Author Topic: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say  (Read 5560 times)

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Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« on: December 10, 2013, 04:35:37 PM »
I promised myself never to post here again and even though I have cured myself of the psychic addiction, I am alittle upset about the money and time that I wasted.

You can see my story in other post but I am writing here because I wanted to see what people's opinions are after you have been lied and basically swindled out if your money.

I am happy with a reader being honest at the beginning and saying that he or she got it wrong or even when you are fed up the reader offers to give you back some of your money for being so wrong and causing you pain. I know this is wishful thinking but, I think there is a case pending about a psychic that defrauded her clients, if her clients are able to recover, it will be open season on fake readers.

I have had a reading for months but I sent an email to a reader recently that I think the world of but who I feel lead me astray with her tails and who could not admit she was leading me astray until I finally had enough.

I wrote 2 reviews because I had more than one account on keen. I sent her an email recently and she was up in arms in regards to whether I wanted to ruin her business or make her due early. She sounded from the email that she had emailed her followers telling them that I was a problem client which she has done for people that challenged her readings.

I don't blame her, she is a business woman like everyone else on that site, she has a gift but was totally wrong for me in the long term and I wish she had told me earlier so I didn't have to waste my hard earned cash on things that were irrelevant .

I have learnt many valid lessons but I wish it didn't cost me this much money to learn it and I do think readers should be held accountable for what they say.

If you know the specific reader I am talking about, keep it to yourself, she is of the misguided opinion that I want to ruin her business, which isn't the case.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2013, 05:48:22 PM »
well, if you really feel she led you astray, you need to call her out on that. . You should name names because, at the least, she has not been very fair about owning up to being wrong. Whether she intentionally led you astray or not is another matter. I find it odd when clients still try to protect bad readers that have been devastatingly wrong. Let everyone know about it! It irks me when feedback says: "Psychic was very wrong. Matt left the country and I never heard back again. Thanks for trying, though.

Whatever the case, if I was a psychic and I was terribly wrong for someone, I would feel bad and at least try to make up for it in some way. The client may not want any more psychic advice from me, but I could at least offer a partial refund or willingly admit I screwed up. I don't know why they can't at least do the latter.

Every reader is responsible for what comes out of their mouth. Doctors are held responsible, cooks are held responsible for their should be the same for everyone offering a service or product. When you give a crap reading and I spent a lot of money, expect to get a bad rating...which may indeed ruin your business. That is the risk you take when playing "psychic".
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 05:52:13 PM by bstalling »

Offline Synergy

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 06:10:20 PM »
Hmmm.  I may have an unpopular opinion on this, but I'll share it anyways. 

We are solely responsible for contacting readers.  One cannot compare this to going to a doctor, as readings aren't supported by science.  In fact, there's nothing but our own faith and beliefs to indicate that these readings have any validity whatsoever.  We often refer to the "for entertainment purposes" tagline as some sort of security blanket for readers, but it's the truth!  There is not one ounce of proof (except personal experience and faith, which many "scientists" might attribute to luck) that the future can be seen.  Personally, I believe some things can be seen, and I've been lucky enough to have received accurate predictions from a few readers.  Interestingly enough, those readers (some of whom have made some pretty startling predictions) haven't always been right, and if we choose to spend our money this way then we have to accept that.  We've also seen that some readers who are correct for someone will not be correct for others.  Soooo, these people may certainly be gifted, but they can't be "on" 100% of the time for 100% of their clients!  There's no way! 

If I go to the doctor it's because I NEED medical attention.  My health, my well-being, my life depends on it.  There is absolutely no valid reason other than curiosity, impatience, or confusion to contact a psychic.  And a stranger on the other line of a phone can't be held accountable for our own actions.  I have decided to spend tens of thousands of dollars on this.  Why?  Because I admit that I like it!  I want to know.  I want to understand.  I am impatient.  Those are all MY issues.  If I choose to call Psychic A, and she is wrong, that's the chance I take.  She didn't make me call her.  She didn't make me call her over and over and over again

Yes, it sucks when they are wrong.  It is awful when you look at your bank account and realize how much you have wasted on false promises, but that was your choice.  I can't be mad at anyone but myself for believing J or C or W would be back.  And you'd think I'd have learned the first time all the readers were wrong!  But instead I hoped they'd be right with two other situations!  SHAME ON ME! 

If these readers are purposely swindling people, they'll get their karma in the end.  Luckily, we have sites like this one where we can post reviews and say "so and so fed me a fairytale for the year I called her.  Be careful."  That's all we can do!  Share, move on, and learn from the experience. 

