*Disclaimer* This is pretty long lol
Hello everyone, I thought I’d share my experience with Yona.
Just to give you a background, a friend of mine recommended that I should get a reading from Yona. I refused for a long time because my friend mentioned that 1) It may take a long time for predictions to manifest and 2) Sometime she confuses people.
Well, that was a turn off, so I didn’t read with her for a while…..
Then, something told me to try her…..
Now, before I get into the details of my predictions - I want to say
every single last thing she predicted for me in the first 2 readings literally happened within a 3 month time frame - I have had a total of only 3 readings with her within the past year. However, the first one was a “non-reading” - which meant she really couldn’t interpret the cards but she knew she had a psychic link to me. And BOY DID SHE….So really I had a total of 2 “TRUE” readings, however, predictions in the Non Reading still came true!
Reading 1 = 6 predictions - 9/26/16 - all came true by October 2016 (Non - reading)
Reading 2 = 6 predictions - 10/5/2016 - All came true by December 2016
Reading 3 = 11 predictions - 5/11/2017 - 6 out of the 11 predictions already came true and its been less than 3 months. She connected very well with me in this reading, no stuttering, no repeating, it was like she could see clear into the future…it was scary
I will outline the predictions from all 3 readings below:
Reading 1: September, 26th, 2016 6:30am CST - “The Non Reading”Predictions:1.
Immediate future: The Tower- negative twist of fate based on interpersonal relationships - shock: C
AME TRUE THAT DAY 9/26/16 - This came true the SAME DAY. Literally an HOUR LATER (7:30am CST) I received a phone call from my manager stating that my co-worker (whom I was going to meet for work that week on a business trip) had died suddenly in a freak motorcycle accident. I was DEVASTATED. A WEEK later, I found out a College friend of mine - DIED in a motorcycle accident as well!!!
An apology is coming to me - she didnt know who will be apologizing - she said it was a woman - Queen of Cups - someone close as family: CAME TRUE 9/28/16 - My female friend acted foolish during the time I told her about my coworkers death. I was crying and she asked me “why are you even crying so hard? I mean, was he really that close to you?” I was pissed!!!! Literally 2 days later she apologized.
Interview coming up/Evaluation or Assessment: CAME TRUE 11/2016 - I had a work evaluation in November
3 People I will be in contact with that I haven’t heard from in a while: - CAME TRUE in this first reading (below) and during the next reading (which was a month later) - Dark guy/brown eyes
- My ex (who is a dark skinned guy with brown eyes) called me out of the blue (we left on good terms years ago) but he called me because literally A WEEK LATER, after my coworker died, a mutual friend of ours DIED in a motorcycle accident as well. GOSH I felt terrible during this time. The influence of the TOWER was upon me.
She said that I was stressful, and that I will be “moving on after a challenging time” C
AME TRUE - ya think? Based on the predictions above - and a week later after my coworker died - a college friend died in a motorcycle accident A WEEK LATER - that damn Tower card!!6.
She saw a cycle of changes coming up over the next 18 months - including where I live and work- CAME TRUE and still coming true - Now guys, at the time of the reading I had NO PLANS of moving or leaving my job - SERIOUSLY.
- But literally 3 months later I found myself totally moving!! I moved into a new place in January 2017.
- As for the Work and Love changes:
This part actually is picked up in my 3rd reading in more detail - For my job situation - LOL well there have been a bunch of layoffs lately so its looking like this is possible
- At this time of the reading I had not been in contact with my POI “B”
Reading 2: October 5th, 2016 - “Cycle of Changes”Predictions:1.
Guy 1 - Standing Ground with a Difficult Man, he is non romantic -
CAME TRUE 10/10/16 Basically, I met a guy online who almost swindled me with money. Initially he came on to me (we never met) as if he was interested, and gave me money. I ended up being suspicious and asked my friends what they thought. He was a hard person to deal with, and I just met him a couple of days before this reading. When i caught on to what he was doing - he disappeared into thin air.
