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Renee Richards
Can you share with us how you know for a fact? Is this your opinio? A fact is something that can be verified an opinion is an assumption. Why did you not call from a fake phone and gave her fake credit info just like kicking did? Hey am not fending for anyone just being logical here.
--- Quote from: cocoapple on August 06, 2014, 11:36:38 PM ---Hi folks~
So i had a reading with Renee recently. I have quite mix reviews on her. I know for a fact she does (or her assistant) looks up the client info before the reading so i was not wowed by the names or the fact she knows where i'm from (location) etc. surprising. The content of the reading in regards to my relationship has yet to be determined. The things that i thought i could validate with are things that can be googled by anyone so until her predictions are true, i will hold the final verdict until then. If any of you wants details of the reading, you can PM me.
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You sound quite defensive but that could just be because in text format but i know the difference between a fact or an assumption. Fact is she flat out told me. That her son, the assistant, looks up her clients in terms of where they are to figure out time zones and likes to look them up and give her the info beforehand. Also, why i chose not to use fake info? Because then i know what are FACTs versus their ASSUMPTIONS from the reading and won't get excited just cuz they got some info right when it could just be a good induction from the info you gave. That's just my strategy with her and i was able to weed out the real info versus filler info like advising and coaching info. The thing is we all have had numerous readings with numerous readers. You gotta change up the strategy a bit so you can filter out the info from their guides versus their good out sounding advice derived from past experiences. For me, i like my strategy and it worked. I was able to tell which contents were gifted versus that of from life experience. You don't have to agree with my method because that's just how i approach readings now. If you want to know the exact details of the reading you can PM me.
divine wishes:
don't get tripped up on the semantics. it is rather simple -- if the reader can give you stunning details on facts that are a part of the public record, but remains vague on items that are not a part of the public record, one could easily guess that he/she did their homework.
i am only weighing in because the same happened to me during my reading with Renee.
i didn't use pseudo-info because:
1. i am too lazy to do all that needs to be done (gift cards, google numbers, new email address, fake home address, etc.)
2. it is my hope that a spiritual advisor, as she says she is, would not need to use search engines, but in fact would use her gift, which i am sure she has (as per KTH's experience). yes, i am that naive.
Exactly!! And you know what? At the end of the day we are all human and of course you would somewhat look them up anyways out of curiousity. Who here has not google themselves or people they were inquiring about? And seriously why go through all that trouble to create fake alias? And gift visa takes activation fees man! We spent too much monies on readings as it is!!
Fact is, readers DO inject their own advises. You cannot gurantee the whole content of the call
Is from the guides (whatever the medium is). This method, i find i was able to be smart about the call. Im not saying Renee is fake. I'm simply saying she's human and she does have a gift. Predications are yet to be validated.
Sorry you feel that way my new fave is jenny so it does not matter, I am also typing from my phone at work so I am not putting in a lot of effort to think about how it my sound to people. When I had a reading with her, I did not give her my full name just a nick name. Also just to let you know she would have to get your full name age and a whole lot more to google you. Who is to say she will google the right person? I understand why people are more on the fense I have too may reading to know how to present my questions. E.g with Jenny I use my middle name and if it is a man I give her my nick name. My man is an Indian and most readers have made assumptions based on his name so here I give them the meaning of his name that would translate into English. My thing is if she told you she looked your time zone up it will probably be innocent. If I were a psychic and guilty, I would not give you that info. Please excuse all typos on my cell phone.
--- Quote from: cocoapple on August 07, 2014, 08:32:47 PM ---@divinewishes
Exactly!! And you know what? At the end of the day we are all human and of course you would somewhat look them up anyways out of curiousity. Who here has not google themselves or people they were inquiring about? And seriously why go through all that trouble to create fake alias? And gift visa takes activation fees man! We spent too much monies on readings as it is!!
Fact is, readers DO inject their own advises. You cannot gurantee the whole content of the call
Is from the guides (whatever the medium is). This method, i find i was able to be smart about the call. Im not saying Renee is fake. I'm simply saying she's human and she does have a gift. Predications are yet to be validated.
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