Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2035616 times)

Offline star1

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1170 on: December 12, 2018, 03:23:28 PM »
Another one of Yona's predictions came true from my reading with her on August 13th.

Yona: Lovers Card - A decision will be coming my way that is positive, making my own mind up. The Fool - exploring new territory.

What happened: Last week I decided out of the blue to change my Masters Program after not being happy with currently being a teacher (kind of a dead end here in America). I did not ask any family or friends for help on this, I just did it after taking classes since May so I was unsure if my credits would transfer. Well, everything will transfer over from my previous program and I will now be studying to be an Administrator to get out of teaching. She was right, I am a believer more and more as her predictions come true.

With me, she was all over the place lol, but the events she saw I am realizing are specific to both her time frames and how she says they will happen.

I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but she said there was a "romantic development to take place before the end of the year. It is 10 of cups, long-term implication, and a reunion but not in the traditional sense. It is at a celebration, but not a wedding. He will step out of the crowd. There will be an apology or explanation, though are not really impressed. This person will not be able to hold back. You will be smitten and hooked. This is complicated, and will take time. He is a workaholic and spending time together will be the difficult part. He has brown eyes, may be an ex but I am not sure. It is definitely someone you know. They will mean what they say. This is also Ace of Cups".

This is the event she described in the most detail, she was certain it would happen before the end of the year. What happened was that Yona described an event in August that already happened back in MAY with my current ex. We were talking at the time, but I hadn't seem him since March before seeing him again in May. This celebration is outdoors and is an Italian festival that honors the saints (a lot of drinking is involved lol) and EVERYTHING. SHE. SAID. CONNECTS. TO. WHAT. HAPPENED. When I figured it out, my jaw dropped.

He works in construction, so spending time together has always been difficult. Some of his workdays are 12 hours long. Our relationship has been off and on for two years, he has brown eyes. When I saw him, he stepped out of the crowd out of a group of people and I walked up to him. He explained to me why he hasn't been around so much and that he missed me. I took the apology, but figured if he really wanted to see me he would. Also explained that he thought I hated him. He could not keep him hands off me and even kissed me in front of his friends.  Now, 2 weeks after this happened, I broke things off because I did not hear from him. This may be where the "time development" part may take place. I have not spoken to him since, but we matched again on a dating profile, many readers say this is not over. But so far, Yona nailed that even though it happened before I read with her. I think it's too specific to be a coincidence. Her readings can be like puzzles and take waaaay long to figure, but I have much more respect for her.

Happy for you  ;D

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1171 on: December 12, 2018, 03:35:47 PM »
Another one of Yona's predictions came true from my reading with her on August 13th.

Yona: Lovers Card - A decision will be coming my way that is positive, making my own mind up. The Fool - exploring new territory.

What happened: Last week I decided out of the blue to change my Masters Program after not being happy with currently being a teacher (kind of a dead end here in America). I did not ask any family or friends for help on this, I just did it after taking classes since May so I was unsure if my credits would transfer. Well, everything will transfer over from my previous program and I will now be studying to be an Administrator to get out of teaching. She was right, I am a believer more and more as her predictions come true.

With me, she was all over the place lol, but the events she saw I am realizing are specific to both her time frames and how she says they will happen.

I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but she said there was a "romantic development to take place before the end of the year. It is 10 of cups, long-term implication, and a reunion but not in the traditional sense. It is at a celebration, but not a wedding. He will step out of the crowd. There will be an apology or explanation, though are not really impressed. This person will not be able to hold back. You will be smitten and hooked. This is complicated, and will take time. He is a workaholic and spending time together will be the difficult part. He has brown eyes, may be an ex but I am not sure. It is definitely someone you know. They will mean what they say. This is also Ace of Cups".

This is the event she described in the most detail, she was certain it would happen before the end of the year. What happened was that Yona described an event in August that already happened back in MAY with my current ex. We were talking at the time, but I hadn't seem him since March before seeing him again in May. This celebration is outdoors and is an Italian festival that honors the saints (a lot of drinking is involved lol) and EVERYTHING. SHE. SAID. CONNECTS. TO. WHAT. HAPPENED. When I figured it out, my jaw dropped.

He works in construction, so spending time together has always been difficult. Some of his workdays are 12 hours long. Our relationship has been off and on for two years, he has brown eyes. When I saw him, he stepped out of the crowd out of a group of people and I walked up to him. He explained to me why he hasn't been around so much and that he missed me. I took the apology, but figured if he really wanted to see me he would. Also explained that he thought I hated him. He could not keep him hands off me and even kissed me in front of his friends.  Now, 2 weeks after this happened, I broke things off because I did not hear from him. This may be where the "time development" part may take place. I have not spoken to him since, but we matched again on a dating profile, many readers say this is not over. But so far, Yona nailed that even though it happened before I read with her. I think it's too specific to be a coincidence. Her readings can be like puzzles and take waaaay long to figure, but I have much more respect for her.

SO is your question whether or not she saw something in the past and thought it was the future?  OR whether something similar with ex is going to happen again?  DO you want him back?

Offline user5942

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1172 on: December 12, 2018, 03:39:27 PM »
Not a question! Just stating my experience and what has happened so far.

