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You know how to prevent yourself from getting hurt? Accept the bad and the cant deny the truth bc it will happen. You can however be prepared for it.

And no matter what happens...always remember to never love anything that doesnt love you back. Ive learned that and Im paying the price...dont be a victim twice. Be strong. Let him go until he comes to you respectfully.

For those of you who have read with Ellen Hartwell, how accurate is she?

I have been reading with Ellen for a couple months now and she has been giving me alot of empathic info for a guy that I went out with.  A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with this guy and was able to confirm all of the empathic info given to me by Ellen she was right on and so was Catarina Rose (also from Ellen's site).

Ellen has been helping me with some really heartbreaking issue. She is very honest and she is amazing! Enough said  ;)

I love love love Ellen. I have been trying to wait for my Uli reading and not call anyone, but I have been tempted to check in with her for 10 minutes! It's hard not to - because she is so wonderful.


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