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 06:12:08 PM by Bark angel »

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2013, 06:14:45 PM »
@Barkangel.......wishing you the best!.....and me  I am so looking forward to it!

Offline Zee

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2013, 06:45:46 PM »
No need to talk about specifics or the events. It is important though that you weren't looking forward to it, because the energy of not wanting something to happen is just as strong as wanting something to happen. The event could have been any scenario, but I guess my query is did you ask questions or did you ask for a general reading and that stuff came up? How does he start his reads, with your question and did he ask for your name/dob and all that blah blah?

As an fyi about astrological charts; An astrologist picked up I was in the service once and has been the only person in the world who has ever done this and he isn't even psychic.  Even my fav readers have never picked up on this and I wouldn't necessarily say it's tied to my charts...but things are which we aren't aware of.  The astrologist seemed both right/wrong on things, just like everyone else has been.

ETA: I have had two different readers pick up on the same exact thing and make very similar or identical predictions, which kept me hopeful and still the prediction did not pan out. Bizarre.

Oh Bark Angel, do you normally get good readings or has this been a first Wow read for you? It makes me anticipate getting the same thing you got and I'll be so disappointed (as always) if this doesn't happen. Are you skeptical before your reads or do you just hope it's beneficial in some way?  Just wondering what your thought processes are before the read.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 06:58:00 PM by Zee »

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2013, 07:26:01 PM »

First I begin all of my readings with the same or quasi-similar question, "My name is LMN what do you see happening with me and XYZ?" or "what is coming up with me and XYZ?".  Lucas Lyons did not ask for date of birth.  I offered my name and my SO's in the question.

No other information is given by me at all during the reading.  I rarely ask any more questions other than the opening question, above, and as questions are posed to me by a reader, as I explained that Kemp did in the post above, I rarely even answer them until I have established that I have the information I need. 

It's difficult to go through a reading without answering questions from psychics I know, but suffice it to say that I do not mislead them by giving an answer that is not correct, but I do give them as much of an answer that I feel they need.  I  cite this as an example of the way I answer any questions asked during a reading.  Reader: "Do you know what time it is?" Me: "Yes, I do!"

Before a reading I take a breath cleansing breath and visualize myself walking towards my SO.  That's it!

I would say most of my readings indicate the same outcome.  What differs is the timing. 

Offline Zee

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2013, 08:24:03 PM »
k. I do some of this too. I don't answer questions with specifics because I would think they know the answer already.  Sometimes I answer with 'sort of' and ask them to be more specific.  I always specify that my job (to pay bills) is different than my career (what I really want to do). Some ask about the field or industry and I still won't say. Some have said, they see a lot of papers and then I say that's the job - just to make sure they are on the right track.

Mary knew that the job was administrative without prompting, but no one has really gotten the career, although a few have hinted around it. Mary is extremely gracious, but I can do without the advice.

I hardly give my real name. A couple of times I have, nor do I give the right birth date because they should be reading my energy since I could care less about that crap.

Do you get a lot of readings on average and would you say this was the best reading to date?  I don't have the urge like I use to have, mainly because of so many duds via this site (which is a good thing), but if I were to run across a good one, I will try them out. Jeez, I guess, I'll have to try this dude now.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2013, 08:29:06 PM » will be interesting if you read with him what your thoughts are.....again my reading was into the future so I cant confirmed things as of now.

Offline chrys

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2013, 10:27:47 PM »
Does anyone know if he still does reading off his own site.  I don't use Keen for anything but the chat.  They have my phone number blocked.  They still let me chat but not call because 8 years ago I had a billing dispute with them.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2013, 10:34:31 PM »
I have  read with more people in the last year or so than I would like to admit. I read with fewer now than I once did as I have weeded them down to a handful that I go back to.
In order for me to go back to a reader it must fit into at least one of the following categories:
Category 1. It offered data, specific information, that I can validate that is unique to me and my situation.  These facts have to be specific to me and my life and not general.
Category 2. There was an absence of generic, universal comments that could apply to anyone and to make sure of this if a reader has multiple listings, and since I am calling about a love interest I choose the listing that is not entitled "love relationships" because that tips off the reader right away.
Category 3. The situation, causes, outcome and supplemental information resonates with me as plausible when compared to the facts that I already have at hand in reality (things I know already of which I have tangible evidence). 

If a reader hits on any of the above I will read with them again, but the vast majority of the readers that I have consulted with don't.  And even if their reading follows the lines that I'd like in terms of a prediction, if one of the above does not apply, I do not read with them again.

This is NOT the best reading to date but it is one of those that I consider remarkable.  I get readings that simply shower me with facts in category 1 - some of which I can validate, others that I can't.  This reading did not shower me with facts, but it did hit on a couple in category 1, it also met category 3 as well.

My all-time best reading to date has met all three categories.

Offline Zee

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2013, 11:02:43 PM »
Does anyone know if he still does reading off his own site.  I don't use Keen for anything but the chat.  They have my phone number blocked.  They still let me chat but not call because 8 years ago I had a billing dispute with them.

Get another number (free) through Google that comes through your original phone number.

Well, remarkable has never been a word I use with any reader and all I can hope to obtain at this point, almost always encompasses Category 1.

My all-time best reading to date has met all three categories.
Who pray tell was this?
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 11:05:36 PM by Zee »

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2013, 11:03:56 PM »
@Barkangel......nice technique!

Lordy lord....where are the good old fashion psychics. I am aging 51......where you could rely on a reading for accuracy and not for all the will......please leave feedback for me after your reading crap.... Ugh.... my reading is waiting to manifest how can I say you were good if it has not yet come

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2013, 11:42:26 PM »

My all-time best reading to date has met all three categories.
Who pray tell was this?
Uli from CP has done this consistently from day one. She hits all three Categories in most readings.  I have another reader that hits 2 of 3 categories in all readings as well.

Offline Zee

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Re: Lucas Lyons
« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2013, 11:50:01 PM »
I would like to read with her, but I'm not joining CP to do it. Do you have her email address?

