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Has anyone read with Devyn?

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Shoe Gal:
That would be great - thanks, CJean  :)

Found my notes!

When I spoke to her she told me a big jump in communication would happen in Feb the 2nd week and it sure and my guy had broken up in Jan so up until that 2nd week in feb (when we celebrated my birthday) he and I were on horrific that def happened like she said it would. Then she saw a couple energy in march and that happened too..she said the 3rd week... and by then things def picked up btw us. Other than that she said  the opening is there still and there would be a change in may...but she didnt say much on anything else...everything else was much more of advice on how to be and act etc. She is pretty straightforward and when I had my doubts she assured me not to...

What exactly did you want help in? Empath? timelines etc?

Shoe Gal:
Thanks, CJean.  It sounds like Devyn's timelines were spot on for you.  How awesome.  I'm not necessarily looking for anything particular as it appears timelines for me just aren't panning out.  All CPs have told me the same outcome/overall picture.  I guess I'm just being greedy wanting just one reader's timeline to come to pass (I need a little hope as I sit in waiting) :)

Seha is really good also Shoegal...she told me two communication and face to face visits that happened.... I loveeee her :)

Devyns prediction never happened for me however i do feel like she is a good empath


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