Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2039678 times)

Offline hope36

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1410 on: February 11, 2019, 01:01:02 PM »
Thanks for sharing @Josh +1 to Yona!

For your question -- I did get a card that talked about lies/deception further down in the spread. The way she described it (and the person who is lying) had just happened, less than a week before the reading. I asked Yona whether this could have happened recently, and she said yes. She did go a little bit into the what and the why of that card, and what she said was on point for whatever had happened the week before.


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1411 on: February 11, 2019, 03:45:28 PM »
Jili she really is lovely. I like to listen to my recording too!

And hope, thank you! I hope you're right with this part. Here's a little more detail.

I know she can put things from the beginning, as predictions, even though they already had just happened (my event that I'm talking about happened a month and a half before the reading). She does this sometimes and thinks they're still ahead. So luckily for me it was at the very beginning, but, it's an unlikely event, and the negative effects of the event are slowing down, but still ongoing. In the prediction she spoke of the event and the negative "slide" afterword, and spoke as if it were in the future, and I'm still on that "slide", so I don't want to go into detail but it's not something that can happen again until the slide is done with, if that makes any sense. As in it's impossible for it to happen again until the slide ends, so I feel like she's picking up on the past, since I'm still at that spot. What confuses me is the cards she read before that (and they're both in that same initial spread, before she asked me to pick from 3 piles), went "exercise" followed by "this event, and the slide". So I know she can pick up past things if they're quite recent and put them in the "coming up soon" spot, but I'm just confused of the fact that it had appeared AFTER the exercise thing which had JUST happened. Maybe she just read that part first, since it was irrelevant toward what my reading is about, and what I wanted to know about? (She knew what I wanted it centered around before the call, so maybe they just popped up at the same time, and wanted to get that 'side' thing out of the way to focus on the negative slide which has to do with what I was calling about? Or maybe they're in no particular order during that opening sequence?)

Offline hope36

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1412 on: February 12, 2019, 12:58:33 AM »
@josh it certainly seems to me that the "event and the negative slide" is past/current energies. Lets hope its that :)

Even in my reading the lies/deception card (7 of swords) appeared farther down in the spread and not in the beginning. In fact I have a prediction (not love-related) in March, couple of other things in March as well, and the lies came AFTER that. Now, am not sure whether there would be MORE lies/deception, but it certainly is possible. Also the way she explained the circumstances/person surrounding the lies made perfect sense to me if I were to tie it to the past thing that had happened.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1413 on: February 13, 2019, 07:51:57 PM »
Yona flipped her outcome on me.

I read with her a year ago and she said that POI and I had no future.  I recently had another reading with her and it was all about how POI is coming back, but she's not sure what will happen. 

I think she only reads ahead a certain amount of time, so it's possible that things can change after a few years.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1414 on: February 13, 2019, 07:57:23 PM »
Yona flipped her outcome on me.

I read with her a year ago and she said that POI and I had no future.  I recently had another reading with her and it was all about how POI is coming back, but she's not sure what will happen. 

I think she only reads ahead a certain amount of time, so it's possible that things can change after a few years.

I agree... my first reading with her she states POI offers partnership after I meet some other guy, and that at that point the new guy is a friend and that I’ll most likely choose to be with POI.

The top off (which I should’ve waited because not everything has passed) she saw the stuff immediately happening and just mentions the new guy slightly. This reading she expected me to move on but sees POI is in love with me.


Offline journalmuse

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1415 on: February 13, 2019, 08:08:33 PM »
Yona flipped her outcome on me.

I read with her a year ago and she said that POI and I had no future.  I recently had another reading with her and it was all about how POI is coming back, but she's not sure what will happen. 

I think she only reads ahead a certain amount of time, so it's possible that things can change after a few years.

I would ask her yourself but I don't think she believes in free will, so the outcome should be the outcome. But, she will admit that if she was wrong about something, then it's because she herself failed to correctly interpret the cards, not because the cards were wrong. So my guess is that she would tell you one of the two readings she probably misinterpreted something. But again, best to ask her.


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1416 on: February 13, 2019, 10:56:45 PM »
Yona flipped her outcome on me.

I read with her a year ago and she said that POI and I had no future.  I recently had another reading with her and it was all about how POI is coming back, but she's not sure what will happen. 

I think she only reads ahead a certain amount of time, so it's possible that things can change after a few years.

I would ask her yourself but I don't think she believes in free will, so the outcome should be the outcome. But, she will admit that if she was wrong about something, then it's because she herself failed to correctly interpret the cards, not because the cards were wrong. So my guess is that she would tell you one of the two readings she probably misinterpreted something. But again, best to ask her.

