Author Topic: Timing of predictions  (Read 6946 times)

Offline Bark angel

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Timing of predictions
« on: December 01, 2013, 02:38:01 PM »
I was reading online and came across this explanation of why timing is so difficult for readers....  I thought it explained it well.  What do you think?

The only problems with this is that timeframes are the most flexible, changeable, and un-cooperative aspect of psychic readings.  I personally cannot count the number of times a psychic I trusted has be DEAD ON with the prediction and DEAD WRONG with the timeframe.

It happens to me to.  The guides will tell me something that there is no way I could have figured out on my own, and then they give me a timeframe.  But the thing happens early, or late, or over a longer or shorter span of time.

I would say better than 80% of the time, psychics who have read for me have been wrong on the exact timeframe.  My client's have not told me what my percentage is but I dare say it is something similar.

As a reader, it's discouraging to think that you could be so right (about prediction) but also SO wrong (about time).

So why does this happen?

The simple truth is that time in and of itself is not a constant.  First of all, time can be folded and traveled through.  Psychics, Reiki Healers, and other gifted individuals not only believe in but also rely on this fact.  Want to focus on the future?  You're mind can go there because your mind is capable of moving through time.  Need to send healing to a past life?  No problem, because Reiki energy can move through time.  Time itself can be moved through.  If a reiki healing can reach back 2000 years, then what makes us think a phone call on Saturday night is set in stone?

But if that is the first problem with timeframes, the second is more complicated. It is this: spirits, for the most part, do not understand/deal with/live inside of time.  Many of them, especially angels, have absolutely no concept of chronological time, at all.  (Which is why they will pop up to talk to you at 4 am about something that could clearly wait until 8am. lol)

I have actually met spirits who looked completely baffled when I asked 'when will this happen?'.  When?  What do you mean when?  To them, time happens all at the same instant.  They are capable of perceiving it all at once, and have no need for time to go straight from beginning to end so they can understand it.  So the concept that something must happen at a certain time of day, a certain day of the week, or a certain time of year is foreign to them in the extreme.

Most spirits actually just time by landmark, rather than sequence.  In other words: First you will adopt a new dog, then you will get a new job, and after that you will meet the man you marry.  At the same time you meet the man you marry you will also finally be over your ex.  After that happens, you will conceive your first child.  Etc.  Etc.

For them, as long as this happens within the span of your lifetimes (plural!) its just fine!  So when confronted with a question like 'when will I hear back from that job?' about 50% of the guides I work with will be very reluctant to answer.  Some will out right refuse.  Others will say 'oh, I guess on Tuesday'.  (Well, which tuesday?  This one?  Next one?  Tuesday next year?)

By working with meditation, tools, and guides who are move comfortable with time itself, psychics can get a time estimation that is accurate.  However, this brings us to problems number three.

Free will usually (usually, not sometimes) gets in the way of timeframes.  Here is the example that my guide explained to me;  "Let's say that you plan to call your mom on the way home from work.  You tell her you will call around dinner time.  You get in your car and head home from work, and discover you are really hungry. So you phone in a pizza.  You go pick up your pizza.  You stop to talk to the pizza guy.  He tells you about this great movie and you think 'hey, I'd LOVE to see that'.  So you head over by the theater on your way home to check the times that the movie is on.  Oh, it's on later tonight!  And they have a coupon for a lower price!  You hurry home, eat your pizza quickly, grab your significant other, and head out to the movie.  The movie is great, you get done and get home thinking about the superb story.  The next morning, on your way to work, you remember you didn't call your mom.  Oh No!  Mom, I will call you tonight as soon as I'm off work!"

Now, the person in this example did not stop loving their mother.  They just made choices that lead to distractions that changed the timing of that phone call.

The same can be said for any other time-centered event in our lives.  When will they let you know if you have the job?  When they make the free will choice combination that allows them to do it.  When will that couple break up?  It might be next fight: or it could be that in the next fight she will say 'I'm sorry.  I was horrible. Let's not fight anymore.' and they will make up and won't break up for another month or more.

This all begs the question: if timeframes are almost bound to be at least somewhat inaccurate, why bother with psychic readings at all?

Well there are several good reasons that psychic readings can still provide insight.  First, it is good to know what will happen, even if you don't know exactly when.  Second, psychic readings can help you see what free will paths you can take to lead you to future events faster or slower.  Third, a good psychic reading will help you clearly see what is and is not within your power to change.

Plus, I must add in fairness, some timeframes are smack-dab-perfectly accurate.


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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2013, 05:51:46 PM »
Thanks for posting this. This lines up with pretty much every article I have read on timeframes from readings. It is very frustrating to have a reader tell you that this is happening shortly and you feel like you are right on the cusp of it happening and then BOOM...back to not seeing it manifest at all and you stand still waiting for it to come to pass.

