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Yes - facebook counts as contact and it sounds like Jacqueline and the others nailed the timing for you. WooHoo. Those are probably the readers you should continue with. You know who you click with!
Libra...what is full moon Scorpio and what is supposed to happen during it?
I follow astrology a bit, and just overheard and seen online that it's supposed to be a powerful day. CSK might want to tell us more. I try to follow the moon cycle especially full and new moons.
--- Quote from: CSK on May 17, 2011, 03:25:46 AM ---"I just wish she could be right about dude"
Kiki was Jacqueline not right about him or has she been accurate in the past?
What did Jacqueline tell healer?
I am sure she is a great reader i really just dont like supporting CP :/ I feel as though its corrupted.
--- End quote ---
CSK - I'm basically still waiting to hear from him. Last I heard from him was an email way back in January. Jacqueline knew about an "anniversary" coming up, said that will push him off the fence and that I'm on the verge of getting an email from him. So, as of my last reading with her, she's not wrong...won't be wrong until Memorial Day weekend. LOL.
I believe Jacqueline told healer that his SM would return.
Oh, CSK - did you see that Eden is back on CP?
Regarding the astrology - wanna hear something that could be interesting? Awhile ago I had a reading with Amy and out of the blue she said, I'm getting 17 and Tuesday for some reason. She said she doesn't give out exact dates so the 17 must mean in 17 days. But she wasn't even sure what it meant for me exactly but the only thing I talk to her about is SM.
Well I looked on the calendar and 17 days from reading is today, Tuesday May 17th.
Maybe I'll win the lottery. lol
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