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I have had several predictions come true from her. I also remember that Elvin may be thinkin at that moment he wants to call me, but then doesnt. We all have free will, but the ultimate prediction that I am wanted is still suppose to happen that is what I am focused more on, not whether he calls me on what day because that is when I will be disappointed, he always calls me when I least expect it, and I am telling you it takes guys three or four weeks to realize what they are losen. Been their done that!!

Jacqueline has been very accurate for me as well. With timing, I agree with Sammie. Sometimes the psychics see the intention but sometimes the guy/girl just doesn't do it. For me, contact timing has been sometimes accurate, sometimes not accurate. But it does happen.............and when they see it happening so soon - like the day you call - I would think contact will be quick. Keep us updated.

ugh all of this is SO very hard.

This IS hard......-_- and annoying.  Boys are such morons.  Contact or no contact i guess i'm worked up on it cuz i use that as an indicator as to the psychic is correct or not for me.  I don't care if he contacts me within the time frame but what i do really care about is IF he will come back.  It sucks being 'left behind' like this.  I really hope that they are right.

Everyone on here has BIG predictions happening this yr. If it doesnt happen then I`d say we all will be pissed and demanding answers. I would say just focus on June since its not too far and they see changes happening for you then. You`ll be ok..hearing the same things will only make you broke lol. Just wait it out.

Jacqueline predicted that I would get a substitue teaching job in February and I did!!


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