Offline nikkii

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2013, 07:54:50 PM »
Thanks for sharing this Bark Angel, it really does drive the point home for me on why asking for a time on things should not be the main focus of a reading.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 08:18:17 PM »
Yes, I just experienced that exact situation myself.  I had been getting readings from a very trusted psychic of mine for  about 6 months.  She kept saying something would breakthrough in November 2013.  Well. I wait patiently through November and arrange a call with her on the last day of the month...BOOM - not only is there no contact seen now in November - but something has "shifted" and the love interest will now not contact me for about a "year or maybe two"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am heartbroken, to say the least. 
Thanks for posting this. This lines up with pretty much every article I have read on timeframes from readings. It is very frustrating to have a reader tell you that this is happening shortly and you feel like you are right on the cusp of it happening and then BOOM...back to not seeing it manifest at all and you stand still waiting for it to come to pass.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2013, 08:26:09 PM »
I know there are some that have read with Cookie and not liked the read - or not had luck with her predictions, but I do have to give her credit for this.

Most spirits actually just time by landmark, rather than sequence.  In other words: First you will adopt a new dog, then you will get a new job, and after that you will meet the man you marry.  At the same time you meet the man you marry you will also finally be over your ex.  After that happens, you will conceive your first child.  Etc.  Etc.

Of all the psychics that I read with that are willing to offer timing of some sort or another only Cookie gives it as in the quote above...she rarely says "it will happen in X months".  More often than not in my readings with Cookie, she says "I will tell you this, when your love interest reaches out to you, you will be doing this...and you will not be thinking that'.  So she really does not always work or read giving traditional timing.  I have to admit, when she says things like this my first instinct is to pin her down to a month, week, or day,. but now I can appreciate after reading this that she really might be being more accurate than those that offer month and day timing.


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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2013, 10:08:20 PM »
Yes, I just experienced that exact situation myself.  I had been getting readings from a very trusted psychic of mine for  about 6 months.  She kept saying something would breakthrough in November 2013.  Well. I wait patiently through November and arrange a call with her on the last day of the month...BOOM - not only is there no contact seen now in November - but something has "shifted" and the love interest will now not contact me for about a "year or maybe two"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am heartbroken, to say the least.

Oh man. I am sorry. :(  That is a long time to have to wait! I hope she is wrong.

I would be upset too. I mean, I already am upset with my situation now because we are in NC and he announced in our last conversation he is seeing someone. Topaz (yes, I know people bashed her as self-advertising on here) has told me that there is no relationship between them and I will see it sever in the next few weeks. We will see. She was right regarding the situation where his ex gf was still in the picture, she assured me there was no romance, no sex and no relationship there between them and it looks like she has been out of the picture now for awhile.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2013, 02:34:30 AM »
Bark angel, I'm sorry to hear about the major change in your reading, but is it possible your reader could be stringing you along? Were they able to give you plausible and verifiable reasons for such an extreme shift?

Thank you for sharing the article about timing. It is definitely food for thought. I try to get readings for current situations only but it's difficult not to think of the timing predictions when the psychic throws it out on their own without you asking, know what I mean? It was an interesting description given of how spirits view time, tho. :D

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2013, 03:07:15 AM »
This reader is too ethical to string me along.  Furthermore, there was an explanation given and that is that my love interest "made a decision that did not involve his heart, in fact, the decision was opposed to his emotions" to focus more attention on his current situation.  It was presented as an "intellectual decision" and one that would provide him with some security that he views as necessary at this time. It was further described as an event in the future where he finds himself at a crossroads.  One path would bring him back to me, the other path would extend the time he spends on his current situation.   I suppose for a while the interim prediction was that he would choose the path that turns him back to me, but I was told that there are other entities influencing him, and some pressure that was applied by other entities has now changed the timing and moves him along the other path which keeps him away for up to a year or more.  I was told that it could change in the meantime, but it is not seen right now, but that this only affects timing and not the final outcome.

Bark angel, I'm sorry to hear about the major change in your reading, but is it possible your reader could be stringing you along? Were they able to give you plausible and verifiable reasons for such an extreme shift?

Thank you for sharing the article about timing. It is definitely food for thought. I try to get readings for current situations only but it's difficult not to think of the timing predictions when the psychic throws it out on their own without you asking, know what I mean? It was an interesting description given of how spirits view time, tho. :D

Offline copperhead

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2013, 03:27:05 AM »
Yes, I just experienced that exact situation myself.  I had been getting readings from a very trusted psychic of mine for  about 6 months.  She kept saying something would breakthrough in November 2013.  Well. I wait patiently through November and arrange a call with her on the last day of the month...BOOM - not only is there no contact seen now in November - but something has "shifted" and the love interest will now not contact me for about a "year or maybe two"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am heartbroken, to say the least.

