Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2042157 times)

Offline scarlora

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #690 on: August 10, 2018, 09:54:27 PM »
For a first reading with her, is it better to get an hour or is the half-hour one enough?
Sorry if this question has been asked before, I searched and didn't see it.

I read with her once last November 2017 for 30 mins. Technically two, the first one was cut short because she had to go to the vet. But the second one was 30 mins and she gave a lot of information. She speaks very fast.  Including my separation with the ex PoI and the new guy that I will meet. I met the guy April 2018 and and our relationship took off in June 2018.  As of the moment all her predictions from the 2017 happened except for one more major prediction for the ex Poi.
Did she tell you ex POI would be back?

Offline whskers

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #691 on: August 10, 2018, 10:18:23 PM »
Haha I had to re-read her reading. She said that me and him not talking will go for a long time.. and his intention is to make me wait so when I hear from him I will be happy to hear from him and less likely talk about what happened and commitments. He will be spontaneous in getting in touch and he thinks he can charm me. Kinda like testing the waters. But when I hear from him I will be more cautious than delighted (this is me opening cards). Also she said in my opening cards that I will be independent. I was working a lot and met a new guy that I did not have time to think about him. For a short moment I did before I met the new guy.  Then her last sentence is he wants things more casual relationship so I guess that’s means no? Plus I don’t have intentions of getting back with that guy. Eek no thank you.  :D

She also said during our first time we talked when it was cut short that she doesn’t see breakthrough with this relationship until end of the year. I thought she meant 2017? But maybe 2018? Who knows lols.

Offline Apalm831

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #692 on: August 11, 2018, 01:33:05 AM »
Me. He is, sort of

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #693 on: August 11, 2018, 02:00:57 AM »

@ whskers Yona used that relationship "breakthrough" phrase regarding a previous POI from 2 years ago. Little did I know that "breakthrough" meant "THE END" lol - it was a breakthrough alright - he said he wasn't ready for a relationship and vanished lol.

I've learned that when Yona uses the following words and phrases - it may mean the following:

"Progressive" means that the relationship has a bit more potential than what it does at the moment
"Ongoing connection" means that this person may not be romantic but will still be around in some capacity but then may eventually fade away
"Breakthrough" may mean a finality to the situation
"You have a choice" doesnt mean that you have 2 hot bachelors on your hands and you're having a hard time picking a cookie from the cookie jar...its basically deciding to leave one of the guys alone

If she doesnt say any of the above phrases regarding a relationship - it could mean it isnt going anywhere at all lol (no matter how good the cards look)

Also, often times she interchanges the words "relationship" and "partnership" and to me those have 2 different meanings. She told me that my situation doesnt show up as a "relationship" and it doesnt show in the cards that way, it progresses into a "partnership" and he would show more signs of commitment and will talk about exclusivity....that right there just left me confused because I wasnt sure if she used them interchangeably.

Other Yona "isms" - these are typically said no matter where cards are in the spread - but if she does say the following this is typically what it means. (This is only based on what she says because she will be the only one to interpret or see where the cards fall in the reading)

"You're shown as a work in progress" - You are still alive and have things to learn
"You're shown as the finished article" - I got this for work meaning that Ive mastered my field (basically to the point that I want to try something new)
"At an angle" - meaning it will not have a full affect, like a Tower influence
"The Devil Upright" - Long term implications - usually not dramatic. Pre-Destined event
"Wheel of Fortune" - Cycle of Changes coming up
"Queen of Cups" - THE EX or crazy woman associated in some capacity with your POI

Any others?

« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 02:03:40 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline whskers

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #694 on: August 11, 2018, 02:27:29 AM »
Lolz.. well breakthrough. Yeah we ended October 2017.  Maybe that’s the breakthrough.  ;D ;D ;D although she did predict that we will stop talking. She said, “the silence is relevant”. Maybe meaning we should break up because he’s a d-bag  :P

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #695 on: August 11, 2018, 03:21:04 AM »

So does she mean the same thing when saying relationship or partnership? Now I’m confused... because to me it definitely sounds like she means the same thing but the entire reading I wondered if she was using one more than the other because it meant something different...

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #696 on: August 11, 2018, 03:35:08 AM »
That's what I don't know! LOL

I was tempted to email her to clarify because I was soooo confused when she said that is doesnt show as a relationship in the cards but will progress as a partnership (with exclusivity, etc) - she does use those words interchangeably.

