I read with her end of November, and she was super sure about a prediction happening before the end of 2018 and it didn't.. it was the first thing (card/prediction/..) that showed up and that's why she was sure it would happen soon. Another prediction she 'made on the side' (like, she mentioned it in passing as it's part of a bigger prediction she sees coming up) already came true. She saw me in paid employment 'soon', and I got positive news about a job I think two weeks later.
She also saw a financial one-off coming up, and right now I actually am expecting a sum of money to come in any day (wasn't expecting it to all come at once at the time of the reading). Do her predictions sometimes not happen in the order she makes them? The prediction that was supposed to have happened already is about a poi and I crossing paths, or that he would come back into my life in
some way and she saw it as an 'evolving' relationship, not necessarily as a big romantic break through because she saw 'big love' coming up via my new job right before the summer. Anyone had similar predictions from her that actually manifested? The details she gave about the poi that's supposed to appear again soon could actually refer to either an ex-boyfriend, or a former co-worker of mine where there a lot of chemistry but nothing actually happened. Both of them are very similar in character. Because it hasn't happened yet, I'm almost tempted to purposefully 'run into them' to see what happens - but I'm guessing that's not 'how it's supposed to happen'. You know? Like it should happen without me creating a situation where I bump into them?
I'm sorry, this post turned out longer than I intended to