Yona’s Prediction: - Choices I need to make
- Man wants me to do things his way
- Not bullied, but wants his own way
- pressure coming from a guy known to me already
- stand ground with him - I did!
- Not sure if he is linked to financial aspect- he was!
- Money and emotions mixed up - this happened!
- Will try to steamroll, but will accept my choice
- I would worry about it and think that I should have went
- Guy I already know
- 7 of pentacles - I use negotiation and intellect he will get over it
- Then i will tread on fresh ground, so I will not be in a cycle
- Encouragement from other people/friends- True!
Guy 2 - Blast from the Past A Guy with - Light Brown Eyes -
CAME TRUE : “A”- contact 10/18/16, “J”-contact 10/28/16 and 10/30/16, “B” (my POI)- contact 11/30/16, and “JY”- contact 12/3/16. Literally 4 guys with light brown eyes contacted me from October-December that i haven’t heard from in a while! So I didn’t really know which guy she was referring to - Based on the description below it had to be “J” - being that he was the most flirtatious and he contacted me twice. One of them was my POI - but I don’t think it was him, because contact continued after - the rest of the guys didn’t have an on-going “re-connection”
Yona’s Prediction: - Yona Likes this guy
- Intentions aren’t bad
- communication (2 of pentacles) - not face to face, text<— All communications were not face to face
- Situation may be complex
- Likable
- contact is spontaneous - not thought out <— All contacts were spontaneous and random
- Not sure how i respond
- 3 of wands - listen to what he has to say and think about it
- Not lying or deception
- Im cautious
- Friendly and flirtatious
- Hold judgement
- Perspective on life if very different
- Not a bad person
- 6 of Wands - get a fair deal - doesn’t all have to be decided
- Cautious - doesn’t show this person ahead
- Is a bit random, but will take my time to deal with it
- Shown as single at contact <— True
- Don’t think it is a reconnection; not an ongoing connection
- Says I decide not to go there
- Definitely will hear before the end of the year<— True
Guy 3 - Spiritual Guy (new guy) - prediction, light brown eyes, tall, will instantly connect, spiritual, passion, emerging relationship in 3 months - over next year - P
OI “B” contacted and CAME TRUE: 10/22/16; 11/30/16, 1/31/17, saw him for the first time on 2/12 and continued from there….Yona’s Prediction: - Meet face to face
- Spirituality and meeting someone of significance
- spiritual guy
- during or at a spiritual event or link to spirituality
- passionate connection and fast moving
- Yona is excited about this guy
- Romantic interest
- Will meet face to face, not on line
- will be a partnership
- Didn’t know if i would choose this guy
- intuition, allowing events to proceed without intervention, waiting and allowing things to happen)
- will meet someone of significance next 3 months<— She said that she didn’t think it was my current POI (mind you i hadn’t heard from him in 3 months at this point, however she said since he has been away - he could come in as new) Well i heard from him 11/30/16 - and continued into this year…
- 8 of wands - (meaningful conversation, swift decision, conclusion)
- meeting a kindred spirit -same wavelength, connected to healing, medical symbols - instant connection, evolve and develop - a man <—The only thing i can attribute this to is a spiritual connection i have with him, and went through a huge amount of spiritual growth from Jan-April of this year before we reconnected again
- moves quickly
- Mutual evolving situation
- Not big romantic connection, starts off spiritual
- Not sure if this is a big passion
- On going connection
Change of Address/Moving - Prediction —
Came TRUE: 12/2016 - 1/2017 6 of Swords - looking at a property next 12-18 months (started looking online 11/15) and moved January of this year
Set back due to a trip/vehicle - bickering or fighting and defend interests, small issue -
CAME TRUE - 10/5/16 as a result of my car being in the shop, a friend invited me to visit and couldnt go
1. Another Apology and explanation - very limited - doesn’t cover topics - I will listen but not convinced. Ill ask more to see how much they are putting into it - Ill ask more detail strategic vs sincere- this came with the car situation
The Hermit - choosing my own independent path, being proactive -
CAME TRUE 11/2016-12/2016Reading 3: May 11, 2017 - “Love and Money”Predictions:1
. Celebration - Man of importance < -
CAME TRUE 6/10/17 (went to DG Picnic Hosted by a man and a bday party for 2 older men that evening!)