Oh man. I am sorry. :(  That is a long time to have to wait! I hope she is wrong.

This is where free will should (MUST!) kick in. Contact the person in question. If he shows no interest, move on. And move on quickly. One year to wait??? And who know, maybe in a year, he'll show up again. But do you wait a year for someone in a limbo? Not living your life? Wasting potentials? A year is a long, long time...

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2013, 12:57:50 PM »
Copperhead -
I think what I was trying to explain is how I have been plagued with the notion that trusted advisors can predict some things with amazing accuracy and then how some predictions fail.  It has troubled me for a long time. I now believe free will can push things out on predictions.  But, as it was explained to me, it may affect the timing of things but not alter the overall predicted outcome. 

Your response is interesting to me because it explains why I believe it is possible that a lot of people come back after a while and claim that some prediction never manifested because when timing becomes protracted they DO decide to change their willingness, receptiveness, patience or understanding and they do make decisions for themselves, perhaps against their own hearts a the time, that then has an impact on the predicted result.

The whole psychic prediction concept was explained to me by an advisor as "the expected outcome of a particular situation (situation being where "person A" feels this and "person B" feels that) after a series of events, but how many and what type of events that are to occur before the outcome manifests is subject to change and especially when there are multiple people involved - each having his or her own free will".

No psychic that I have ever consulted tells me to "wait".  In fact they are quite clear that one must not "wait".  The predicted outcome is based upon both parties following the path they are currently on as if no prediction had been given.  So, in my opinion your recommendation that free will should (MUST) come into play is not necessary at all.  In fact, I should just move forward as if I ahd not been given the prediction.  Because if one reacts to information involved a prediction and changes ones path then perhaps that accounts for a prediction not manifesting at all.  My view is this, if I am not to "wait" after receiving a prediction then the amount of time has little or no bearing on what I do.  All I know is that if my feeling towards a person remains the same then chances are we will be reunited at some time in the future.
Yes, I just experienced that exact situation myself.  I had been getting readings from a very trusted psychic of mine for  about 6 months.  She kept saying something would breakthrough in November 2013.  Well. I wait patiently through November and arrange a call with her on the last day of the month...BOOM - not only is there no contact seen now in November - but something has "shifted" and the love interest will now not contact me for about a "year or maybe two"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am heartbroken, to say the least.

Oh man. I am sorry. :(  That is a long time to have to wait! I hope she is wrong.

This is where free will should (MUST!) kick in. Contact the person in question. If he shows no interest, move on. And move on quickly. One year to wait??? And who know, maybe in a year, he'll show up again. But do you wait a year for someone in a limbo? Not living your life? Wasting potentials? A year is a long, long time...

Offline bstalling

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2013, 07:47:59 PM »
It is so frustrating when guides don't realize the importance of timing in our lives. I know there is no timing "out there", but timing is pretty damn important down here. So, I'm not sure why guides are not getting it...surely they could learn.


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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2013, 03:21:40 AM »
It is so frustrating when guides don't realize the importance of timing in our lives. I know there is no timing "out there", but timing is pretty damn important down here. So, I'm not sure why guides are not getting it...surely they could learn.

They can't get it because it's divine timing. Otherwise if we knew exactly when everything was to work out and be reunited with a former love, we would never go out and experience life as we need to before we can come back together. Essentially there would be no growth, we would just sit around on the couch just waiting for that specific date to occur.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2013, 03:40:53 AM »
This makes so much sense...
It is so frustrating when guides don't realize the importance of timing in our lives. I know there is no timing "out there", but timing is pretty damn important down here. So, I'm not sure why guides are not getting it...surely they could learn.

They can't get it because it's divine timing. Otherwise if we knew exactly when everything was to work out and be reunited with a former love, we would never go out and experience life as we need to before we can come back together. Essentially there would be no growth, we would just sit around on the couch just waiting for that specific date to occur.

Offline skyline

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2013, 12:29:13 AM »
I know there are some that have read with Cookie and not liked the read - or not had luck with her predictions, but I do have to give her credit for this.

Most spirits actually just time by landmark, rather than sequence.  In other words: First you will adopt a new dog, then you will get a new job, and after that you will meet the man you marry.  At the same time you meet the man you marry you will also finally be over your ex.  After that happens, you will conceive your first child.  Etc.  Etc.

Of all the psychics that I read with that are willing to offer timing of some sort or another only Cookie gives it as in the quote above...

There is another reader who does this - Miss Josephine. I believe this is the only way to do timing.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Timing of predictions
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2013, 07:00:12 PM »
this is a link on why some predictions don't happen
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 07:10:54 PM by tellmewhy »