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Renee Richards

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--- Quote from: tellmewhy on July 23, 2014, 11:02:31 AM ---Nikkie, i have address her question, plus I posted about her so research and read.There are a lot of crap that goes on in the spiritual realms and that is where our problem is. We need to address the source of this. Reading is a guide only.If everything a psychic sees comes to pass, I will call them God and so since they are not, none is perfect

--- End quote ---

So...wait, are you trying to say that Renee Richards is either an incubus or succubus?  Or possibly in a band? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

You're not being clear here.

This is getting weird now......  ???

Are we taking this way too seriously?  I mean....incubus and succubus?  I did a quick research... and it just makes me more confused and i think we should all take a step back and just stick to honest reviews of readers.  Afterall, this is what this forum is about.... to be honest, i took a step back when i saw the topic line 'demon'...

I listened to Renee's btr show...and heard your call @nikkii!  She really does take her time and gives you the answer you need.  Having said that, i'm not sure if i would give her a call.  At this point, calls are for fun....and i don't hold the time lines etc. seriously anymore since nothing is panning out. I will go on my life... but should i have a moment... i will call the 2 people i still regularly check in too just because they are lower rates, and i enjoy talking to them.  However, if i more people post more reviews about her, it might spark more curiosity and i don't find her rate that unreasonable so down the road.... i might give her a try.

I thought the topic turned weird too and swerved to the left! LOL I only use readings as tools for guidance, not the holy grail because yes, psychics are not God. Somnus, I agree. It wasn't clear and I was thrown by the change in the topic line. Btw - you're comment made me bust out laughing  ;D

Don't want to get off the topic of the thread which was started by tellmewhy. I was curious about Renee, checked her out, loved her show and with my experience was able to validate things she told me. Never have I lived my life according to what a psychic says, readings should be taken with a grain of salt and if what is said manifests - fantastic! And I've had that. @Cocoapple, yes she surprisingly took her time with me since technically her show was over and I appreciated that.


--- Quote from: cocoapple on July 23, 2014, 12:24:53 PM ---This is getting weird now......  ???

Are we taking this way too seriously?  I mean....incubus and succubus? 

--- End quote ---

To be fair, I don't know how many people are actually taking that seriously. (Sorry, tellmewhy - not trying to offend, but it's all a bit much.)  The last time I remember hearing someone mention anything even remotely like that, it was good ol' Sandy Esther and it was during her meltdown.  (By the way, does anyone know what happened to her? It looks like she stopped logging into keen shortly after that meltdown, and I've kind of been wondering if she was okay.)  AND NO, I'M NOT ACCUSING ANYONE OF HAVING A MELTDOWN.  Just getting that out of the way right now.

I had a reading and this woman, in my opinion, is a fraud. She did not know, and was not aware, of the biggest, most pressing events and people in my life, nor the reason I was calling. However, she did give exact names to several people in my family, both living and dead. She knew of a marriage and divorce. And everything single thing she said that was dead on, was easily discoverable through Facebook and public records. I know, because I've done it myself. Newspapers print obituaries and list family members' names. When you have someone's last name, especially an unusual one, you search it on Facebook and can see siblings and parents. Even if you can't see their profile in detail, it's pretty easy to deduce that those may be sisters and brothers and which one is dad and mom. And many profiles are public so you can see everything. I have googled marriage records and birth and death records on other people and it is all EASILY discoverable. The only things Renee didn't seem to be aware of were the most important people and events I was calling about because there was no internet connection to them and/or they didn't share my last name. If you want to be sure, then when you make an appointment, do it under an alias name and have a friend pay for it with her credit card, so she is not able to search you! I believe that is exactly the reason why you cannot get an appointment within a short amount of time....she needs it to do some investigative work. I am so disappointed, but not surprised.


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