Yona’s Prediction:- Being taken to a celebration for a man
- Emperor (man in superior position)
- Other people there, make connections
- Want to get away <— Very true, as I was so ready to go
- impatient to be elsewhere
- Mind is on other things <— VERY true
- Being dutiful <- This is soon true - I felt obligated to be that the Picnic
Changing plans due to unexpected development (may be linked to the vehicle/trip with older woman) - -
CAME TRUE 5/11/17 Yona’s Prediction:- went on a trip to island of Barbados with my POI “B” spontaneously when originally planned to go to Las Vegas with family
- Altering plans for a trip/vehicle
- Trip that was planned - wasn’t on my own, may have been to show me around, or where they used to live
- Change is due to the unexpected development (not sure if it is the vehicle situation below)
- but I WILL be spending time with a person i care about<— I did, my POI!!
- Not carefully planned out, Spontaneous
- Changing plans is better than going on the trip
- It is not a disaster
- ROMANTIC BREAK THROUGH - spontaneous action
- When I try to plan, plans may change and it would actually work out better
- 8 of Wands - (means fast moving, trip/travel)
- There will be a GAP between love interest - this is happening NOW
Work done a property - Came True 5/12/17 - Plumber to fix bathroom, but will have to come back. Work done on bathroom again on 5/16 and car inspection at my home on 5/17<—“C” contacted 5/17/17 and flirted 5/18/17
Yona’s Prediction:- Impatient (before work is done - true 5/11)
- 2 of Cups - romantic approach coming my way when the work is done- Work Done 5/16 5/17. <
--5/18/17 “C” (sent a text about to get some - and no it didn’t happen lol)- Im mentally All over the place - True
- A lot of communications around this time, specifically different types of communication listed below - True
- Flirtation-- 5/18 “C”, dramatic phone call<—my friend and her POI, my friend and i had an argument, thus caused a lot of calls, which is prediction #4 below, downer - different callers at the same time, most aren’t face to face- True all of them weren’t face to face
Female fond of Money --
Came True starting 5/10/17 - again on 6/30/17 (started right before reading - ongoing)
Yona’s Prediction:- Adapting to changing circumstances
- Spark of a new beginning Late June-July
- Conversation with a female who is fond of money
- known to me already
- Money /Finance matters to her
- She will disappoint me- True 5/20 and 5/22 -she was not eating due to her relationship situation with Matt
- Will show a self interested streak
- Thought she was a better person
- Her family finances
- Hair color is Dark
- Passion about money
- For her own self interest
- No argument
- Will not look at her in the same way<--True 5/30 when she gave in to contacting Matt
- Remain friends, ongoing connection
- Not trying to undermine or deceive me
Guy 1 -
Came True-”L” 5/28/17Yona’s Prediction:- Chatted up - (L” is a darker skinned guy that “chatted me up” on 5/28/17 - we literally were texting all day for weeks)
- Going to be flirted with by a Dark man, brown eyes
- Will come in Soon
- King of Pentacles
- No Chemistry on my side
- Nice but not nice enough
- Made for someone else, but not for me
- known to me already
Big argument with a Woman (Came True with my friend “S”- 5/12/17) <—Told her about the trip with my POI and she blew up on me because she didn’t want me to go with him (mind you, he hadn’t done anything wrong other than be inconsistent as hell - so she blew up on me because she felt it was stupid to go on my birthday trip with him - well….)
Yona’s Prediction:- Big argument with a woman or about a woman
- Glamour Queen
- Thinks she has a lot going for herself
- Focused on appearance
- Know her already
- Comes back, has been away<-- So true!!