BTW, when Kisha was wrong about C, she admitted it.  She felt really bad and didn't know what happened.  It was cool of her to do that, but honestly, it didn't change anything!  She was wrong.  Oh well.  She's been right about other things, and I made the choice to accept my own stupidity and move on.

PS I've been hanging out with C and actually slept with him a couple of weeks ago.  Randomly, drunkenly, and just for the Hell of it.  Guess what?  It was just "meh".  Two years of thinking of this man, waiting for him... and I've suddenly come to the realization that I really don't like him all that much anymore.  So be careful what you wish for.  You may get it, and it may not be all it's cracked up to be. 

I don't think we're supposed to know.  And maybe that's why most of the outcome predictions don't happen.  We're supposed to live and TRUST.  But guess what?  I'll still keep calling.  Because I can admit, I like it.  It entertains me.  And that's the purpose right?  ;)

Offline melancholia

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2013, 06:28:06 PM »
I like this response because it's very true, but there is one exception I would make, which is the psychics who lie about performing curse lifting and keep bullying for more and more money, taking advantage of people's faith. That, to me, is pure fraud.  But when it comes to actual readings...honestly, like Synergy said, it's totally up to us whether or not we get the readings.

Hmmm.  I may have an unpopular opinion on this, but I'll share it anyways. 

We are solely responsible for contacting readers.  One cannot compare this to going to a doctor, as readings aren't supported by science.  In fact, there's nothing but our own faith and beliefs to indicate that these readings have any validity whatsoever.  We often refer to the "for entertainment purposes" tagline as some sort of security blanket for readers, but it's the truth!  There is not one ounce of proof (except personal experience and faith, which many "scientists" might attribute to luck) that the future can be seen.  Personally, I believe some things can be seen, and I've been lucky enough to have received accurate predictions from a few readers.  Interestingly enough, those readers (some of whom have made some pretty startling predictions) haven't always been right, and if we choose to spend our money this way then we have to accept that.  We've also seen that some readers who are correct for someone will not be correct for others.  Soooo, these people may certainly be gifted, but they can't be "on" 100% of the time for 100% of their clients!  There's no way! 

If I go to the doctor it's because I NEED medical attention.  My health, my well-being, my life depends on it.  There is absolutely no valid reason other than curiosity, impatience, or confusion to contact a psychic.  And a stranger on the other line of a phone can't be held accountable for our own actions.  I have decided to spend tens of thousands of dollars on this.  Why?  Because I admit that I like it!  I want to know.  I want to understand.  I am impatient.  Those are all MY issues.  If I choose to call Psychic A, and she is wrong, that's the chance I take.  She didn't make me call her.  She didn't make me call her over and over and over again

Yes, it sucks when they are wrong.  It is awful when you look at your bank account and realize how much you have wasted on false promises, but that was your choice.  I can't be mad at anyone but myself for believing J or C or W would be back.  And you'd think I'd have learned the first time all the readers were wrong!  But instead I hoped they'd be right with two other situations!  SHAME ON ME! 

If these readers are purposely swindling people, they'll get their karma in the end.  Luckily, we have sites like this one where we can post reviews and say "so and so fed me a fairytale for the year I called her.  Be careful."  That's all we can do!  Share, move on, and learn from the experience. 

BTW, when Kisha was wrong about C, she admitted it.  She felt really bad and didn't know what happened.  It was cool of her to do that, but honestly, it didn't change anything!  She was wrong.  Oh well.  She's been right about other things, and I made the choice to accept my own stupidity and move on.

PS I've been hanging out with C and actually slept with him a couple of weeks ago.  Randomly, drunkenly, and just for the Hell of it.  Guess what?  It was just "meh".  Two years of thinking of this man, waiting for him... and I've suddenly come to the realization that I really don't like him all that much anymore.  So be careful what you wish for.  You may get it, and it may not be all it's cracked up to be. 

I don't think we're supposed to know.  And maybe that's why most of the outcome predictions don't happen.  We're supposed to live and TRUST.  But guess what?  I'll still keep calling.  Because I can admit, I like it.  It entertains me.  And that's the purpose right?  ;)

Offline bstalling

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2013, 07:38:53 PM »
Interesting perspective Synergy. I think most of us here get readings for accuracy, not to be entertained. Of course we call because psychics claim that they can see the future. And some have done it. If they suck...they suck. Bad rating for you. Of course, I'm talking about readers that have been just TOTALLY wrong about things they have shared. I can stomach them being wrong about things if they have been right about the majority of other things. I rate them based on the things they claim on their profile...not whether psychic ability has been proven by science or not (at this point I don't need a thesis/study to validate psychic ability. I've been around the block to believe in it). Ever have a psychic claim they can't predict anything or have any psychic ability at all, but still advertise how they charge 7 dollars a minute or $200 for an email reading? I've never come across that. If you claim you can do something and don't do it, you are liable for a terrible rating. Were adult enough to get readings, you are adult enough to stand by what you claim.

