Author Topic: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?  (Read 8111 times)

Offline hope4love

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« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:22:55 AM by hope4love »

Offline Amaranth

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2013, 10:15:14 AM »
Do you chalk it up to an off day for the reader and take it with a pinch of salt but still go to them?
I had a read tonight with a reader I've been consulting for the past year and she's been pretty accurate for the most part about stuff but tonight, she waaaay off.
She was going on about Thanksgiving and how it's affecting this person in question, etc.
I'm not in the US so I don't celebrate US Thanksgiving although my birthday is usually around that weekend. I asked if this person recalls/remembers my birthday and her take was 'no, but he's good with remembering birthdays and he knows he can look it up.' (I know this person in a business situation and yes, he has my personal information including my birthday)

I was thoroughly annoyed because this is such an obvious answer. Of course he can look up my personal information. Yeesh!  >:(
I should have called her about the US Thanksgiving take because that's SO not the case.

Okay, I'm going to heed Amaranth's advise to release in order for things to manifest as they should.

It's very possible that your psychic was just having an 'off' day, was tired and not clearly focused, distracted, or had already done several readings previous to yours and hadn't 'refreshed' themselves enough before taking your reading.   Or sometimes, as is often the case, readers honestly don't know the answer to your question, and instead of just being forthcoming and saying, 'I'm not getting any answers on that at the moment', they'll try to save face by grasping at straws that could be realistically applicable ( oh look, we're in November, it's plausible Thanksgiving is on his/her mind' not taking into consideration that their client or the person they are asking about celebrate that holiday or live anywhere it is celebrated.  Definitely not trying throw your reader under the bus, because it could just as easily be any of the other possibilities I mentioned and your next reading may feel back to being on par with what you expect from his/her readings.

When a reader starts to become consistently wrong for you over a period of time, regardless of whether they worked for you in the past, that's when it's time to move on from them.  There can be a couple of reasons for this all-too-often occurrence.  Once again, our spirit guides come and go, and at one point one who was totally comfortable giving information to your favorite psychic may take it's leave only to be replaced by a new one that totally decides to clam up with your fave psychic and refuses to connect with them.  This also commonly leads to why people scratch their heads over why their psychics are great with career predictions but lousy at love predictions, or visa versa, or can totally be eerily accurate in some aspects of our life but seem absolutely clueless about the rest.  A lot of it heavily depends on the comfort level of our guides with each psychic and what they are willing to talk about.  As I had said before, one of my guides will talk incessantly about every creep I have ever dated in my lifetime, but absolutely refuses to speak about my ex-fiancĂ©, and if I or the psychic giving me a reading so much as mentions my ex's name or tries to force a reading on the topic, he instantly shuts off the connection.  I always literally picture him folding fists up into his chest and turning his back like a defiant child, lol.

But once again, sometimes your guides are perfectly cooperative and unfortunately, a psychic isn't 'connecting' because they're simply a fraud.  Unfortunately, they are out there, preying on very hurt, confused people.

And sometimes, a psychic stops 'working' for you accurately in the long-term not because of anything you or your guides are or aren't doing, but because some kind of huge life event occurred in the psychic's life.  Death in the family, illness, divorce, legal or financial problems, chronic stress, even something like the birth of a baby which can greatly shift hormones and body chemistry can greatly affect a reader's ability.  In those cases, the reader should really take some time off from reading professionally and focus on re-balancing themselves so they can get back to a place where they can once again give balanced, objective readings unaffected by and unswayed by any personal chaos in their lives.

I'm sorry tonight has been disappointing for you. I really suggest everyone looking for a little guidance and personal empowerment get a deck of Oracle cards.  It is nowhere near as heavy as Tarot, as every single card is a positive message or suggestion from your guides.  The more you use it and let it absorb your energy, the more you'll be surprised how no matter what your situation is, the card you draw for yourself is accurate and relevant.  Its also a great and easy way to quickly receive a message as to what you may be inadvertently doing to keep yourself from receiving the things you desire and how to overcome that.