From what I understand -

Partnership means - Building something for the long term (this is more "committed")
Relationship - means just having the bells and whistles with no long term goals (more or less exclusive)


So does she mean the same thing when saying relationship or partnership? Now I’m confused... because to me it definitely sounds like she means the same thing but the entire reading I wondered if she was using one more than the other because it meant something different...

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #697 on: August 11, 2018, 03:59:02 AM »
Omgosh, yeah I’m confused. I’m rereading her reading that I typed out and at the end she says

“He is offering partnership.. and meaning it. Where as maybe with the other one he got a bit ahead of himself and panicked. But here he is going to be offering partnership… you can reconcile at this point.

And, yes, this connection to him and reconciliation is you  being nurturing.”

So I would say that it means the same thing lol

But the beginning she said

“Your relationship is ongoing, your connection I should say. But what surprises me is that your relationship is quite undefined at this point in time.”

You did say in your other post that ongoing could mean short term so now I’m unsure haha but I do like your definitions of the two. They make sense. Partnership as she uses it in my situation makes sense to my situation since she is seeing long term plans of me moving etc. but who knows! Only time will tell.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #698 on: August 11, 2018, 06:53:12 AM »
Yeah I can totally understand based on the details of your reading ;)

I will say this as advice - try not to read too much into the readings because we can get caught up dissecting it too much (I know I've done it myself  ;D lol).

Eventually we will see what she meant when the reading comes to pass. However, I wanted to put her terminology here so that when it does come to pass - especially if it is in a different way we were thinking, it may be due to what was actually communicated during the reading.

For example, if she is saying "on-going connection" im sure many of us would interpret that as being long term and progressive - and from my experience, it IS NOT - and in this situation some people may consider her WRONG. In 2-3 instances for me it just meant some guy that will be around for a while - it may be romantic in the beginning and either fizzles out over time or doesnt start off romantic and will never get there...actually in any reading concerning relationships - that is "ongoing connection" NOT what you want to hear lol.

If she actually says the words "progressive" or "developments" (in regards to relationship/partnership) then I would expect to see MINOR developments unless she specifically says she sees you in a Committed Relationship or major developments. Again this is just my experience. But she has also been known to completely MISS situations that have evolved into relationships and even MARRIAGE LOL.

Based on the reading below - my expectation would be that he may "offer" partnership by merely brining it up - but not necessarily putting action behind it even though he means it - unless she mentioned developments and progressiveness in your reading. (Now this is just an interpretation of just the snippet below, as I havent read your full reading)

But time will tell and you will see as predictions unfold - Good Luck :D!!

Omgosh, yeah I’m confused. I’m rereading her reading that I typed out and at the end she says

“He is offering partnership.. and meaning it. Where as maybe with the other one he got a bit ahead of himself and panicked. But here he is going to be offering partnership… you can reconcile at this point.

And, yes, this connection to him and reconciliation is you  being nurturing.”

So I would say that it means the same thing lol

But the beginning she said

“Your relationship is ongoing, your connection  I should say. But what surprises me is that your relationship is quite undefined at this point in time.”

You did say in your other post that ongoing could mean short term so now I’m unsure haha but I do like your definitions of the two. They make sense. Partnership as she uses it in my situation makes sense to my situation since she is seeing long term plans of me moving etc. but who knows! Only time will tell.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #699 on: August 11, 2018, 06:57:31 AM »
I love this! Thanks for clarifying!!!


So does she mean the same thing when saying relationship or partnership? Now I’m confused... because to me it definitely sounds like she means the same thing but the entire reading I wondered if she was using one more than the other because it meant something different...

FWIW, in my reading with her she distinctly mentioned she does not use the words interchangeably. They differ in levels of commitment - a relationship may be good, strong, long but to her it doesn't necessarily offer commitment. A partnership is a whole other level, where it's solid and both parties are committed to the longevity of the situation and each other. Kind of like a marriage, but not really. She mentioned in Tarot cards don't differentiate between partnership and marriage because you can have partnership without marriage, with which I agree. Anyway. Hope this helps.

This is among some of the things she said to me: "You want a partnership. What you have is a relationship... but you don’t have a partnership. if you really want partnership where you have a level of commitment it’s not him."