I was going to say, Alpha, I completely agree. Maybe she saw no future "as far as she can see". Like she said it only shows bits of the future, not the whole thing, and she can only see up to a certain point. So that could be why she flip-flopped, because now she can see further out.


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1417 on: February 13, 2019, 11:02:01 PM »
Yona flipped her outcome on me.

I read with her a year ago and she said that POI and I had no future.  I recently had another reading with her and it was all about how POI is coming back, but she's not sure what will happen. 

I think she only reads ahead a certain amount of time, so it's possible that things can change after a few years.

I agree... my first reading with her she states POI offers partnership after I meet some other guy, and that at that point the new guy is a friend and that I’ll most likely choose to be with POI.

The top off (which I should’ve waited because not everything has passed) she saw the stuff immediately happening and just mentions the new guy slightly. This reading she expected me to move on but sees POI is in love with me.


Hi Deedee! While she most certainly could be wrong, and has been before for some, maybe it's all still coming up? I know she can misinterpret some things, but just 'to a degree' sometimes. Like for example, I think I read somewhere she told someone that they would do some paid work from home, but it just ended up being them looking for a job on their computer at home. Or something like that. So she got the "pay" and the "home" bits accurately, but the way she put them together was slightly misinterpreted. So it's like she might get the 'thing' right, but the 'details' wrong, so I wouldn't take the details as absolute. But take them kind of "fluidly.".

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1418 on: February 13, 2019, 11:12:06 PM »
Yona flipped her outcome on me.

I read with her a year ago and she said that POI and I had no future.  I recently had another reading with her and it was all about how POI is coming back, but she's not sure what will happen. 

I think she only reads ahead a certain amount of time, so it's possible that things can change after a few years.

I agree... my first reading with her she states POI offers partnership after I meet some other guy, and that at that point the new guy is a friend and that I’ll most likely choose to be with POI.

The top off (which I should’ve waited because not everything has passed) she saw the stuff immediately happening and just mentions the new guy slightly. This reading she expected me to move on but sees POI is in love with me.


Hi Deedee! While she most certainly could be wrong, and has been before for some, maybe it's all still coming up? I know she can misinterpret some things, but just 'to a degree' sometimes. Like for example, I think I read somewhere she told someone that they would do some paid work from home, but it just ended up being them looking for a job on their computer at home. Or something like that. So she got the "pay" and the "home" bits accurately, but the way she put them together was slightly misinterpreted. So it's like she might get the 'thing' right, but the 'details' wrong, so I wouldn't take the details as absolute. But take them kind of "fluidly.".

Hi Josh !
Wrong in which way in my situation?


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1419 on: February 13, 2019, 11:12:57 PM »
Yona flipped her outcome on me.

I read with her a year ago and she said that POI and I had no future.  I recently had another reading with her and it was all about how POI is coming back, but she's not sure what will happen. 

I think she only reads ahead a certain amount of time, so it's possible that things can change after a few years.

I agree... my first reading with her she states POI offers partnership after I meet some other guy, and that at that point the new guy is a friend and that I’ll most likely choose to be with POI.

The top off (which I should’ve waited because not everything has passed) she saw the stuff immediately happening and just mentions the new guy slightly. This reading she expected me to move on but sees POI is in love with me.


Hi Deedee! While she most certainly could be wrong, and has been before for some, maybe it's all still coming up? I know she can misinterpret some things, but just 'to a degree' sometimes. Like for example, I think I read somewhere she told someone that they would do some paid work from home, but it just ended up being them looking for a job on their computer at home. Or something like that. So she got the "pay" and the "home" bits accurately, but the way she put them together was slightly misinterpreted. So it's like she might get the 'thing' right, but the 'details' wrong, so I wouldn't take the details as absolute. But take them kind of "fluidly.".

Sorry but I would not count that as "accurate" by any stretch of the is not "slightly misinterpreted" The first one is a person actually HAS a job, the second one is they're looking for a job (which they probably already are if they are asking a psychic about work)...that's like predicting that you'll get married, when it's just you watching a show that has a wedding in it...Or saying that you'll get cancer, when it's you running across a cancer charity show or something. No offense to Yona but I wish people would stop trying to make predictions "fit" when they clearly don't.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2019, 11:15:03 PM by candiednut »


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1420 on: February 13, 2019, 11:19:50 PM »
Yona flipped her outcome on me.