And definitely, definitely try to just 'release the information' and trust The Universe as you said.  Sometimes the things we think we want now, a little further down the road we are provided with something better, and then we look back and think, 'Geez, I can't believe I was so hung up on this guy/girl/situation' and realize how much time we wasted feeling lousy and hurt and chasing fairytales.  In the end, what is, is what must be.  We are like a stone, and everything in our life is the water and debris flowing past, weathering us and shaping us.  What is debris will continue to wash away; what sticks will stick and stay around.  Easier said than done, but keep your outlook as positive as possible.  Not unrealistic, mind you, but just positive.   And just focus on that idea: 'this or something better manifests for me now'.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2013, 01:23:30 PM »
This  all makes so much sense, and I must say I have experienced days when my trusted readers are "off" or the reading seems not to be a positive as earlier ones.  Not that the outcome has changed, but little nuances and details seem a bit off.  I have always wondered about readers on Keen, for example - that platform does not provide for a reader to take a breather between clients, or certainly it doesn't appear it does.  On California Psychics you can actually see when the psychics take breaks and I , for one, have a go to reader on CP and I actually try to time my reading so that I catch her either at the beginning of her shift or after a break.

Offline hope4love

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2013, 06:40:34 AM »
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:23:09 AM by hope4love »

Offline Zenia

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2013, 05:15:02 PM »
Intresting post.
I agree on most part,but would like to add,that it isnt just our guides that provides information,its also the readers.I am not sure my own guides are involved so much at all.The readers often state they are given info by their own guides and the divine.
And here are 2 problems.
If they are getting  info from their own guides,and not yours:

We must remember that guides are not all-knowing,and sees it all.It depends on the guides level of spiritual developement as well.We tend to think they are in higher frequencies,but that may not be the case at all.
If one guide is jugdemental in the delivery of info,this is not a being from a high density.Way too often i have experienced this.

Then there is the readers "filter"that info shall pass through.And here the readers own spiritual level is of great importance.
They can only guide you from their own point of evolvement.Not above.Sometimes you grow apart from your reader,and need to find someone else,one with greater spiritual approach,.

I do oraclecards myself,and many other forms of divinations.Its a great help. :)

Offline Zee

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2013, 07:24:59 PM »
Yeah I sort of agree with some of this and was going to add that readers always tell me they use their guides. I don't recall ever hearing a reader mention mine or any that I might have (I'm not sure I believe in any of this at the moment), although the reader has said that their guide(s) aren't giving them the information that I may have asked about.

I still believe 100% that readings are simply interpretive and if the reading is wrong/off or the prediction, it's because the reader isn't able to read/interpret the information correctly. This also leads into why readers give their advice thinking it's helping, but I can always tell and will ask if they are getting the information psychically.

I don't pay for advice.

I read with WizardMask yesterday and although a nice lady, she was just okay.  She did not give me any concrete information that I can use. I even stopped taking notes because there was nothing even worth remembering.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2013, 08:54:11 PM »
There are a lot of readers who get information from their own guides- and a lot of the time their guides are getting information directly from your guides and then passing along the information to their channeler.

But this is another reason why I think it's crucial psychics/mediums/channelers be of sound health and unstressed when engaging.  I think we all remember a well known psychic who suddenly appeared to go off the deep end more and more as her 'Divine Angel' became involved. Quite honestly I believe she simply attracted a lower-level energy to herself- not an 'evil spirit' because I really don't believe in such- but simply a lower level, negative energy.

Everyone has guides.  Thinking of them as beings in flowing robes or winged angels is very comforting to many- so that's how they choose to see them and that's fine.  If you want to take a more scientific route that can be measured, they are energy- as everything in this universe is.  Protons, electrons, etc. traveling through the electromagnetic field, only they vibrate at a much higher frequency then our brains normally can.  With lots of training and focus, we can raise our own vibrations ( why monks chant because of the vibration it creates, etc ).  If you do some digging, you can find some amazing videos of scientific experiments done in controller environments where the electromagnetic fields were altered, actually allowing the scientists to float objects towards the ceiling with their minds.  This isn't magic- this is using the energy created by the electricity in our brains to directly affect and manipulate the energy of objects through the electromagnetic field of our plane.  When you begin to understand energy, you can see that science and 'miracles' can actually co-exist in some strange way.  One is validation of the other.

