Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2037748 times)

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1155 on: December 06, 2018, 06:50:33 PM »

Right.... so that’s why I asked if I could avoid the tower lol like what if I just blocked him (hypothetically) would I miss the  “spark of jealousy” (how she described it before)... or would it still happen? And if it didn’t happen, are the other predictions based off of the sequential order? Like if that didn’t happen, the others wouldn’t either? I know I read somewhere on the forum that someone avoided going to McDonald’s or somewhere because Yona predicted her running into someone there and she successfully did and that specific prediction never occurred. I’m just wondering if the others are contingent of my spark of jealousy. Or, regardless of what I do (even if I blocked him on Snapchat cause that’s the only way he can contact me besides text) would that tower still happen. I’m just trying to save my heart and not fall into an anxious bout again of calling psychics... even though “he’s in love with me” ...

I get this a lot as a psychic, btw Im scheduling a reading with her as we speak so hopefully it works out. But anyways I get a lot of people trying to avoid things or take other path. No, it's not possible to avoid. If you don't see it online, you'll run into them in person or a friend will text you or something happens. If it's big things like the tower, it can only be prepared for not avoided, so you have brought yourself to a place where you don't react. Just keep repeating I am the one, I am the best, and he will always love me and choose me until you believe it. And that way you don't react on that level. The universe will put it in your path no matter what, so prepare is the best advice!

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1156 on: December 06, 2018, 06:56:33 PM »

Right.... so that’s why I asked if I could avoid the tower lol like what if I just blocked him (hypothetically) would I miss the  “spark of jealousy” (how she described it before)... or would it still happen? And if it didn’t happen, are the other predictions based off of the sequential order? Like if that didn’t happen, the others wouldn’t either? I know I read somewhere on the forum that someone avoided going to McDonald’s or somewhere because Yona predicted her running into someone there and she successfully did and that specific prediction never occurred. I’m just wondering if the others are contingent of my spark of jealousy. Or, regardless of what I do (even if I blocked him on Snapchat cause that’s the only way he can contact me besides text) would that tower still happen. I’m just trying to save my heart and not fall into an anxious bout again of calling psychics... even though “he’s in love with me” ...

I get this a lot as a psychic, btw Im scheduling a reading with her as we speak so hopefully it works out. But anyways I get a lot of people trying to avoid things or take other path. No, it's not possible to avoid. If you don't see it online, you'll run into them in person or a friend will text you or something happens. If it's big things like the tower, it can only be prepared for not avoided, so you have brought yourself to a place where you don't react. Just keep repeating I am the one, I am the best, and he will always love me and choose me until you believe it. And that way you don't react on that level. The universe will put it in your path no matter what, so prepare is the best advice!

Sorry and excuse me if I'm mistaken - but surely then there is some kind of destiny if we cannot avoid this? I was also given the tower and I can't see it happening, I'll explain privately why not it is not possible in the way that Yona described unless it's a tower completely unrelated to him like she said. But then we do get towers in our life, anyway? Confused.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1157 on: December 06, 2018, 08:20:00 PM »

Right.... so that’s why I asked if I could avoid the tower lol like what if I just blocked him (hypothetically) would I miss the  “spark of jealousy” (how she described it before)... or would it still happen? And if it didn’t happen, are the other predictions based off of the sequential order? Like if that didn’t happen, the others wouldn’t either? I know I read somewhere on the forum that someone avoided going to McDonald’s or somewhere because Yona predicted her running into someone there and she successfully did and that specific prediction never occurred. I’m just wondering if the others are contingent of my spark of jealousy. Or, regardless of what I do (even if I blocked him on Snapchat cause that’s the only way he can contact me besides text) would that tower still happen. I’m just trying to save my heart and not fall into an anxious bout again of calling psychics... even though “he’s in love with me” ...

