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CSK - can the moon in scorpio make people feel like they're going nuts? Because I'm feeling very off today. LOL.

kiki - I thought of you when I read CSK post. lol


"emotions may run high and low with the Full Moon in Scorpio, we may even go to the extremes to get our desires met."---I  was feeling extra emotional the past two days, was anyone else? Like i shared before i got into a big fight with someone on Monday that i never fight with. I also went home crying last night from the bars...could have been the alcohol but i was feeling extra sensitive!

I like this quote relating to the scorpio full moon too....

"Moonlight casts a glow upon the blackness of night. The path lights up and fear dissipates for feelings lead one to arrive at home within the heart. Here the radiance dispels shadows and all is seen with true sight. For Silence whispers truth to those who can hear." ~Dipali

CSK, yes! I was totally emotional, especially last night. And I wasn't drinking or anything.

I felt emotional this morning.  Guess my internal clock is off by a few hours.  :)


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