And yes, I said earlier, A LOT of inaccuracy comes from interpretation, whether the psychic is conversing with your guides or their guides.  Some see a 'movie show' playing in their heads.  Some see just colors and symbols.  Some see words scrolling at them like the opening of 'Star Wars', lol.  Some just have a jumbled mass of words hitting them in the head rapid-fire- not a single one a complete sentence.  And then they sit there and try to decipher it for you.  That's why despite popular belief, sometimes it is good to read with a tarot reader because the cards can actually help them put the 'story' or message together or more accurately.  That's why a lot of psychics work with several tools.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2013, 10:35:20 PM »
I noted you suggested a psychic called "Elisabeth Hart" has been good on timing for you.  There is an Elizabeth Hart on Keen.  Is this the same reader?

Offline Amaranth

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2013, 11:02:54 PM »
I noted you suggested a psychic called "Elisabeth Hart" has been good on timing for you.  There is an Elizabeth Hart on Keen.  Is this the same reader?

Yes- I did double-check and it in fact spelled with a 'z' so that should be her- her 'tagline' should say right in it 'timing'.  If you're still uncertain I can directly link to her.  She has gotten at least 2 timing predictions accurate for me- one was when I would find full-time work again after 8 months of being unemployed and applying fruitlessly every week ( and accurately describe the job I would end up with, too ) and another was a date for contact from someone that was correct.

Offline Zenia

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2013, 12:05:05 PM »
Although i believe i have guides,i dont think they are very involved in my struggle for info about this and that man in details.Its more about the bigger pictures and my personal developement.
I can hear instantly when a reader tells me my guides are saying something that dont resonnate with my own intuition.It happens so often,and therefore i have concluded my own guides are not particularly active in my readings.
Exception have been with readings with a medium,and deceased one gave me messages through her,and their names.That was really incredible.

As for the guides the readers use themselves,one can certainly question their level of spirituality when they call your man"garbage",or use degrading words about another person.Why should we trust info from such guides?They dont come from the divine light,but lower levels of understanding and evolvement.

True spiritual guidance is recognized by the love and understanding,ability to see the bigger picture,to teach us forgiveness,compassion,and most of all to love yourself.Bottom line thats all its about.

I have read with Wizardmask about a year ago.She was the only one telling me my loveintrest was,and had been in a solid relationship for 8 months.She gave description of the woman he was with.I could never confirm the info,but doubted it.We have some common friends,and i never got the impression through them that he was with someone.Nothing on his facebook either.
Anyway,today i think he is single.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2013, 12:55:00 PM »
While I am not sure I agree with all of this, I do think that if we are being lead by guides - our own or those of the readers we consult, I believe that the choices we are guided to make are positive ones and not grounded in jealousy, spite, anger or retribution.  If I begin to hear commentary from readers that suggests that I should contemplate a person or situation in a negative light, I tend to dismiss the reader.  I believe the truly gifted readers that are in touch with spirit guides deliver even the most difficult information in a manner in which we can learn, grow and be the better person. 
Although i believe i have guides,i dont think they are very involved in my struggle for info about this and that man in details.Its more about the bigger pictures and my personal developement.
I can hear instantly when a reader tells me my guides are saying something that dont resonnate with my own intuition.It happens so often,and therefore i have concluded my own guides are not particularly active in my readings.
Exception have been with readings with a medium,and deceased one gave me messages through her,and their names.That was really incredible.

As for the guides the readers use themselves,one can certainly question their level of spirituality when they call your man"garbage",or use degrading words about another person.Why should we trust info from such guides?They dont come from the divine light,but lower levels of understanding and evolvement.