BTW, when Kisha was wrong about C, she admitted it.  She felt really bad and didn't know what happened.  It was cool of her to do that, but honestly, it didn't change anything!  She was wrong. 

I wouldn't leave a bad rating in that case. She was an adult about the situation. I can't tolerate readers that blame me for their inadequacies. You will get a long scathing review that just may ruin your business. And they will have to deal with that.

ETA: I don't know your history with C, but do you think that Kisha was ultimately right since he seemed to come around these past few weeks?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 07:47:14 PM by bstalling »

Offline Synergy

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2013, 08:16:08 PM »
But after seeing how many people have had so many predictions fail, how can we truly expect accuracy at all?  We can hope for it, but I'm not sure it can be an expectation.

Somnus, I agree.  There are some frauds out there who prey on people who are going through difficult experiences.  That is absolutely wrong.  I've read with many readers who I think fall into this category, and it does make me angry.  But again, I chose to take the risk and try them.  I think it just comes with the territory, in this case. 

Offline bstalling

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2013, 09:21:02 PM »
But after seeing how many people have had so many predictions fail, how can we truly expect accuracy at all?  We can hope for it, but I'm not sure it can be an expectation.

Hope...expectation. It is the same thing for me. Well, I've had some predictions come to pass. Work, friends and other areas. So I know that detailed predictions are indeed possible. That coupled with what they claim on their profile is enough for me to have some level of expectation that they will be right about what they say. That is enough for me to rate them at the end of the day. I mean, it seems pretty fair to give an honest rating after paying for a service provided. At this point, I don't care about hurting their business because I don't get close to readers...or had a reader want to develop a friendship outside of me paying.  I put myself out there for readings, they put themselves out there as the providers of good readings.

I still call a few that have been right for other things and I am satisfied enough. If I could go back and rate every crappy reading I had about my fiance, I would. Too bad Keen only allows ratings for 90 days.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 09:23:10 PM by bstalling »

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2013, 10:09:45 PM »
There are medical needs for cosmetic surgery, but sometimes there isn't a need, it's a want. It's almost like some posters are dismissing psychic inaccuracies as the caller's fault for calling, because hey it was the caller's choice. 

If I see an ad for a plastic surgeon who claims they can make me look a certain way and they are fully degreed and are members in good standing with The American Board of Plastic Surgeons, and I pay them a lot of money and end up looking like a monkey, horse, or buffalo (something they did not claim nor anything that I paid for), then they are at fault.  They did not live up to their claim and I have every right to sue to recoup all or some of my money back, even if I signed a disclaimer. A disclaimer is a deterrent for lawsuits and blame, the same way 'for entertainment purposes' is used.

It's no different if you have a medical need and go to a doctor to have a leg amputated, because they claimed the amputation would stop the spread of the disease, but they amputate the wrong leg. Are you saying I'm at fault for choosing the wrong doctor although I'm now SOL and will need the other leg amputated as well, because the doctor hacked off the wrong one?

I do agree about the caller's choice if they are willing to pay some of the reader's prices, because we all know what we can/cannot afford. I've never spent some of the exorbitant fees many people are willing to pay to make a rushed 30 min phone call for upwards of $200-$300 dollars.  Often times you can't get everything in and you end up with more questions and another need to call again.  I'm very conservative with paying readers high fees and see it along the same lines as gambling (I only spend what I feel wouldn't hurt me to lose). The most I've blown for a reading was $150 for an hour.

I clearly don't understand the inaccuracy dismissal at all or why callers should be held accountable just for calling.

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2013, 10:12:57 PM »
bstalling, I forgot to respond.  Most readers would still be WRONG when it comes to C.  Kisha said he and I would reconcile, and we would be on and off for two years.  She made specific predictions about him and my children.  These things simply did not happen.  And even though he and I are now friends again and shared one evening of intimacy, the predictions of a reconciliation were wrong. 