I get this a lot as a psychic, btw Im scheduling a reading with her as we speak so hopefully it works out. But anyways I get a lot of people trying to avoid things or take other path. No, it's not possible to avoid. If you don't see it online, you'll run into them in person or a friend will text you or something happens. If it's big things like the tower, it can only be prepared for not avoided, so you have brought yourself to a place where you don't react. Just keep repeating I am the one, I am the best, and he will always love me and choose me until you believe it. And that way you don't react on that level. The universe will put it in your path no matter what, so prepare is the best advice!

Sorry and excuse me if I'm mistaken - but surely then there is some kind of destiny if we cannot avoid this? I was also given the tower and I can't see it happening, I'll explain privately why not it is not possible in the way that Yona described unless it's a tower completely unrelated to him like she said. But then we do get towers in our life, anyway? Confused.

Sounds like predestiny - which is what Yona believes in. Typically I get the Devil card to signify things that are predestined - and guess what? Every single one of those things happened. Kinda spooky.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1158 on: December 06, 2018, 09:19:28 PM »
I agree, I also get the devil as predestined

Right.... so that’s why I asked if I could avoid the tower lol like what if I just blocked him (hypothetically) would I miss the  “spark of jealousy” (how she described it before)... or would it still happen? And if it didn’t happen, are the other predictions based off of the sequential order? Like if that didn’t happen, the others wouldn’t either? I know I read somewhere on the forum that someone avoided going to McDonald’s or somewhere because Yona predicted her running into someone there and she successfully did and that specific prediction never occurred. I’m just wondering if the others are contingent of my spark of jealousy. Or, regardless of what I do (even if I blocked him on Snapchat cause that’s the only way he can contact me besides text) would that tower still happen. I’m just trying to save my heart and not fall into an anxious bout again of calling psychics... even though “he’s in love with me” ...

I get this a lot as a psychic, btw Im scheduling a reading with her as we speak so hopefully it works out. But anyways I get a lot of people trying to avoid things or take other path. No, it's not possible to avoid. If you don't see it online, you'll run into them in person or a friend will text you or something happens. If it's big things like the tower, it can only be prepared for not avoided, so you have brought yourself to a place where you don't react. Just keep repeating I am the one, I am the best, and he will always love me and choose me until you believe it. And that way you don't react on that level. The universe will put it in your path no matter what, so prepare is the best advice!

Sorry and excuse me if I'm mistaken - but surely then there is some kind of destiny if we cannot avoid this? I was also given the tower and I can't see it happening, I'll explain privately why not it is not possible in the way that Yona described unless it's a tower completely unrelated to him like she said. But then we do get towers in our life, anyway? Confused.

Sounds like predestiny - which is what Yona believes in. Typically I get the Devil card to signify things that are predestined - and guess what? Every single one of those things happened. Kinda spooky.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1159 on: December 06, 2018, 09:54:12 PM »

Right.... so that’s why I asked if I could avoid the tower lol like what if I just blocked him (hypothetically) would I miss the  “spark of jealousy” (how she described it before)... or would it still happen? And if it didn’t happen, are the other predictions based off of the sequential order? Like if that didn’t happen, the others wouldn’t either? I know I read somewhere on the forum that someone avoided going to McDonald’s or somewhere because Yona predicted her running into someone there and she successfully did and that specific prediction never occurred. I’m just wondering if the others are contingent of my spark of jealousy. Or, regardless of what I do (even if I blocked him on Snapchat cause that’s the only way he can contact me besides text) would that tower still happen. I’m just trying to save my heart and not fall into an anxious bout again of calling psychics... even though “he’s in love with me” ...

I get this a lot as a psychic, btw Im scheduling a reading with her as we speak so hopefully it works out. But anyways I get a lot of people trying to avoid things or take other path. No, it's not possible to avoid. If you don't see it online, you'll run into them in person or a friend will text you or something happens. If it's big things like the tower, it can only be prepared for not avoided, so you have brought yourself to a place where you don't react. Just keep repeating I am the one, I am the best, and he will always love me and choose me until you believe it. And that way you don't react on that level. The universe will put it in your path no matter what, so prepare is the best advice!

