Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development
Connecting with a psychic
I think that most of us agree that just because a psychic is accurate for me, they may be totally off for you.
Most of us here have our favorites, and yet have been disappointed by other peoples favorites.
Does anyone have any theories as to why a reader would work for some but not for others?
I feel it is the luck of the draw or lucky guesses. I honestly do not feel there is ANY psychic that is totally right, but some are close and that is all we can ask for. I think it is a numbers game, or like in the thread about Kat Avino she tells everyone NO, lol...the safe bet is that ex's don't come back, jobs will always change, and moves are destined to happen.
--- Quote from: marybell on October 16, 2013, 10:38:05 PM ---I think that most of us agree that just because a psychic is accurate for me, they may be totally off for you.
Most of us here have our favorites, and yet have been disappointed by other peoples favorites.
Does anyone have any theories as to why a reader would work for some but not for others?
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True , KTH. Yet there are psychics like Carmencam who you had a reading with. She seemed like OMG AMAZING!! I have not had a reading in a long time, but I was honestly considering calling her because of how many people agreed with you about how accurate she was with them. She seemed to get very small details correct and her predictions appear to pan out. Then, out of the blue , there are those that claim she was totally off. They say she had nothing right. Why would she be so accurate with some and so totally off with others? This confuses me.
Marybell, I have no idea because no one was really right for me during that time except for a select few.
I called regarding legal issues and she brought up the fact that she saw the divorce in progress, and gave outcomes. I asked "what do you see regarding a criminal legal matter" I always asked this way to see what they would get, there is no way she could have know about my divorce by that question.
I never called her back because there was no reason to, so it wasn't about following up or her milking me for money.
Just because she worked for me and a few others does NOT mean that I am endorsing her, I am simply giving credit where credit is due.
--- Quote from: marybell on October 17, 2013, 12:34:17 AM ---True , KTH. Yet there are psychics like Carmencam who you had a reading with. She seemed like OMG AMAZING!! I have not had a reading in a long time, but I was honestly considering calling her because of how many people agreed with you about how accurate she was with them. She seemed to get very small details correct and her predictions appear to pan out. Then, out of the blue , there are those that claim she was totally off. They say she had nothing right. Why would she be so accurate with some and so totally off with others? This confuses me.
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--- Quote from: kickingthehabit on October 17, 2013, 01:01:55 AM ---Marybell, I have no idea because no one was really right for me during that time except for a select few.
I called regarding legal issues and she brought up the fact that she saw the divorce in progress, and gave outcomes. I asked "what do you see regarding a criminal legal matter" I always asked this way to see what they would get, there is no way she could have know about my divorce by that question.
I never called her back because there was no reason to, so it wasn't about following up or her milking me for money.
Just because she worked for me and a few others does NOT mean that I am endorsing her, I am simply giving credit where credit is due.
--- Quote from: marybell on October 17, 2013, 12:34:17 AM ---True , KTH. Yet there are psychics like Carmencam who you had a reading with. She seemed like OMG AMAZING!! I have not had a reading in a long time, but I was honestly considering calling her because of how many people agreed with you about how accurate she was with them. She seemed to get very small details correct and her predictions appear to pan out. Then, out of the blue , there are those that claim she was totally off. They say she had nothing right. Why would she be so accurate with some and so totally off with others? This confuses me.
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Yes KTH, You were very clear about not endorsing her. You said she was accurate for you but may not be for others.
That is why I am raising this question. It's not about camercam . She is just an example of how a random psychic can be brilliant for one person and completely inaccurate for another. Is it something in the psychic , us, or a combination of both that results in such uneven results?
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