Author Topic: Tana Hoy  (Read 16007 times)

Offline nikkii

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Tana Hoy
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:07:59 PM »
Awhile back I remember seeing Tana Hoy on a talk show and signed up for his newsletters & updates thinking maybe one day I'll purchase a reading from him since I was "impressed" with what I saw on the show. This is back when I was psychic binging calling everyone from Keen to Psychic Source, etc.

Needless to say and thankfully so, I have never called. Thank God I don't call like I used to and have my two go-to's when I feel like I need some insight. Anyway whenever I get these newsletters from Tana Hoy I always delete them without reading them; however the subject line caught my attention and I wanted to share what was written.

Subject: An urgent psychic message for you? (Is it you??) 
Priority: Normal  Date: Monday, November 25, 2013 4:35 AM  Size: 15 KB 

Over the weekend, I have been having a strange feeling about you?

I had a feeling about someone you know, maybe even love! Anyways, this

person is a male. And I keep feeling that he is going to change his mind, or

break a promise about something he said he would or would't!

He is going to break his promise, or change his mind about how he feels,

and you are going to be in shock!

Is this you? I can see that is going to happen to someone reading this, but

I am not sure exactly who it is!

So this is why I am sending this email out, to try and reach the person I am

seeing because I can help you avoid this happening all together. We need

to talk ASAP!!!

If this is you, please contact me right away for a session! Just click here now!

to schedule a time to talk to me!

You will know if it is you, because you will "feel" it's for you inside. You

will have a strong sense when you read this email that it might be for you!!

If this email is for you, you need to contact my office ASAP or click here now,

and set up some time with me so that we can talk! You can also call my office

at 614-444-6334.

I am very booked up right now, but I will make a space for you, because it is

that important that we speak!!!

This situation can be turned around, but first I need to know who you are!

Then during our session, when I am connected to your energy, I will be able

to tell you exactly what you need to do to change this into tears of joy,

instead of tears of pain!

I won't rest until we talk, and if we don't talk, you won't be able to rest either!

This will ruiin your holidays!!!

Contact me right away if this is you! We need to talk!!

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

For A Psychic Reading:


Call: 614-444-6334

P.S. Call me ASAP! It feels good to know I am able to see this ahead of time

and prevent a broken heart! I think he's toying with the idea of cheating, or

lying about something major! But I will give you a powerful mantra that will

stop it from happening!
NOW - this e-mail really pissed me off!!! Why? Because it reminds me of a time waaay back when I was vulnerable and would have believed that this could possibly be directed at me. Obviously I'm a female, as my e-mail address has my first name attached to it - so the fact that it starts with he has a feeling about someone I know, a male was the trigger to pull someone in.

It baffles my mind that from a random number of subscribers, he feels this strongly about one of the many that may subscribe. What a load of B.S.

The intention behind this is to cause panic, doubt and uncertainty to prompt someone to call for a reading. The sense of "urgency" behind it; saying this will ruin someone's holiday is just sickening.

And the P.S. is a kicker! Someone who is not very strong I'm sure fell for the conclusion to this outrageous e-mail.

I call b.s. on the whole thing, it's upsetting to think that someone reading that will attribute it to something going on in their life, waste money and call this guy in a frantic state!

I apologize for the lengthy post. I can't stand those who prey on the weak.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 10:38:18 PM »
Thank you for sharing. This is just more proof that many of these so called psychics basically use psychological tactics to prey on those in depressed and anxious states. I wonder if (m)any of the fake psychics are actually psychologists or failed psychology students? lol Just a thought, but either way it sickens me to see this.

Here are some good articles if you haven't already seen them:

Offline Zee

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 12:10:10 AM »
I sort of giggled at the Tana Hoy email because I've gotten some similar to this, although it wasn't about a guy, it was about the future and there was some exciting news coming my way that they were sure, I'd want to know. But that I would need to hurry and call so we can discuss all the good things coming my way, so I don't miss the opportunities.

I never called because the email was so general and could have applied to anyone.

Also, it wasn't all gloom and doom the way that email from Tany Hoy is and there wasn't any scary warnings in it either.  He can't be that good if he has stooped to these tactics to get callers.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2013, 12:59:45 AM »
Thank you for sharing. This is just more proof that many of these so called psychics basically use psychological tactics to prey on those in depressed and anxious states. I wonder if (m)any of the fake psychics are actually psychologists or failed psychology students? lol Just a thought, but either way it sickens me to see this.