Sorry and excuse me if I'm mistaken - but surely then there is some kind of destiny if we cannot avoid this? I was also given the tower and I can't see it happening, I'll explain privately why not it is not possible in the way that Yona described unless it's a tower completely unrelated to him like she said. But then we do get towers in our life, anyway? Confused.

Sounds like predestiny - which is what Yona believes in. Typically I get the Devil card to signify things that are predestined - and guess what? Every single one of those things happened. Kinda spooky.

I meant to ask kindle if she believed in destiny. Sorry for not being clearer, Sparkle.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1160 on: December 07, 2018, 02:32:43 PM »
So in my top up, Yona also said this:

Tower, set back, December, maybe into January, not to worry about this, can’t avoid it, fast moving, doesn’t cast a long shadow, it’s turned around quite quickly, negative to positive, this set back is a catalyst, things start picking up speed, ace of cups, strong romantic emotions we’ve also got flirtations approaches made toward you, you will identify what this is, but it says however I interpret it, you’ll think of something different and not recognize it when it happens but it says you’ll update me when it happens

However, I highly doubt I would go out of my way to let her know this......... it’s not who I am and she didn’t answer my follow up questions so I can’t me reaching out to say “oh this actually happened”...  lol

Honestly after the top up, I’m left more confused than before and disappointed...

She talks about me seeing him in a few weeks but I’m making the decision not to answer him when he’s home for ten days. Every time he comes home, he wants to hook up, and I’m not feeling used. Yes he’s in love with me but how fair is it to me to feel taken advantage of? ... I just feel like ignoring him when he’s here for Christmas time. He said that’s the last time he’d be home... I think he may have exaggerated but at this point, I don’t see me seeing him when he’s home and I don’t see the other things Yona talked about either such as

“On track in the new year, I know he has brown eyes but so do  billions of others, giving me knight of pentacles, which is the card I wrote down before... and the fact he’s quite private, but it’s something I have to check on the second layout

It’s face to face as well, cause it shows you spending time in each others company, getting on, this doesn’t feel this interim...

It also shows you negotiating, and by that, it’s not negotiating a relationship, it’s if we do this together, than you pay half, I pay half, it’s that sort of thing, it’s a practical arrangement, you drive there and I’ll drive back, talks about friendly, practical, negotiation component, that goes fine, it’s got a different feel to it, the cards are picking up that you’re on track, on the right track”

The negotiating part is definitely something that’s been a part of our relationship, but at this point, I just don’t see anything happening because I’m sick of waiting around. I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted. Ugh. Especially if the tower occurs... why would I even want to answer him? I’m annoyed.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 10:50:22 PM by Deedee123 »

Offline attaboy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1161 on: December 08, 2018, 08:00:16 AM »
Yona Farrell virgin here....

I just paid for the in depth tarot and crystal ball reading.  I know she is booked out 2-3 weeks.  I honestly don't think I will get the reading in before the end of the year - as 3 weeks puts us into the week of Christmas and she may take some time off at that time.  Hopefully it will be on the sooner end, but if not that is okay!  I am waiting for her to email me about a scheduled time!

Offline jas

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1162 on: December 08, 2018, 04:18:58 PM »
Attaboy - will you let me know when she sets the appointment?  I am would love to schedule a reading with her but since Christmas is coming up, I agree with you that she may take time off, so I am thinking of waiting until the first of the year. 

I have never read with her before and just curious as to how far out she sets appointments.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1163 on: December 08, 2018, 05:45:14 PM »
A work prediction came to pass for me.
yona saw me going into something i didnt think would career wize and she was right

Was it in a right timeframe?

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1164 on: December 08, 2018, 09:07:12 PM »
Attaboy - will you let me know when she sets the appointment?  I am would love to schedule a reading with her but since Christmas is coming up, I agree with you that she may take time off, so I am thinking of waiting until the first of the year. 

I have never read with her before and just curious as to how far out she sets appointments.