I read with her a year ago and she said that POI and I had no future.  I recently had another reading with her and it was all about how POI is coming back, but she's not sure what will happen. 

I think she only reads ahead a certain amount of time, so it's possible that things can change after a few years.

I agree... my first reading with her she states POI offers partnership after I meet some other guy, and that at that point the new guy is a friend and that I’ll most likely choose to be with POI.

The top off (which I should’ve waited because not everything has passed) she saw the stuff immediately happening and just mentions the new guy slightly. This reading she expected me to move on but sees POI is in love with me.


Hi Deedee! While she most certainly could be wrong, and has been before for some, maybe it's all still coming up? I know she can misinterpret some things, but just 'to a degree' sometimes. Like for example, I think I read somewhere she told someone that they would do some paid work from home, but it just ended up being them looking for a job on their computer at home. Or something like that. So she got the "pay" and the "home" bits accurately, but the way she put them together was slightly misinterpreted. So it's like she might get the 'thing' right, but the 'details' wrong, so I wouldn't take the details as absolute. But take them kind of "fluidly.".

Sorry but I would not count that as "accurate" by any stretch of the is not "slightly misinterpreted" The first one is a person actually HAS a job, the second one is they're looking for a job (which they probably already are if they are asking a psychic about work)...that's like predicting that you'll get married, when it's just you watching a show that has a wedding in it...Or saying that you'll get cancer, when it's you running across a cancer charity show or something. No offense to Yona but I wish people would stop trying to make predictions "fit" when they clearly don't.

Hi. It's an example I saw somewhere. I think there was more to it, idk, but it definitely fit and really wasn't a 'trying to fit' situation. Also I've seen this kind of thing happen in my readings as well. If you look ~30-40 pages? (I don't even know) back, you'll see that I thought the same thing. Trying to make predictions fit, that things would happen anyway, which could be fit into her predictions, but after certain, very specific things have passed, the more general ones made complete sense, and I know now that I just didn't fully understand. Some try to make them fit, I'm sure. But for me, I've definitely had things where she simply misinterpreted them "a little", and you could tell, very clearly, that it was the same event, even though details were different. I think once you live through it happening, you kind of understand a bit better.

Yona flipped her outcome on me.

I read with her a year ago and she said that POI and I had no future.  I recently had another reading with her and it was all about how POI is coming back, but she's not sure what will happen. 

I think she only reads ahead a certain amount of time, so it's possible that things can change after a few years.

I agree... my first reading with her she states POI offers partnership after I meet some other guy, and that at that point the new guy is a friend and that I’ll most likely choose to be with POI.

The top off (which I should’ve waited because not everything has passed) she saw the stuff immediately happening and just mentions the new guy slightly. This reading she expected me to move on but sees POI is in love with me.


Hi Deedee! While she most certainly could be wrong, and has been before for some, maybe it's all still coming up? I know she can misinterpret some things, but just 'to a degree' sometimes. Like for example, I think I read somewhere she told someone that they would do some paid work from home, but it just ended up being them looking for a job on their computer at home. Or something like that. So she got the "pay" and the "home" bits accurately, but the way she put them together was slightly misinterpreted. So it's like she might get the 'thing' right, but the 'details' wrong, so I wouldn't take the details as absolute. But take them kind of "fluidly.".

Hi Josh !
Wrong in which way in my situation?

Oh! You agreed after they'd said "flip flopped" so I thought you were assuming she's wrong for you. I'm sorry. That's where the "wrong" came from. But she may very well be correct! Remember Sparkle's prediction? She was so sure that Yona was getting this one wrong because everything pointed otherwise, and then she was absolutely shocked when she was proven correct. Also, was it your post where you said that POI admitted to being in love with you?:) That's always a good sign!

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1421 on: February 14, 2019, 04:27:31 AM »
Do you guys tell Yona that it's not the first time that you are calling? I know there is a discount for repeating clients, but what about buying the expensive one and tell her it's the first reading?

Offline Penelope

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1422 on: February 14, 2019, 06:01:30 AM »
Do you guys tell Yona that it's not the first time that you are calling? I know there is a discount for repeating clients, but what about buying the expensive one and tell her it's the first reading?

If you are using the same phone number or Skype handle, she may be able to tell she’s spoken to you before.  I don’t know if that matters much as she probably doesn’t remember what your reading was.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1423 on: February 14, 2019, 06:05:55 AM »
Thanks Penelope :)

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1424 on: February 14, 2019, 02:21:13 PM »

« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 11:36:04 PM by tellmewhy »

