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Did Ellen mention to you why he broke up with you when she saw that he wasn't going to? 

"Especially Seha and Jacqueline's predications, how were they for you? "

Alot of people rave about Jacqueline but i can't bring myself to spend money on someone is is $7.50/min. So i have never read with her.

Seha has been correct so far, with timing and events that have happened.

I would personally rather pay 7.50 a minute then to talk to someone that is 4 dollars a minute and stay on the phone for 20 or 30 minutes because your actually saving money with the 7.50 a minute because she doesnt waste your time period. I have been much happier with her then someone that goes yada yada on. I dont need a big detail I just need to know whats going to happen and how he is feeling.

yeah no need to get defensive, i am sure Jacqueline is a good psychic and she has obviously been accurate for many people. I am just saying i have really accurate psychics in my hometown that have repeadly gotten extremely detailed things right...and its cheaper than CP of course so i will be sticking to reading with them for the most part.

When I spoke with Jacqueline a few weeks ago, I asked her about work, and she said she saw my work load increasing and also an increase in pay. At the time, I didn't think that was possible. Well, she was right.

I just wish she could be right about dude.


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