Author Topic: Elizabeth3  (Read 17996 times)

Offline hope4love

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2014, 05:28:18 AM »
This whole timing issue is really problematic and right now after a year or more of calling psychics I am only just getting to the bottom of why I can't rely on anyone's timing - and nor should anyone else UNTIL whatever personal or spiritual growth has occurred.

Whether it be a reading from a psychic that has angels or guides or a tarot card reading, if one bears in mind that the predictions are made as to the probable outcome considering the energies of the individuals involved at the time of the reading and that the Universe does not work on our own sense of timing but rather when certain events have taken place. If during the ensuing weeks and months after a reading one party chooses not to evolve, grow and mature and as anticipated, I seriously doubt the projected timing would be accurate, because just as the famous expression that relates to wine, there will be "no predicted outcome, until its "time"'

Definitely agree with this. There is no way to gauge something happening if there are major life lessons involved.

Offline sagitira

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2014, 09:42:11 AM »
i had a second reading with her and i really like her. she was able to pick up on third party without me saying anything, she also picked up very personal things about me. prediction wise i don't know yet but present and past was spot on. i will update in a few months time if she was right or wrong.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2014, 01:54:00 PM »
No you can use cyclical. I just wasn't understanding your meaning.

You called an astrologist for over a year? I thought their readings were for an entire year out (with the whole chart thingy). So are you saying the ones you went to were accurate with predictions more so than psychics?

Is there an astrologist you'd recommend?

No, I called many many psychics of all kinds for 18 months or so. I did get one or two "charts", but since my last reading of any kind was Sept 2011, I can say with certainty that nothing panned out.

I got tired of calling those who read with astrology because I was getting the same "3 month" out prediction every season without fail. Though with those who used astrology, they would tend to say "September" "April" rather than "3 months". And nothing would happen.

Offline Zee

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« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2014, 05:31:41 AM »
I don't know if he just started or will be starting soon, but I thought perhaps someone read with him already, before his break. He is Elizabeth3's son, so what's the deal at five bucks per hour? He's better than mom??

I just loved some of his quotes though.

Offline sagitira

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2014, 06:14:05 PM »
i'd love to see more reviews about this reader. i read with her 3 times, and my last time i read with her she absolutely shocked me with something that nobody knows - nobody, and she told me straight what she saw. i don't wanna go into details but noone ever out of 100s psychics i consulted picked up on this information. if i can give an example what i mean - i told her about situation that happened to me, and she said no this is what happened, it wasn't exactly like this- i denied what she saw but she was right, i was shocked she knew. anyway time will tell if she is right but she is now my favourite reader, definitely real psychic..

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2014, 07:15:43 PM »
I read with her right before the end of the year 2013.  She reads names so she says and she also says in relationship cases she checks a chord to see if there is still a connection. I am not sure if that allows her to pick up confirmation on the current status of the querent and the subject of the call, by asking her opening questions.
She was very adamant, in my reading, of what she saw.  She is a no nonsense reader in terms of what she sees.

i'd love to see more reviews about this reader. i read with her 3 times, and my last time i read with her she absolutely shocked me with something that nobody knows - nobody, and she told me straight what she saw. i don't wanna go into details but noone ever out of 100s psychics i consulted picked up on this information. if i can give an example what i mean - i told her about situation that happened to me, and she said no this is what happened, it wasn't exactly like this- i denied what she saw but she was right, i was shocked she knew. anyway time will tell if she is right but she is now my favourite reader, definitely real psychic..

Offline chrys

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2014, 07:26:27 PM »
Did she say anything to you that rang true.

Offline sagitira

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2014, 07:49:21 PM »
i agree she is a no nonsense reader indeed. prediction wise of course i don't know yet but how she connects is almost scary. she read me like a book.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2014, 10:39:01 PM »
In replaying the recording I was clearly having a bad day and I can't affirm that she did.  She said quite a number of things that rang true.... but unfortunately I think I gave her too much to work with.  Sometimes I really could kick myself....
Did she say anything to you that rang true.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2014, 10:49:18 PM »
Did she give you a negative outcome?

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2014, 11:11:36 PM »
Did she give you a negative outcome?

Offline chrys

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2014, 11:41:26 PM »
When I attempted to read with Elizabeth3 I found that I was blocked.  I have never read with her before so I don't understand why I would be blocked.  I think that is very bad business.

Offline Zee

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2014, 09:27:29 PM »
I do too. I don't understand this at all.  I understand blocking a caller, if they call too many times, but on the first call, readers should be prohibited from doing this.

They are contractors through Keen and in essence they are representing Keen.
There have been plenty of times I was able to get a reading on the psychic's own site after being blocked on Keen, so why couldn't they have read for me on Keen?

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2014, 10:01:59 PM »
I have never quite understood why members here tend to feel that blocking clients on Keen is some sign that they are not welcomed.  I am not sure why this seems quite obvious to me and perhaps not so to others, but by blocking readers on Keen a business person pushes them to find the psychic elsewhere!  In essence, it could be a manner in which psychics that wish to develop their own businesses do so through their popularity on Keen. So, while a lot of psychics agree that contractually perhaps they are not to drive customers off Keen, I would imagine there is nothing contractually that requires them not to encourage people that are not already customers of theirs on Keen to read with them privately.

I do too. I don't understand this at all.  I understand blocking a caller, if they call too many times, but on the first call, readers should be prohibited from doing this.

They are contractors through Keen and in essence they are representing Keen.
There have been plenty of times I was able to get a reading on the psychic's own site after being blocked on Keen, so why couldn't they have read for me on Keen?

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Elizabeth3
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2014, 10:14:19 PM »
Imo...I think that they google your keen name and if they see you/we are calling too many times with many different readers they are reluctant. Or maybe afraid of bad feedback.

I have never quite understood why members here tend to feel that blocking clients on Keen is some sign that they are not welcomed.  I am not sure why this seems quite obvious to me and perhaps not so to others, but by blocking readers on Keen a business person pushes them to find the psychic elsewhere!  In essence, it could be a manner in which psychics that wish to develop their own businesses do so through their popularity on Keen. So, while a lot of psychics agree that contractually perhaps they are not to drive customers off Keen, I would imagine there is nothing contractually that requires them not to encourage people that are not already customers of theirs on Keen to read with them privately.

I do too. I don't understand this at all.  I understand blocking a caller, if they call too many times, but on the first call, readers should be prohibited from doing this.

They are contractors through Keen and in essence they are representing Keen.
There have been plenty of times I was able to get a reading on the psychic's own site after being blocked on Keen, so why couldn't they have read for me on Keen?

