Author Topic: Negative Readings  (Read 7087 times)

Offline Synergy

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Negative Readings
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:57:06 PM »
Earlier today I had posted that I would no longer be reading on CP.  Well, I went to my account and saw that I had funds, so I ended up making two calls.  I called Dawn and a new reader named Heather.  They both told me to move on.  They were both very apologetic and BOTH told me that my guy was basically married to law school.  Heather called him selfish, and she said he would never make me happy.  At the beginning of the call she told me he'd be back Summer 2012, but at the end she told me we could never be serious.

I wanted to see if anyone else has been receiving lots of negative readings lately.  If this is just the reality of the situation, I'll accept it, but it seems weird that I went from all readers telling me we'd be married to having all readers tell me he's never going to be with me. 

Today has been really difficult for me.  He's been ignoring me at work and I just hate having to see him everyday.  All my friends think I'm crazy.  I'm 16 years younger than he is, he's balding, short, nothing special, yet to me he might as well be Brad Pitt.  It didn't even take me this long to get over the father of my children.  Ugh.

Offline Elaan

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Re: Negative Readings
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2011, 02:17:50 AM »

I wouldn't worry too much.  We are going into a Mercury retrograde.  Look at the link I posted.  It explains exactly the kind of stuff that it effects.  Including "mental clarity and the power of the mind".  Some people are more effected than others.  I wouldn't get a reading from someone new right now.  Stick with the tried and true until after mid Dec.

Offline haileyn

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Re: Negative Readings
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2011, 04:16:48 AM »
I've had Jacqueline and Raven tell me that someone new was supposed to come into the picture, this has never happened before. Jacqueline stated that this will give me another option but never said I would end up with this new person and Raven said I would end up with this person. Who knows.

Offline Libra

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Re: Negative Readings
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2011, 05:30:31 AM »
I've stopped reading at CP because I'm sick of hearing the same thing without any real results.

This is what I have been talking about, Synergy.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Negative Readings
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2011, 04:04:42 PM »

Thank you so much for the link.  I had told myself I wouldn't call as much, and I've been calling even more!!!  I had an interesting call with someone on Keen and I'll start a new topic for her.  You're right about sticking with who works.  I know who has been accurate for me (I need to add William from CP to that list because something he said would happen happened), and I should stay with them instead of trying new readers. 

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Negative Readings
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2011, 01:29:45 AM »
Kind of funny that a few have been getting more negative readings lately. I dont know if I told you all, but I had it out with CP management not long ago. I told the supervisor how so many clients were being fed the same story and so many of the men that were the subject of the readings were moving on to other women and some of them even getting married while their psychics continue to say "Hold on a little longer, patience is the key". I really let him have it and told him how disappointed I and many others were in these fairytale readings that we were all getting. Since my discussion with this supervisor, I have noticed a lot of more negative readings being reported here. And Ive also noticed the blog subjects at CP leaning toward what a psychic can really see and what they cant. Just makes me wonder if the advice I gave to this supervisor was taken to heart when he asked me what they could do to make it better, I told him to stop feeding us BS and give us the truth since we all took the readings to heart even with their disclaimer "For entertainment only". Who in the world would call a psychic for entertainment at the prices they are charging these days. Im proud to say that I am not calling now, and I dont plan to. Only the smallest things ever happened and most are probably coincidence. Im saving my money for something significant from now on. Whatever happens in my life will happen with or without a psychic reading. Im just feeling foolish about all the calls I made and all the money I spent. I do believe in the psychic gift, but I dont believe there are many at these hotlines. Most are just there making a few extra bucks and arent any more psychic than you or me. My advice is this....When you feel the urge to call, think back on all the readings youve gotten and just how much came true. Then consider what you may spend that money on that would have gone into a billion dollar business. I think you will make the same decision as me when you remember that each call you make only brings up more questions. Look at what is right in front of you, then follow your own gut. You wont go wrong.

Offline glasshalffull

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Re: Negative Readings
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2011, 02:33:09 PM »
Thank you 4everhopeful, your advice really helps.
Feeling foolish here too. :-[

Offline Elaan

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Re: Negative Readings
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2011, 03:48:05 PM »

I don't think we should feel foolish.  Mad...angry...determined not to get sucked in again, DEFINITELY. 

