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Hey guys,
I have an update on my situation. My boyfriend is now my ex...... :'( He broke up with me during the 'talk'. When he contacted me earlier that day, i was nervous and was afraid that the conversation will head towards the end so i called Ellen to see and she said it will be fine and that we will talk things out and ensure me not to worry too much. Well, before the talk he had already decided to break up with me so i guess she didn't work for me. She might for you guys. I hope this helps.
I'm really sorry Cocoapple. Hopefully this is not over yet, if you absolutely stop talking to him, maybe he will realize the mistake and miss you. However, we have to respect the law of free will here and the freedom of choice, we all assume that being with our SM is the best and the right thing for us and them, but they have a right to choose and even if it's not a good choice it's a part of their spiritual path, and we have to accept it.
aef2929 P:
Cocoapple have you thought to contact Ellen to let her know and ask her to look at the situation again for you? I agree with everyone else this does not mean this is over everything happens for a reason. Usually the universe is setting things up to make sure they work out for us in the end...sometimes that means a break in the middle so things work out right. There are spaces in time when we want to be with someone and we're not and when we aren't it very well could be because if we are with them during that "wrong" time then it could wind up in a permanent the universe steps in makes a separation so the real end result happens. Keep your chin up and sending lots of hugs but if I were you I would email Ellen and ask for some clarity....she's good with looking at things that don't go quite how it seemed....(((hugs)))
I agree, cocoapple. I'd just update her on the situation and see what she says. I email her every so often to get her thoughts in regards to things.
Just reminder her who you are and what she said and just ask her what went wrong? It couldn't hurt. And when you send her an email for a short question, she doesn't charge you so it's nothing to lose.
Hey guys,
Thank you for the support. I did call Ellen back to see what's going on. It was more in the encouragement area and advice as suppose to a reading. No one is 100% and i do understand that things change but still, the reality is that he's gone and i'm hurt. Since the break up i have spoken to: Dawn, Vicki Joy, Kyra, London, Alison, Jacquline, Seha, Abrielle, Summer and Fallon. I know i shouldn't have....and i was doing so well cutting them off too but i just can't! They all said he will come back in June....i duno if i should hang on to those words. Dawn has been the most accurate for me. I read with her 3 times and one was right before our 'talk' and she actually told me don't be surprise if he wants to break up or propose a break but it's only temporary so don't worry. A couple days earlier when he was acting weird after he came back from his trip i called her the first time and everything she said was true! About my salary negotiation, the fact that he will not tell me he's in the city (he moved). I read with her again after the break up and she said there's too much emotions right now to read too far but for now she read how he feels about the break up etc. So i have to wait a couple weeks before i read with her again.
As for the others, has any of their timelines and predications come true for you guys? I actually read with them because they were mentioned on this forum. I really want to know.....and at the same time wish that what they say are true. Especially Seha and Jacqueline's predications, how were they for you? PM if you like.......i made notes for all readings -_-
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