Here are some good articles if you haven't already seen them:

That Wikihow page on how to become a psychic is one of the stupidest things I have ever read in my life.  Get a familiar- seriously?  Guess no one's truly a psychic til they have a snake or crow on their shoulders as they hover over their crystal ball.  Where did this person learn to become a psychic- Hogwart's?

Interesting links, Diva.  Thanks for sharing.  The articles by people  who 'winged it' on psychic call lines were very interesting- although so many of us have long since figured that out- but so many were once victims to such scamming and so many out there still are.  Makes me think of Dave Chappelle's comedy skit 'Miss Cleo's Educated Guess Network' which is hilarious.  If you've never seen it, look it up on YouTube ( if it's the tv edit, foul language will be bleeped out- but if not- just be warned there is mild language for anyone who's ears might burn )

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2013, 01:12:07 AM »
Hehehehehe, yeah, I threw the wiki one in there for comic relief!! I almost fell out of my stool when I read it from laughing so hard!  ;D

Offline nikkii

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2013, 02:05:05 AM »
This is just more proof that many of these so called psychics basically use psychological tactics to prey on those in depressed and anxious states.

I feel that they use this particular time of year; the holidays to send out these bogus e-mails knowing that there will be some poor soul in need of real help.

Great articles Decibel, thanks for posting them.

Offline nikkii

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2013, 02:18:06 AM »
Also, it wasn't all gloom and doom the way that email from Tany Hoy is and there wasn't any scary warnings in it either.  He can't be that good if he has stooped to these tactics to get callers.

Exactly! This screamed gloom and doom, what a perfect way to describe it. I feel a good and genuine psychic would never stoop to such low levels at someone's emotional expense.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2013, 02:47:21 AM »
This guy makes me feel sick.  I found something else written on the internet about him too. On this forum>>

"He kept telling me that he is one of few psychics who can read me. Moreover, for things to happen, i should keep having readings every 3 months, like going to a dentist, he said. Because we have free will,so for things to happen i should keep having readings with him.idiot fellow. If free will is going to affect what he predicts then there is no point in his predictions. Because he can always blame for predictions not come true for free will,!!!then he is very free to make any freaking prediction."

Offline nikkii

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2013, 03:09:09 AM »
Thanks for sharing the link LuckyStar. Incredible, I am so very glad I am not weak as I was years ago, sadly I would have been one to fall privy to an e-mail such as the one sent to me.

Offline Zee

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2013, 03:31:38 AM »
That Wikihow page on how to become a psychic is one of the stupidest things I have ever read in my life.  Get a familiar- seriously?  Guess no one's truly a psychic til they have a snake or crow on their shoulders as they hover over their crystal ball.  Where did this person learn to become a psychic- Hogwart's?

Interesting links, Diva.  Thanks for sharing.  The articles by people  who 'winged it' on psychic call lines were very interesting- although so many of us have long since figured that out- but so many were once victims to such scamming and so many out there still are.  Makes me think of Dave Chappelle's comedy skit 'Miss Cleo's Educated Guess Network' which is hilarious.  If you've never seen it, look it up on YouTube ( if it's the tv edit, foul language will be bleeped out- but if not- just be warned there is mild language for anyone who's ears might burn )

Is this Dave's Educated Guess Line (based on stereotypes), because adding Miss Cleo to the search brings up something different. Is this it?

Yeah it was pretty funny, the obvious stuff we would already know.

Your crystal ball comment was even funnier.

Offline melancholia

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2013, 07:00:41 PM »
I think the part that makes me angriest is,"I won't rest until we talk, and if we don't talk, you won't be able to rest either!

This will ruiin your holidays!!!"

Talk about preying on people's anxiety.  If anyone ever sent me a message like this, I'd probably not just unsubscribe and delete it - I'd probably send a nasty, long-winded message right back.  That takes some nerve!

Offline nikkii

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2013, 11:55:15 PM »
I never paid attention to the e-mails before, just deleted them. But when I saw the subject line it piqued my curiosity and read it.

Somnus I definitely wanted to give him a piece of my mind but I'm sure it would have fallen on deaf ears. I'm sure "psychics" such as this one would feel for one loss, there would be triple that would fall privy to that garbage.

I have since unsubscribed; who needs to receive e-mails like this in their inbox?

Offline whskers

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Re: Tana Hoy
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2017, 02:11:17 PM »
Ok so... after reading reviews from another website... positive and negative... i gave in.  I scheduled an appointment with Tana Hoy.  I scheduled in July... but the appointment is scheduled in October and it's $250 for 30 mins.  I'm really hoping i get something value adding out of this reading.