True spiritual guidance is recognized by the love and understanding,ability to see the bigger picture,to teach us forgiveness,compassion,and most of all to love yourself.Bottom line thats all its about.

I have read with Wizardmask about a year ago.She was the only one telling me my loveintrest was,and had been in a solid relationship for 8 months.She gave description of the woman he was with.I could never confirm the info,but doubted it.We have some common friends,and i never got the impression through them that he was with someone.Nothing on his facebook either.
Anyway,today i think he is single.

Offline Zee

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2013, 04:44:52 PM »
Exception have been with readings with a medium,and deceased one gave me messages through her,and their names.That was really incredible.
I don't have any contacts on the other side, at least none I was very close to, so I generally avoid readers who consult with those who have passed over. And I take offense at any reader where I have read that they have predicted the death of someone. As wrong as readers are (and they know this more than anyone), this is one subject they should keep their mouths shut about. They have no right to think they were given that information.

Anyway, before I rant...who was this reader you were referring to?

Offline Amaranth

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2013, 06:52:00 PM »
'Guides' and 'people who have crossed over' are two completely different things, and I'm not speaking of one in the same.  A guide is more like a higher level of consciousness- some people refer to their guides simply as 'their higher self'- quite simply, their own intuition that they have finally been able to tap into.  Others see them as higher forms of energy, and like to assign faces and names to them. What is your truth might not be someone else's.  That doesn't matter.  Whatever your truth is, if it helps you navigate this life as an honest person and get you through those rough patches, then that is truth just the same.

Also, for the most part, spirit guides- or higher levels of consciousness- however you choose to look at it- are, for the most part, incapable of harsh judgement of others.  Where that comes from is the energy of what it's attached to- especially if it's not the highest level of energy of 'guide' or 'consciousness'.  Also, a lot of that is the psychic coming through as well.  Even though a psychic doing a reading for us is supposed to be impartial- when they see you laying yourself bare to them- and they see getting the run around from a guy ignoring you, or giving you the cold shoulder, or making you cry at night and throwing thousands of dollars at psychic hotlines, they're probably going to weigh in from time to time and call this guy a 'jerk', or a 'creep' etc.  Even if their information is coming from a Higher Power or a higher consciousness or whatever you believe, a psychic is still just a simple mortal being, and they will often impart and interject their own opinions into the matter.  Whether or not this is welcome or professional- it has a tendency to happen.

I certainly would never condone psychics telling people of upcoming death. In fact, I highly, HIGHLY disagree with it.  It should always be an absolute 'no no'.  In fact, at the local place where I do meets and readings out of, I decided to try out one of the new psychics they had added to their schedule.  A few minutes into the reading, she basically told me my father ( who has heart issues ) was going to die in the next year. I got up and walked out.  That is NEVER okay.  At most, a psychic might say, 'remember to cherish the time you have with loved ones like parents- we're all only here on this Earth for a short time-' or something if they feel they absolutely *have* to say Somethig - but telling someone they or someone they love or even that their dog is going to die is a code of ethics that should never be broken.

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2013, 06:55:30 PM »

And yes, I said earlier, A LOT of inaccuracy comes from interpretation, whether the psychic is conversing with your guides or their guides.  Some see a 'movie show' playing in their heads.  Some see just colors and symbols.  Some see words scrolling at them like the opening of 'Star Wars', lol.  Some just have a jumbled mass of words hitting them in the head rapid-fire- not a single one a complete sentence.  And then they sit there and try to decipher it for you.  That's why despite popular belief, sometimes it is good to read with a tarot reader because the cards can actually help them put the 'story' or message together or more accurately.  That's why a lot of psychics work with several tools.

Yes, I totally agree that inaccuracy comes from misinterpreting the symbols, signs, messages the readers receive and I do believe they don't get all the information. I don't think anyone can or should as there needs to be room for free will of choice. 

Offline hope4love

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Re: what if you have a really bad (off) read with a trusted reader?
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2013, 07:01:06 PM »
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:23:29 AM by hope4love »

