Well, these posts intrigued me to call but I have to say this was the most "off" reading I have ever received. My objective sense is that he gets snippets of information and then "draws" conclusions from those snippets without having enough data to do so. And when doing so, it appeared to me to be more inclined to "leap" to the negative rather than even to consider there may be a positive.
On several occasions during the call I actually had to correct him. He suggested that since "a" occurred then the only conclusion is "b", when there was yet another conclusion "c" which he chose not to consider. When I brought this to his attention, his words were "well since 'a' occurred it "
implies that it can only then be 'b'". Hearing that, I then reminded him that he had overlooked 'c'! My recommendation would be for callers to simply be wary of such leaps.