Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2038627 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1275 on: December 25, 2018, 07:52:31 PM »
It wasn't just her. I had other friends who were in violent relationships (they didn't start out this way) and I was the one taking some chick to the hospital. Man it got old quick and I couldn't do it anymore. And even when I was there to help out, I was looked down upon when I no longer wanted that female friend in my life. The girl who I mentioned she once told me he chased her outside around HER house to beat her butt. He never caught her because she called the police. But STILL this didn't persuade her.

It was draining as hell. I agree with you that my relationships weren't all rosey, but they were never violent.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1276 on: December 25, 2018, 08:29:32 PM »
It wasn't just her. I had other friends who were in violent relationships (they didn't start out this way) and I was the one taking some chick to the hospital. Man it got old quick and I couldn't do it anymore. And even when I was there to help out, I was looked down upon when I no longer wanted that female friend in my life. The girl who I mentioned she once told me he chased her outside around HER house to beat her butt. He never caught her because she called the police. But STILL this didn't persuade her.

It was draining as hell. I agree with you that my relationships weren't all rosey, but they were never violent.

The guys who are violent I will say are very very clever and good at saying how it was our fault and we deserved it. So when people were saying "it doesn't matter what you did - he had no right to hit you", it used to go in one ear and out of the other. But I won't allow someone to disrespect me like that again.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1277 on: January 01, 2019, 02:21:27 PM »
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 11:31:38 PM by tellmewhy »

Offline user5942

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1278 on: January 02, 2019, 04:55:13 AM »
Yes, completely worth it.

Do not go into thinking she will solve your current problems / let you know when a person will contact you, etc. I don’t think she can really answer direct questions accurately, since she herself is sometimes confused with what she picks up and isn’t sure on how to necessarily explain it.

What she sees happens, don’t ask questions or for a time frame since I think she gets inaccurate then.

I thought she was total BS but when I put the pieces together,’s an “AHA moment” to see the predictions unfold.

She’s astounding, I hope if you decide to read with her that you have a good experience.

Offline Catlover86

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1279 on: January 02, 2019, 08:09:33 AM »
Has anyone had a reading from Yona saying “relationship will be defined”?? Change in relationship status? Defined? I feel my love life predictions are super vague.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1280 on: January 02, 2019, 01:25:34 PM »
I saw her price is in British LB 40, which Google says is around $50 USD. I am apprehensive to call her, that seems like an awfully lot of money if she may not pick up my situation (which is odd I will admit and hard to connect with)--- do ya'll think she is worth $50? How long does it take to get an appointment?

You have to really decide whether you want to read with her and if you think she's worth it.. People on here have had good experiences and others haven't enjoyed her as much. It's your call.

Offline whskers

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1281 on: January 02, 2019, 03:03:16 PM »
I saw her price is in British LB 40, which Google says is around $50 USD. I am apprehensive to call her, that seems like an awfully lot of money if she may not pick up my situation (which is odd I will admit and hard to connect with)--- do ya'll think she is worth $50? How long does it take to get an appointment?

Almost a month to schedule. She’s $50 for an hour or 55 mins, I can’t remember. That’s almost 1 dollar per minute or less. I think for the kind of accuracy and prediction she nails, she is totally worth it. I speak to her every 6 months. But since almost all her predictions from August 2018 came to pass again, I scheduled another reading with her. She won’t let me read with her not until after 6 months.  But also I read with advisor depending on my intuition. For example, a lot of people had good experience with Leanne but something about it does not want me to read with her? So I say if you feel apprehensive then don’t read with Yona. Follow your intuition.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1282 on: January 02, 2019, 03:12:47 PM »
I booked back in early December for Jan 6. I can’t wait! I don’t need any romantic predictions now so that will help since she’s good with everything else it seems.

Offline whskers

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1283 on: January 02, 2019, 03:22:15 PM »
I booked back in early December for Jan 6. I can’t wait! I don’t need any romantic predictions now so that will help since she’s good with everything else it seems.

She’s amazing! I know some posted she didn’t work for them, but honestly she is the reason why i stop reading with everyone else. Not because I got burnt or because I’m broke, but because she gets so many predictions for me, why go to anyone else. She saw a salary increase for me this year. She said it’s not as big as I think it will be and a big one will be next year. So I was confused. I told Yona, Yona unless I get promoted mid year (which is very rare), I will not get an increase because my company does not do that. That’s impossible. Well.. everything happened as she said. I got an increase. And yes it’s not the 15% or 20% I was thinking for promotion. But it’s still an increase in my base salary. My boss said he is doing everything he could to promote me this year and this increase is just a goodwill from him and the company. This almost never happen. I’m very excited for my next reading with her.

Offline whskers

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1284 on: January 02, 2019, 03:39:20 PM »
I booked back in early December for Jan 6. I can’t wait! I don’t need any romantic predictions now so that will help since she’s good with everything else it seems.

She’s amazing! I know some posted she didn’t work for them, but honestly she is the reason why i stop reading with everyone else. Not because I got burnt or because I’m broke, but because she gets so many predictions for me, why go to anyone else. She saw a salary increase for me this year. She said it’s not as big as I think it will be and a big one will be next year. So I was confused. I told Yona, Yona unless I get promoted mid year (which is very rare), I will not get an increase because my company does not do that. That’s impossible. Well.. everything happened as she said. I got an increase. And yes it’s not the 15% or 20% I was thinking for promotion. But it’s still an increase in my base salary. My boss said he is doing everything he could to promote me this year and this increase is just a goodwill from him and the company. This almost never happen. I’m very excited for my next reading with her.

