Yona hit.
I saw a thing online about building muscle and I got a lot of motivation from it that I decided to go out and buy a pull up bar, weights, among other things, and made a choice to take bulking really seriously. After my workout, I decided to listen to Yona's latest recording from a few months back. I heard her say, "When the cards are in this spread, and positioned like this, it means you're taking up some form of exercise. Like going to a gym and working out, except you're doing it by yourself and on your own." I asked her about it and she saw that it's like working out and taking it seriously. She then said that "It's not showing you in a class setting, because usually if it's a gym or something (then explained the cards and their ordering, etc.). No, you're doing this on your own."
I've decided before re-listening to that reading that I'm going to take this VERY seriously and bulk up. Later in the reading she said she sees me getting stronger in 3 areas, emotionally, PHYSICALLY, and spiritually.
At the time, when she said I'd be working out and working hard at it, I didn't believe her, and thought that that was so unlike me and impossible, and thought, "Maybe she's misinterpreting it, and I'm going to go on a run, like once. With a friend or something"- something I don't do. I stay at home after work and relax. This is so unlike me, but I know that I'm going to keep this up.
Well. So I'm just a little stunned right now at this, because this was the first prediction and it's happening, exactly as she said.
Now question. That was the first thing she said, first group of cards she read off. But After that she then said something that's not good, (which I dont want to share) will happen, but that's already happened a month or so before the reading, and thought that she was just reading a past event,, in the present place, because this happening twice seems insanely unlikely. So my question is, could this bad thing be a thing that happened before the reading, even though the exercise thing came before it in the cards...? They both were in the initial card-pulling thing.