I know a lot of people who read with her are stumped at first, as was I and I kinda thought she was fake - but as it turns out, she definitely has a gift and sees things very specifically.

Just thought I’d share!

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1173 on: December 12, 2018, 05:29:01 PM »
Not a question! Just stating my experience and what has happened so far.

I know a lot of people who read with her are stumped at first, as was I and I kinda thought she was fake - but as it turns out, she definitely has a gift and sees things very specifically.

Just thought I’d share!

Interessssssting! I’ve never heard of her to mix up predictions with the past....but this is sooo specific! Wow. Could this by chance happen again though future wise?

Offline user5942

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1174 on: December 12, 2018, 05:42:25 PM »
Could be!

Either way I’m ok with it if it’s my 10 of Cups (:

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1175 on: December 12, 2018, 08:21:01 PM »
Has anyone had a top off with Yona before your previous readings’ predictions panned out? If so, what was your experience with this? I felt like the top off was more in depth of things that were to happen throughout the course of the other predictions, like little details instead of events.

Offline Dannika

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1176 on: December 13, 2018, 01:38:19 AM »
Has anyone had a top off with Yona before your previous readings’ predictions panned out? If so, what was your experience with this? I felt like the top off was more in depth of things that were to happen throughout the course of the other predictions, like little details instead of events.

Yes. My first reading was 2 years ago and turns out what she initially thought would play out within 6-8 months is panning out over 2+ years. I have read with her every 4-5 months or so since then.  My first 2 readings were all over the place, which Yona aknowledged and alluded to it being because I have a lot going on in my life and the predictions were all “weaving together” - which is true I do have a lot going on in my life. Each reading I got after the first 2 continued to repeat predictions that hadn’t occurred yet, each time giving me new details or looking at them from a different perspective.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1177 on: December 13, 2018, 12:31:57 PM »
Has anyone had a top off with Yona before your previous readings’ predictions panned out? If so, what was your experience with this? I felt like the top off was more in depth of things that were to happen throughout the course of the other predictions, like little details instead of events.

honestly with the greatest of niceties only the other day you were asking multiple questions on Yona. your a little like that pokey pokes user.
you appear a little obsessive about your situation. the best thing you can do is to live your live and let your readings go. all over the other forum that heavily moderates about yona they advize you to live your life and allow her predictions to fall into place.
worrying about other woman around your poi or when things are going to fall in to place wont help you at all. relax
you posted you have been in contact with your ex and facetimed him then leave and allow things to fall in to place.
i once was in your place at the start of the year i had my ex come back and contact me but we drifted apart and moved on and now i dont see why i wasted time on him
some people on these forums dont realize that their the issue perhaps maybe they are a little crazy and they dont realize it.....


Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1178 on: December 13, 2018, 03:22:35 PM »
Has anyone had a top off with Yona before your previous readings’ predictions panned out? If so, what was your experience with this? I felt like the top off was more in depth of things that were to happen throughout the course of the other predictions, like little details instead of events.

honestly with the greatest of niceties only the other day you were asking multiple questions on Yona. your a little like that pokey pokes user.
you appear a little obsessive about your situation. the best thing you can do is to live your live and let your readings go. all over the other forum that heavily moderates about yona they advize you to live your life and allow her predictions to fall into place.
worrying about other woman around your poi or when things are going to fall in to place wont help you at all. relax
you posted you have been in contact with your ex and facetimed him then leave and allow things to fall in to place.
i once was in your place at the start of the year i had my ex come back and contact me but we drifted apart and moved on and now i dont see why i wasted time on him
some people on these forums dont realize that their the issue perhaps maybe they are a little crazy and they dont realize it.....

Lol little crazy like say browsing psychic review forums? Pot meet kettle

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1179 on: December 13, 2018, 04:09:54 PM »

You can’t come and post on here calling people crazy ! People reach out to psychics when they’re stressed, confused and at their lowest point sometimes. Calling people crazy on top of that is out of line.

Has anyone had a top off with Yona before your previous readings’ predictions panned out? If so, what was your experience with this? I felt like the top off was more in depth of things that were to happen throughout the course of the other predictions, like little details instead of events.

honestly with the greatest of niceties only the other day you were asking multiple questions on Yona. your a little like that pokey pokes user.
you appear a little obsessive about your situation. the best thing you can do is to live your live and let your readings go. all over the other forum that heavily moderates about yona they advize you to live your life and allow her predictions to fall into place.
worrying about other woman around your poi or when things are going to fall in to place wont help you at all. relax
you posted you have been in contact with your ex and facetimed him then leave and allow things to fall in to place.
i once was in your place at the start of the year i had my ex come back and contact me but we drifted apart and moved on and now i dont see why i wasted time on him
some people on these forums dont realize that their the issue perhaps maybe they are a little crazy and they dont realize it.....


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1180 on: December 13, 2018, 04:58:47 PM »

You can’t come and post on here calling people crazy ! People reach out to psychics when they’re stressed, confused and at their lowest point sometimes. Calling people crazy on top of that is out of line.