Barbara, for example, said we would get married and even told me what city we would move to.  She said his ex gf would create a problem by communicating a fake pregnancy, but we would get through it... and lots of other very specific, and very wrong predictions.  Those are just two examples.  Many members know that I have read with lots and lots (honestly, I think maybe in the hundreds bc I did go through a very low point when I was getting multiple readings daily from all of the main psychic sites) and only about 5 readers said we wouldn't reconcile.  Everyone else had some sort of positive outcome prediction. 

If I do have to give credit to anyone regarding C, it would have to be both LadyP and Gaylene.  Both said he'd be back around at some point but not for anything serious, and this is absolutely the case... and Gaylene actually made a huge prediction about him that I didn't believe that ended up panning out.  Which is funny because for the most part she has been wrong about everything else.  So really you never know. 

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2013, 10:17:18 PM »
There are medical needs for cosmetic surgery, but sometimes there isn't a need, it's a want. It's almost like some posters are dismissing psychic inaccuracies as the caller's fault for calling, because hey it was the caller's choice. 

If I see an ad for a plastic surgeon who claims they can make me look a certain way and they are fully degreed and are members in good standing with The American Board of Plastic Surgeons, and I pay them a lot of money and end up looking like a monkey, horse, or buffalo (something they did not claim nor anything that I paid for), then they are at fault.  They did not live up to their claim and I have every right to sue to recoup all or some of my money back, even if I signed a disclaimer. A disclaimer is a deterrent for lawsuits and blame, the same way 'for entertainment purposes' is used.

It's no different if you have a medical need and go to a doctor to have a leg amputated, because they claimed the amputation would stop the spread of the disease, but they amputate the wrong leg. Are you saying I'm at fault for choosing the wrong doctor although I'm now SOL and will need the other leg amputated as well, because the doctor hacked off the wrong one?

I do agree about the caller's choice if they are willing to pay some of the reader's prices, because we all know what we can/cannot afford. I've never spent some of the exorbitant fees many people are willing to pay to make a rushed 30 min phone call for upwards of $200-$300 dollars.  Often times you can't get everything in and you end up with more questions and another need to call again.  I'm very conservative with paying readers high fees and see it along the same lines as gambling (I only spend what I feel wouldn't hurt me to lose). The most I've blown for a reading was $150 for an hour.

I clearly don't understand the inaccuracy dismissal at all or why callers should be held accountable just for calling.

I never said the readers haven't been inaccurate, nor that they escape all responsibility. But you can't deny this isn't a science. There would be NO basis for suing a psychic or somehow holding them accountable for incorrect predictions.  And I hate to be blunt or seem insensitive because I've lost a lot from these readings too, but I think most clients here aren't accepting their own responsibility in this.  That's all.  People can't throw their arms up in the air and say, "But they told me we would get married!!"  So what?!  No one can PROVE psychics are real. So we each call because we have blind faith and we WANT to believe.  The few friends who know I call psychics think I'm insane... there's a reason for that... there's nothing to indicate anyone can tell the future.  I CHOOSE to believe someone can.  If they are wrong, I have to accept my responsibility in making that choice.  And yes, they are wrong in their actions if they have purposely lied to a client, but that cannot be proven. And that is what's key here.  We cannot really differentiate the "real" "gifted" psychics from the charlatans. 

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2013, 10:31:06 PM »
I wasn't understanding what you were saying, especially when you stated we are solely responsible for contacting psychics, because that can be said as well, for selecting the wrong doctor. In particular, a doctor that still has their license.

I agree that callers who continually call over and over, charging up their credit cards, knowing they are sinking into a quagmire of debt, looking for different answers to the same questions, can only blame themselves.

....but I'm not going to harp or even go down the road of 'faith' because plenty can be said about God and people's belief in that as well, (or whatever is their god) and God hasn't been entirely proven either.

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Re: Should Psychics be held accountable for what they say
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2013, 11:12:10 PM »
Oh yes, I accept responsibility for calling..again and again and again. Absolutely! I agree with you on that Synergy.

 But guess what, 95 percent of them were wrong in some arena, mostly love looking back. The other 5 percent have been consistent in other areas. I honestly don't feel like I have been burned by readers, if that is the impression that I am giving off. If I feel ripped off, it is because of the actual tumultuous relationship with the ex fiance, but that is another story. I still enjoy readings and believe in psychic ability. I just think it is important to rate them honestly, when they are wrong or right. I feel no responsibility for "giving them a break" when they are really wrong about things. I guess  I just don't understand the need to protect psychics as if they didn't know that they were providing a service that could be rated negatively.