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #700 on: August 11, 2018, 03:24:59 PM »
I have my reading with Yona tomorrow and I’m excited ! I’ve been waiting ages . I am a little sad she didn’t get back to me about upgrading my reading , but I just didn’t want to send her the difference in price , just in case my appointment had to change and I’ve waited long enough. I have the 30 min reading with tarot . I hope this is still going to be good ?

What do I need to ask for a general read ? I’ve heard not to ask about men , as that will come up more than likely if it’s relevant .

I also want to record as its on skype , but how do I do this on iPhone ? Is it illegal to record without permission? Do I need to ask ?

Thanks guys

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #701 on: August 11, 2018, 03:56:53 PM »
Typically she'll ask you if you would like to see what comes up (which is a general read).
If she doesnt, you can just ask for a general.

Yes steer away from asking specific questions about men, unless she asks. Usually the POI will come up (based on a description she will give you - you will know). This doesnt mean that you cant ask questions - but usually I only ask questions when I want to clarify something she picks up or when she gives you an opportunity at the end of the reading to ask - she will usually say "what worries you the most" or something like that and that is when you can ask about something specific.

No need to ask to record. Just use the Voice recorder on your phone (it comes with the iphone) and press record when you start your reading.

I wish there was a way on the Yona thread where we could put the guidelines on how to read with her lol - because alot of these questions are asked alot ;D. My advice is (if you have time) - kinda of go through this thread to read other ppl's experiences. You may find additional advice on how to read with her or how outcomes actually panned out when they did.

But pretty much just sit back and enjoy the show!

Hope it goes well - Good Luck :D ;D!

I have my reading with Yona tomorrow and I’m excited ! I’ve been waiting ages . I am a little sad she didn’t get back to me about upgrading my reading , but I just didn’t want to send her the difference in price , just in case my appointment had to change and I’ve waited long enough. I have the 30 min reading with tarot . I hope this is still going to be good ?

What do I need to ask for a general read ? I’ve heard not to ask about men , as that will come up more than likely if it’s relevant .

I also want to record as its on skype , but how do I do this on iPhone ? Is it illegal to record without permission? Do I need to ask ?

Thanks guys

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #702 on: August 11, 2018, 04:08:42 PM »
when it comes to recording, make sure you turn the do not disturb on otherwise an interruption  from callers will stop the recording

I have my reading with Yona tomorrow and I’m excited ! I’ve been waiting ages . I am a little sad she didn’t get back to me about upgrading my reading , but I just didn’t want to send her the difference in price , just in case my appointment had to change and I’ve waited long enough. I have the 30 min reading with tarot . I hope this is still going to be good ?

What do I need to ask for a general read ? I’ve heard not to ask about men , as that will come up more than likely if it’s relevant .

I also want to record as its on skype , but how do I do this on iPhone ? Is it illegal to record without permission? Do I need to ask ?

Thanks guys

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #703 on: August 11, 2018, 05:46:41 PM »
Good to know!

when it comes to recording, make sure you turn the do not disturb on otherwise an interruption  from callers will stop the recording

I have my reading with Yona tomorrow and I’m excited ! I’ve been waiting ages . I am a little sad she didn’t get back to me about upgrading my reading , but I just didn’t want to send her the difference in price , just in case my appointment had to change and I’ve waited long enough. I have the 30 min reading with tarot . I hope this is still going to be good ?

What do I need to ask for a general read ? I’ve heard not to ask about men , as that will come up more than likely if it’s relevant .

I also want to record as its on skype , but how do I do this on iPhone ? Is it illegal to record without permission? Do I need to ask ?

Thanks guys

Offline Gemini38

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #704 on: August 11, 2018, 09:02:04 PM »
Update: Many things Yona said have come to pass. You obviously won't know how things unfold, but retrospectively you could look back and see that she has indeed been correct. That's been my experience.

Good relationships will make you feel safe and secure enough to where you don't feel the need to call a psychic. I went through terrible relationships and called psychics almost everyday. Now that I found the person Yona predicted, the relationship seems to be holding up well and I am ok with getting periodic readings with Yona only.

SOMETHING SUPER INTERESTING: Before I met my SO, all my readings with Yona were about love. That's all the cards talked about. I didn't tell her when I entered my relationship, but her cards automatically started focusing on career. Then, my SO read with her. Nothing about relationships came up for him. He said that if she had talked about love in the reading, he wouldn't have believed in her abilities. He was a skeptic and now he's not so sure about being a skeptic anymore. Lol.

Thank you for sharing!