Has anyone had a top off with Yona before your previous readings’ predictions panned out? If so, what was your experience with this? I felt like the top off was more in depth of things that were to happen throughout the course of the other predictions, like little details instead of events.

honestly with the greatest of niceties only the other day you were asking multiple questions on Yona. your a little like that pokey pokes user.
you appear a little obsessive about your situation. the best thing you can do is to live your live and let your readings go. all over the other forum that heavily moderates about yona they advize you to live your life and allow her predictions to fall into place.
worrying about other woman around your poi or when things are going to fall in to place wont help you at all. relax
you posted you have been in contact with your ex and facetimed him then leave and allow things to fall in to place.
i once was in your place at the start of the year i had my ex come back and contact me but we drifted apart and moved on and now i dont see why i wasted time on him
some people on these forums dont realize that their the issue perhaps maybe they are a little crazy and they dont realize it.....

I agree with this. Rose, its uncalled for to call out specific users and judge them based upon their worries. If someone is worried or acting what you call "obsessive", then let them act that way. They're worried and that's that. It shouldnt be a judgeable offense. You're way out of line. You cant use projection about your own experience to assume what others are going through. That's quite ignorant, and some may take offense to that. We're all on a psychic forum. So we're all a little... interesting... to say the least.


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1181 on: December 13, 2018, 05:43:14 PM »

You can’t come and post on here calling people crazy ! People reach out to psychics when they’re stressed, confused and at their lowest point sometimes. Calling people crazy on top of that is out of line.

Has anyone had a top off with Yona before your previous readings’ predictions panned out? If so, what was your experience with this? I felt like the top off was more in depth of things that were to happen throughout the course of the other predictions, like little details instead of events.

honestly with the greatest of niceties only the other day you were asking multiple questions on Yona. your a little like that pokey pokes user.
you appear a little obsessive about your situation. the best thing you can do is to live your live and let your readings go. all over the other forum that heavily moderates about yona they advize you to live your life and allow her predictions to fall into place.
worrying about other woman around your poi or when things are going to fall in to place wont help you at all. relax
you posted you have been in contact with your ex and facetimed him then leave and allow things to fall in to place.
i once was in your place at the start of the year i had my ex come back and contact me but we drifted apart and moved on and now i dont see why i wasted time on him
some people on these forums dont realize that their the issue perhaps maybe they are a little crazy and they dont realize it.....

@kristina i can post what i want to.
this is a public forum and i can post what i wish unless its is true that there are some crazy members on here.i am not the only one who has said it yet as usual when i say it i get attacked.
deary me i can understand why some of your exes have ran off lmao.obsessing on the forum is not normal behavior and not healthy and shouldnt be excused

Uh. Do you not see your actions...? You deserve these kind of responses with your unnecessary and uncalled for behavior. No amount of ego-compensation (ie; "I can post what I want!") will change that fact. Anyone else who says that is in the wrong, too. Who are you to judge another? Every human being out there has crazy tendencies in one way or another. And even if they say it, that excuses you saying it...? No. No, it does not. And it's not healthy not because of the obsession. Obsession comes from pain. The pain is what isnt healthy, and when someone is going through that, we should help them. Not judge them like an ass. That kind of behavior doesnt have an "excuse". Stop trying to act superior to others in a sad attempt at boosting your own ego, grow up, and realize why you're being replied to in such a way. That's YOUR problem. Not theirs. You should NEVER judge another for weakness, sorrow, pain, worry, etc. Stop playing victim. YOU'RE the problem. Thanks.

And back on topic. Ignore the troll, guys.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 05:46:45 PM by josh34 »

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1182 on: December 13, 2018, 07:16:02 PM »
Has anyone had a top off with Yona before your previous readings’ predictions panned out? If so, what was your experience with this? I felt like the top off was more in depth of things that were to happen throughout the course of the other predictions, like little details instead of events.

Yes. My first reading was 2 years ago and turns out what she initially thought would play out within 6-8 months is panning out over 2+ years. I have read with her every 4-5 months or so since then.  My first 2 readings were all over the place, which Yona aknowledged and alluded to it being because I have a lot going on in my life and the predictions were all “weaving together” - which is true I do have a lot going on in my life. Each reading I got after the first 2 continued to repeat predictions that hadn’t occurred yet, each time giving me new details or looking at them from a different perspective.

This has been my experience, too. I've had two readings with her, but most of what she predicted in the first reading hasn't happened yet - it's been roughly a year now since my first reading. However, I have a feeling one of the main pieces of what she predicted (which recurred in the second reading) may happen in January, along with a few other things that are supposed to be clustered around this event that I feel are happening now. If that's the case then I feel pretty sure that what she had read for me is beginning to occur.


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1183 on: December 15, 2018, 05:01:45 PM »
My first reading with her was phenomenal, every single thing she predicted happened (including very specific details).

Second reading 80% did not happen yet (could still happen in the future) but the 20% that did sorta happen I need to try to make it fit...seems like either a coincidence or she hugely misinterpreted the cards.

Third reading was a total none of the present accurate, seems like she was reading someone else.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1184 on: December 16, 2018, 03:06:36 AM »
My top up reading is tomorrow ! I’m nervous now lol

