FWIW, a 'shadow card' appeared in both my readings. I had no idea what a shadow card was so I asked, and her responses were:
"Psychics card as your shadow card, that’s interesting. (What does that mean?) It’s the high priestess. Psychics card, shadow, it’s something that it’s in the background that applies to more than one situation." <-This is an "intuitive" card. When you think about what a psychic is - they use a certain level of intuition to connect. This is the theme of your reading - which probably meant that you would be using your intuition for those events that were predicted at that time
"And your shadow card is knight of pentacles, a dark-eyed man...a shadow card is someone featured in more than one prediction, but I don’t know what yet. Not necessarily romantic. But it’s someone you know already."
The "Shadow Card" will always appear in everyone's reading.The card can be any card she pulls for each reading she gives.
This card should apply to all parts of the reading.
The Opening card - is usually the 3rd card she pulls (1st card shadow card, 2nd card crossing card, 3rd card Opening card) - she calls this group the "Opening Cards" before the "Predictive Cards"
Usually she will say the theme of the reading is based on these group of cards - usually the Opening Card itself (I note them like chapters in a book

Some of my themes were:
"Love & Money" "Reality Checks" "Organized being Efficient"
(Of course I loved the Love and Money one lol)