I asked yona back in May 2018 if this guy I was seeing was really interested in me. She told me "he likes you or else he would not have texted u every day" AND " i saw this as a long term relationship." WTF
he has disappeared since 07/2018 because of his work issue. Now is 12/2018 and he is still gone, NO contact whatsoever. I didn't reach out to him either since 07/2018. I need to retain some level of SELF-RESPECT.
I understand, work and layoffs can get to people. But, NOT after half a year! No Contact! He liked me?
? or it was just merely a physical attraction like I first suspected in May 2018. What a joke! I didn't need him. I could have gone for other guys at that time. I just needed a guy who really liked me for who I was and who I am. it is that difficult? I would not have minded at all if he was not into me. I didn't care. It was her who told me that he liked me and it was long-term. Long term?
I am exhausted.
all in all, TRUST your own intuition. Your own intuition is never wrong. I would probably use Yona again if her career prediction happens. But, but, I will never ask her about my love life again.
I’m so sorry hon, but I always say to women because I get the “I never do the initiating” a lot, that is a behavior hasn’t worked out long term for you in love, then its time to change it. Women are more afraid of rejection than men, I find, so reaching out seems intimidating, but its a lot healthier to play the odds. Why not send him a text to check up on him? He probably thinks you just aren’t that into him if you didn’t initiate texts.
Nonetheless you may be right, the guy may have been deeply into you at the time and it was a phase like many things in life, but without you reaching out you really wont know.
Up to you of course but changing the patterns of our behaviours are an integral part of bringing change in our lives.