Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Sylvia Browne

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--- Quote from: Bark angel on November 22, 2013, 08:33:09 PM ---I don't see anything hugely monstrous in that quote!  What exactly is so wrong with it?

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Basically, he was a bully and an asshole.

Wow.  Well, I feel vindicated for being a PC, then.

...Er.  A PC user.  I am not actually, literally, a PC.

Just want to clarify.  *cough*

Ok well, enough of this.  Has anyone had a reading lately? Anything happening for anyone?  Anyone have any updates lol?

Who cares about how bad these people were? I want to live in the now and know what is going on in my life or the best psychics to call if there are any!!! The dead cannot change a thing so why waste time talking about how horrible they were!!! The question is, did these people stand up for themselves? if they did not, why should i stand up and fight with the dead!

Tired of this nonsense!!!

KTH am still waiting to hear back!!!

--- Quote from: kickingthehabit on November 22, 2013, 10:27:43 PM ---Ok well, enough of this.  Has anyone had a reading lately? Anything happening for anyone?  Anyone have any updates lol?

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