Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Tana Hoy

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I think the part that makes me angriest is,"I won't rest until we talk, and if we don't talk, you won't be able to rest either!

This will ruiin your holidays!!!"

Talk about preying on people's anxiety.  If anyone ever sent me a message like this, I'd probably not just unsubscribe and delete it - I'd probably send a nasty, long-winded message right back.  That takes some nerve!

I never paid attention to the e-mails before, just deleted them. But when I saw the subject line it piqued my curiosity and read it.

Somnus I definitely wanted to give him a piece of my mind but I'm sure it would have fallen on deaf ears. I'm sure "psychics" such as this one would feel for one loss, there would be triple that would fall privy to that garbage.

I have since unsubscribed; who needs to receive e-mails like this in their inbox?

Ok so... after reading reviews from another website... positive and negative... i gave in.  I scheduled an appointment with Tana Hoy.  I scheduled in July... but the appointment is scheduled in October and it's $250 for 30 mins.  I'm really hoping i get something value adding out of this reading.


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