Author Topic: reader's takes on someone else's relationship vs physical situation  (Read 2518 times)

Offline hope4love

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« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:22:19 AM by hope4love »

Offline Zee

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Re: reader's takes on someone else's relationship vs physical situation
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2013, 12:42:07 AM »
And yet in my own personal experience, I've had two boyfriends who would go on about how this woman in their lives was the greatest thing since sliced bread and essentially they were rubbing it in my face because I had ended things with him. For the record, both of these relationships ended rather badly and they both came crawling back to me in a manner of speaking. Yeesh!
Seriously, people do this b.s. aaaaaallll the time. If they were so happy, they wouldn't be going on and on about it or put it on facebook for the world to see. You'd be able to see how truly happy they were by their actions.  If you have to say it out loud, you're only trying to convince yourself and the other person you're talking to.  This always raises red flags for me.  Especially when a man brags about how good in bed he is and says the typical...oh you'll get yours crap.

It's on the opposite end, but it's the same thing when you confront someone about something and they blow up and make a big deal out of something that started out as a minor question and go on and on about their justifications. This quote: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, act III, scene II, and it is always so fitting, same as the squeaky wheel gets the oil (you get the picture).

The reader got the vibe that he felt he couldn't do any better than this woman and he was afraid that there wasn't anything better out there. (if this is true, I feel sorry for that woman)
I've run across this as well and men have internal clocks just like women do, and sometimes get with a woman because they think the woman they really want, will not have them or get married because they're fearful it might be too late.

Your situation was lovely to read, although I don't have any recommendations, just general comments.  It was like a cool ghost story.  Have you tried another crossover reader to see if they pick up on the same things?

Offline hope4love

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Re: reader's takes on someone else's relationship vs physical situation
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 01:35:29 AM »
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:22:27 AM by hope4love »

Offline hope4love

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Re: reader's takes on someone else's relationship vs physical situation
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2013, 02:52:31 AM »
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:22:40 AM by hope4love »

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: reader's (forget about it)
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2013, 03:08:33 PM »
Truth to the matter is that the best readings are the ones you believe would never happen and those are the ones that actually happens.Yes I can attest to this because it happened to me when i had a reading with Mary O!!! I thought she was pulling shit out of her ass!!! the one i dwelt on and believe that it needed to happen did not. So now I am stuck with a reading she gave me in 2011;it has manifested but because i did not think it was possible i did not ask her question regarding how to deal with obstacles, I am going to have another reading but because i believe her now, i would not know how to live my life without dwelling on it if it makes sense.

*****what I am trying to say is that, when you  get a reading forget about it!!!I know it is difficult and almost close to impossible but that is how they really happen. I guess universe believes we not suppose to know and when you forget about it ,universe makes it happen because it was suppose to happen anyway.***** ;)

I know this has been discussed before on this forum but here's a different twist.
Long story short (I'd rather not get into too many details) I had a 'crossover' session with a reader I've been consulting for the past several years. She's good for spiritual insight and growth more than anything else.
The person I asked about passed on several years ago and I've had a few dreams with him since then yet I still feel like he's 'around' because he wants something from me. (it wasn't a romantic situation but very complex and weird nonetheless)
He was doing things like helping me with my car, loaned me a bit of money, and other things that most men do when they have feelings for a woman. 
He ended up becoming involved with someone and they eventually got married and were together until his death.
I admit, I was jealous when his focus turned to this other woman and he stopped doing the things he did for me. I saw him more as 'father figure/mentor' and didn't see him in a romantic light yet I was obviously attached to the attention he gave me. When I confronted him about his behaviour, he apologized for hurting me and he did say that while he cared about me, he never had any romantic feelings for me.

So imagine my surprise when during the crossover session about this person, he admits to the reader that he had romantic feelings for me while he was alive. Essentially he was 'in love' with me is what came across. (his actions would tend to back up that message)
When I asked about the woman he became involved with, it was definitely interesting. When he was alive, this man would always mention his new love and he went on about he felt a past life connection with her, they were like swans (mates for life), etc. He was besotted with her or so it seemed.
Yet, the reader gave me a very different take. Yes, they both got what they wanted but it was like they got their cake but didn't have any forks to eat the cake and no, they didn't live happily ever after.  (they almost separated but stayed together to save face is what came out)

I asked why is it now that this man is conveying his feelings for me from the other side? The reader says it's because he was too proud, egotistic, confused and fearful to reveal his true feelings when he was alive and he was 'forced' to enter a 'lesser' relationship with this woman. The reader got the vibe that he felt he couldn't do any better than this woman and he was afraid that there wasn't anything better out there. (if this is true, I feel sorry for that woman)
When I look back on things now, I got this vibe that this man was rubbing things into my face about his relationship yet I didn't understand why.
Now it makes sense. If he knew I didn't feel the same way about him, then he was trying to make it a point that at least this woman desired him, etc. MEN!  ::)
Yes, this man has regret and sorrow about he hurt me and he feels compelled to tell me his true feelings in order for me to gain perspective of the situation and to let it go completely.

Is this confusing for me? You bet it is. I know this reader is good when she reads the vibrations of a situation and she's accurate with those takes.
And yet in my own personal experience, I've had two boyfriends who would go on about how this woman in their lives was the greatest thing since sliced bread and essentially they were rubbing it in my face because I had ended things with him. For the record, both of these relationships ended rather badly and they both came crawling back to me in a manner of speaking. Yeesh!
I guess my confusion is that her take obviously doesn't jive what this man was telling me and what I saw as the physical reality. (obviously I didn't have access to their private lives and who knows what goes on behind closed doors)

Do readers ever get two people being happy together? I know that just because two people are together until death comes knocking, that doesn't mean they were truly happy.
I apologize if this post doesn't make sense, especially as I've left out a number of details. If I told you the details, it would read like a Jerry Springer episode.

thanks for letting me vent.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 03:10:45 PM by tellmewhy »