I paid weeks ago she still hasn’t scheduled me. She had one appointment this month on a weekend I can’t do, so the next available was jan6 and again weekend only, so I am waiting to see when her weekdays open, she said they were all full. You should get in now if that’s a concern. I have no rush.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1165 on: December 09, 2018, 03:00:02 AM »
Attaboy - will you let me know when she sets the appointment?  I am would love to schedule a reading with her but since Christmas is coming up, I agree with you that she may take time off, so I am thinking of waiting until the first of the year. 

I have never read with her before and just curious as to how far out she sets appointments.

I paid weeks ago she still hasn’t scheduled me. She had one appointment this month on a weekend I can’t do, so the next available was jan6 and again weekend only, so I am waiting to see when her weekdays open, she said they were all full. You should get in now if that’s a concern. I have no rush.

I'll update when I get scheduled.  I'm assuming she's swamped right now and I most likely won't get a scheduled date until next week since I paid on the weekend.

Offline whskers

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1166 on: December 10, 2018, 01:47:04 PM »
Her earliest right now is mid January

Offline attaboy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1167 on: December 10, 2018, 08:57:58 PM »
Her earliest right now is mid January

That's pretty far off, but it is around the holiday time so I'm assuming some of that delay has to do with some days off she has planned.  I put my request in last week, so I'm not counting on any reading before the end of this year.

I might get lucky enough with Kisha, she may get my reading in before the end of this year!  But, I doubt I will get Yona's in.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1168 on: December 10, 2018, 11:02:46 PM »
My top up with yona is this Sunday coming - I booked around 5 weeks ago :)

Offline user5942

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1169 on: December 12, 2018, 03:03:24 PM »
Another one of Yona's predictions came true from my reading with her on August 13th.

Yona: Lovers Card - A decision will be coming my way that is positive, making my own mind up. The Fool - exploring new territory.

What happened: Last week I decided out of the blue to change my Masters Program after not being happy with currently being a teacher (kind of a dead end here in America). I did not ask any family or friends for help on this, I just did it after taking classes since May so I was unsure if my credits would transfer. Well, everything will transfer over from my previous program and I will now be studying to be an Administrator to get out of teaching. She was right, I am a believer more and more as her predictions come true.

With me, she was all over the place lol, but the events she saw I am realizing are specific to both her time frames and how she says they will happen.

I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but she said there was a "romantic development to take place before the end of the year. It is 10 of cups, long-term implication, and a reunion but not in the traditional sense. It is at a celebration, but not a wedding. He will step out of the crowd. There will be an apology or explanation, though are not really impressed. This person will not be able to hold back. You will be smitten and hooked. This is complicated, and will take time. He is a workaholic and spending time together will be the difficult part. He has brown eyes, may be an ex but I am not sure. It is definitely someone you know. They will mean what they say. This is also Ace of Cups".

This is the event she described in the most detail, she was certain it would happen before the end of the year. What happened was that Yona described an event in August that already happened back in MAY with my current ex. We were talking at the time, but I hadn't seem him since March before seeing him again in May. This celebration is outdoors and is an Italian festival that honors the saints (a lot of drinking is involved lol) and EVERYTHING. SHE. SAID. CONNECTS. TO. WHAT. HAPPENED. When I figured it out, my jaw dropped.

He works in construction, so spending time together has always been difficult. Some of his workdays are 12 hours long. Our relationship has been off and on for two years, he has brown eyes. When I saw him, he stepped out of the crowd out of a group of people and I walked up to him. He explained to me why he hasn't been around so much and that he missed me. I took the apology, but figured if he really wanted to see me he would. Also explained that he thought I hated him. He could not keep him hands off me and even kissed me in front of his friends.  Now, 2 weeks after this happened, I broke things off because I did not hear from him. This may be where the "time development" part may take place. I have not spoken to him since, but we matched again on a dating profile, many readers say this is not over. But so far, Yona nailed that even though it happened before I read with her. I think it's too specific to be a coincidence. Her readings can be like puzzles and take waaaay long to figure, but I have much more respect for her.