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Totally I am the most impatient person in the world!!!!!!!!!

cj: too. BUt I hate paying $ for the same stuff and then if it doesnt happen I get discouraged. I'm letting God handle this..he wont forsake us.


I have a month or so longer until I can really see anything unfold, according to the psychics I've spoken to. Regardless if their overall predictions are correct - I'd say there is something unusual about 15 or so psychics predicting almost the exact same thing. Now I just have to let it go to the universe.

pretty liz, it has happened...15 psychics tell you something and you think they all must be right but it ends up happening so wrong.

Idk what's up with that but it def happens

The universe is a very funny thing. Who knows. I will keep you all posted, as I still have some time for things to come to pass.

However, I am also in a unique situation, as the person in question and I are still talking every day, still seeing one another, etc. I really only ever have big picture questions. Maybe the next time I read with someone, I will ask for an overall love/relationship reading, as opposed to focusing on the one.


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