Oops before I forget. I read with Yona with an ex poi last year. She said she doesn’t see anything happening with this poi until next winter (which is now). So what happened was, poi and I had a huge fight and we stopped talking. He ended up calling me again this fall. I didn’t really pay attention to him and I guess he was testing the waters too. But this winter he has been more proactive on wanting to meet up and catch up. But everything I posted, Yona saw too.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1285 on: January 02, 2019, 07:16:16 PM »
She’s amazing! I know some posted she didn’t work for them, but honestly she is the reason why i stop reading with everyone else. Not because I got burnt or because I’m broke, but because she gets so many predictions for me, why go to anyone else. She saw a salary increase for me this year. She said it’s not as big as I think it will be and a big one will be next year. So I was confused. I told Yona, Yona unless I get promoted mid year (which is very rare), I will not get an increase because my company does not do that. That’s impossible. Well.. everything happened as she said. I got an increase. And yes it’s not the 15% or 20% I was thinking for promotion. But it’s still an increase in my base salary. My boss said he is doing everything he could to promote me this year and this increase is just a goodwill from him and the company. This almost never happen. I’m very excited for my next reading with her.
It's great she works for you but just to answer your question, people go to other readers because Yona is never immediately available and it takes awhile to schedule a reading with her. She doesn't do follow up questions that I'm aware of, especially not via email. It's possible but unlikely. Often you have to schedule a top up right? When things happen I'd like to be able to contact a reader who is more readily available and who works for me. A lot of time if some unforeseen event happens I'd like to be able to reach the reader in a couple of days to see what is up. Is Yona your top go to; are there others?

Offline sgrd

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1286 on: January 02, 2019, 10:08:48 PM »
I read with her end of November, and she was super sure about a prediction happening before the end of 2018 and it didn't.. it was the first thing (card/prediction/..) that showed up and that's why she was sure it would happen soon. Another prediction she 'made on the side' (like, she mentioned it in passing as it's part of a bigger prediction she sees coming up) already came true. She saw me in paid employment 'soon', and I got positive news about a job I think two weeks later.

She also saw a financial one-off coming up, and right now I actually am expecting a sum of money to come in any day (wasn't expecting it to all come at once at the time of the reading). Do her predictions sometimes not happen in the order she makes them? The prediction that was supposed to have happened already is about a poi and I crossing paths, or that he would come back into my life in some way and she saw it as an 'evolving' relationship, not necessarily as a big romantic break through because she saw 'big love' coming up via my new job right before the summer. Anyone had similar predictions from her that actually manifested? The details she gave about the poi that's supposed to appear again soon could actually refer to either an ex-boyfriend, or a former co-worker of mine where there a lot of chemistry but nothing actually happened. Both of them are very similar in character. Because it hasn't happened yet, I'm almost tempted to purposefully 'run into them' to see what happens - but I'm guessing that's not 'how it's supposed to happen'. You know? Like it should happen without me creating a situation where I bump into them?

I'm sorry, this post turned out longer than I intended to

Offline user5942

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1287 on: January 03, 2019, 12:25:48 AM »
Yes, they can sometimes be like puzzle pieces and not necessarily happen one after the other how she gives them.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1288 on: January 03, 2019, 02:46:19 AM »
I saw her price is in British LB 40, which Google says is around $50 USD. I am apprehensive to call her, that seems like an awfully lot of money if she may not pick up my situation (which is odd I will admit and hard to connect with)--- do ya'll think she is worth $50? How long does it take to get an appointment?

I just had one reading with her and found her amazing. Her predictions are pending because we recently spoke, but she could see my current situation/POI/concerns pretty well. It's definitely worth giving her a try.

Offline whskers

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1289 on: January 03, 2019, 03:04:52 AM »
She’s amazing! I know some posted she didn’t work for them, but honestly she is the reason why i stop reading with everyone else. Not because I got burnt or because I’m broke, but because she gets so many predictions for me, why go to anyone else. She saw a salary increase for me this year. She said it’s not as big as I think it will be and a big one will be next year. So I was confused. I told Yona, Yona unless I get promoted mid year (which is very rare), I will not get an increase because my company does not do that. That’s impossible. Well.. everything happened as she said. I got an increase. And yes it’s not the 15% or 20% I was thinking for promotion. But it’s still an increase in my base salary. My boss said he is doing everything he could to promote me this year and this increase is just a goodwill from him and the company. This almost never happen. I’m very excited for my next reading with her.
It's great she works for you but just to answer your question, people go to other readers because Yona is never immediately available and it takes awhile to schedule a reading with her. She doesn't do follow up questions that I'm aware of, especially not via email. It's possible but unlikely. Often you have to schedule a top up right? When things happen I'd like to be able to contact a reader who is more readily available and who works for me. A lot of time if some unforeseen event happens I'd like to be able to reach the reader in a couple of days to see what is up. Is Yona your top go to; are there others?

Sorry let me correct myself...  Yona works so great FOR ME... why should I go the anywhere else... and waste MY hard earned money!!

And yes she is my top up reader. I just read with her every 6 months. But yeah you can’t get a hold of her ASAP. But I do try other new recommended readers once in a blue moon.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2019, 03:06:29 AM by whskers »