Author Topic: Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?  (Read 10854 times)

Offline believeornot

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Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?
« on: November 05, 2013, 03:10:45 AM »
Hi Folks,

I've read with several on CP, including Chastity, Fiona, Valario, Braxton, Francesca, Demi and Brandon.  By far, Demi's predictions were partial correct and still waiting the rest to pass.  Brandon nailed the personalities of the guys but his timelines were off, i'm still waiting to see if it will come to fruition.  So far, none of the above have been correct w/ their predictions.  I've been told by the CRS's that Brandon's predictions are 100% accurate but his timelines are a week or two off.  I'm still waiting to the end of Nov. to determine that. 

Offline Calypso 13

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Re: Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 04:09:07 PM »
Yep I read with them both, about 2 years ago and nothing.

Offline GLK73

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Re: Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2013, 03:00:31 AM »
I've read about a dozen times with Brandon over the past two months and, so far, he seems to have been accurate for me.  He nailed a couple short term predictions which were impressive.  Time will tell, but he seems to know what he's talking about - in my case, at least.  Good luck!

Offline Calvin

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Re: Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2013, 08:44:27 PM »
I've been reading with Demi for over a year and so far, the prediction hasn't happened, but I believe it will. Not because she says so, but because I follow Neville Goddard, the I AM meditation by Wayne Dyer and Terry McBride. (Look them up on your own, it's all about creating exactly what you want). I think she sees the overall bigger picture and is very good for giving advice which helps create the reality you want. When I've listened to her in the early days of our contact, things did indeed go well.  As for Brandon, I read with him when he was very new and I don't remember anything earth shattering. In fact, he seemed rather wishy washy to me.  I canceled my account with CP after thousands of dollars. Demi's rate has gone up to $10 a minute and this is exceedingly ridiculous, in my opinion, for any psychic in the entire world. It is hard for me to think of any profession which deserves $600 per hour! Especially one without 100% results, or a money-back guarantee. I've been off now for 2.5 months and when I'm tempted, I read a little here and somehow that's enough to make me remember how I REALLY can have the outcome I want and not lose all my money in the process!

Offline believeornot

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Re: Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2013, 09:44:47 PM »
I've read about a dozen times with Brandon over the past two months and, so far, he seems to have been accurate for me.  He nailed a couple short term predictions which were impressive.  Time will tell, but he seems to know what he's talking about - in my case, at least.  Good luck!

Hi GLK73,

Thanks for your response, I'm glad to hear his predictions came to pass for you.  Were his timelines off or on target for you?  It has been 2 weeks off for me but i'm hoping it will manifest soon (regarding job prospect). 

Offline GLK73

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Re: Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2013, 01:50:56 AM »
Yes, his timelines have been off.  In my case, it's been mainly contact timing for a relationship situation.  When he's been off it's only been a few days - maybe a week earlier on.  But there's been times where he felt very strongly that I would hear from the person and that he'd want to see me, and he was right on.  He told me I'd - at long last - see some real changes from this person over the next two months, so I'll have to get back to you on that.  I have been seeing changes already to my amazement - but I'm not entirely convinced yet.  I, like another person who recently posted, was on and off with this person for a very long time.  When we had the break in the beginning of September I decided I was going to finally handle it differently.  Even though I am crazy about this person and am miserable when we apart, I was so sick of things being stuck in the place they were.  I was stuck.  Had been for a super long time.  And I no longer felt good about myself (i.e., due to how neglected I felt, the way I reacted to things, spending money I didn't have on psychics, and not trying very hard in any other areas of my life).  I decided to just let him go (I ceased making any effort towards him) and finally focus on my own happiness.  I started going to Al-Anon meetings (to deal with my addiction to the guy) and AA meetings and a psychic addiction phone support group (to deal with my obsession with calling psychics).  Things slowly began to shift for me and I began to feel more at peace with where I am in life, appreciative and grateful for the blessings I do have, and started to develop new friendships with people (in the groups) I could really connect with.  My self-esteem has started to go back up and I have the energy and motivation to take better care of myself and my kids and my job and my money, etc.  So those things I'm sure all have played in to this person treating me differently and stepping it up a bit.  Oh, and, coincidentally, right after the split, the universe delivered me a newly divorced man about my age in the home next door (he moved in a few weeks after our last split).  I think SM seeing that also lit a fire under him.  Anyway, I'm not sure where things are headed with this guy, so I can't tell you with 100% certainty yet that Brandon is right.  But he's been pretty good for me through all of this so far.  I have spent a ton on psychics who weren't right - with this situation and with a few others.  It's a total bummer but I take responsibility...although I know I did the best I could at the time with all the emotional stress I was feeling.  At this point, I only call Brandon, Ginger, and, occasionally, LadyP, and not nearly as often as I had been.  And I will wait until they are available - I no longer throw money at new psychics or psychics that were inaccurate for me in the past just to get a fix.

Offline believeornot

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Re: Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2013, 02:24:21 AM »
Hi GLK73

Thanks for sharing your story, I've been there.  Just pleased to know that you found peace and happiness now.  I'm glad I didn't know CP when I went thru that, I'd be beyond broke now :).  It took me 2 years to healed. 

I reached out to CP because I was desperate to find another job, it's been 3 months.  Still hoping Brandon's predictions will manifest.  Will keep you guys posted, take care. 

Offline unbeatable27

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Re: Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2014, 05:22:19 PM »
I had a reading with Brandon like a month back. Most of the things he said regarding feelings, about the person in question, I cant confirm. Will update if his predictions do pan out , though they are for September end to November.


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Re: Anyone read with Brandon or Demi?
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2016, 03:28:02 AM »
Demi was nice the first time I read with her but she was of course wrong on her predictions. A year later I called her regarding something else and she was quite rude. The woman had the audacity to lecture and judge me.