- Young woman
- No contact for a while <-- Yep
- When we interact, it flares up suddenly<-- OMG YES
- She has provoked me
- Comes from when she wasn’t around didn’t notice at first
- Look at closing a door
- Not prepared to put up
- Undermines self esteem
- Argument and thats it
- I can do without negativity
- Will happen this summer
- Will feel she is competing with me
- Petite and pretty, long hair
- Annoys me
7. Specific Love/BIG Love coming this SUMMER -
PENDING Yona’s Prediction:- Last reading said love would come in this Summer - yes
- Ace of Cups - Love
- The Devil (upright) - Means predestined major event or turn of events that is meant to happen at a certain time to do with Love
- Will not look dramatic straight away, it may be subtle
- 7 of Swords - The man is not around me at the moment
- Could be the guy of interest but nothing is happening currently
- When the time is right, a romantic development that will have long term implications
- Frustration with lack of communication
- Wont start straight away
- Love life is not clearly defined yet
- I’m Not sure where things are heading
Between Now and July regarding Love:
- No dramatic development, not immediate
- Preparation for development- Will go faster for Love
- Number of choices coming up
- Choice between 2 guys
- Not all information yet - maybe i haven’t met one or involved enough
- Not right time yet, may be this summer
- Temperance - not all information yet
- Will Go away for a class or course - a gap between love interest - and I missing them (they may be away too)
<— THIS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW ! There is a GAP, as I have not heard from him since our trip 6 weeks ago. There was no argument or anything we ended on a good note, cuddled and all - he told me on the trip he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship and asked for me to be patient…so then he disappears…well all I can say to that is I appreciate not being LED ON. - Not a long time<—Well its been 6 weeks, soo lol
- Not committed at this time<—TRUE
- Growing feelings <— For me yes…
8. 2 Guys with Light Eyes - has to do with LOVE (Prediction #7) -
PENDING- One is Tall, the other Short
- Choice to make between 2 people during the summer
- Not interested in the short Guy
- Tall (Knight of Wands) -
This describes my POI “B” to a T! Describes him as my BIG Love…. - Has a dog, dog is brown
<—TRUE he has 2 dogs! OMG - Can be quite stubborn and set in his ways
- Hand in Hand - implies a date or getting close (not close but a development)<- Came True 5/25
- Focused on work - impacts private life
- Creature of habit
- doesn’t have a lot of spare time
- She says Trust intuition with this
- The Devil-Predestined event, not to worry about it
- He has been involved with someone else
<—TRUE ! She picked up the 3rd party (he told me about her last year, showed me a pic of her and everything - said she was trying to get back with him) - Not a huge deal
- He knows them already
- Sometimes they are in communication, sometimes not
- not deceptive
- Some emotional connection there
- She still has an interest in him
- Yona doesn’t like her, she wants more and he doesn’t and she tries to pull him in
- Haven’t had the right moment to get together
- The girl is on the edge of his life
Sees connection with me this summer- Short guy (Knight of Cups) - Not sure if I met this guy yet….
PENDING - Good Sense of Humor
- Bouncy
- Energy is fun and clever
- Not ugly, doesn’t match up to the other light eyed guys’s physique and build
- Yona likes him
- Seems to have a long body and short legs
- Great company
- known to me already
- No dogs
- Not a love interest
Older Woman - Legal Charges to do with a Vehicle - may be serious (Grandmother in June - pending on legal issue, but had to move a her car before she got a ticket) - Yona’s Prediction:- Empress (older woman)
- Justice
- Position of importance and seniority
- This is not me
- This is significant, I provide advice or warning but won’t affect me - true Grantee had to move her car before it got towed
- Police/Law
- No hospitals or court cases
- may be an accident
- 6 of Swords (means moving on)
10. Work - New Job, more money** -
PENDING - this
is in the process of COMING TRUEYona’s Prediction:- Learning New skills (shadow card)
- 8 of pentacles - will be employed
- No surprises
- Nagged to take courses and update skills to prepare for next year
- Need to get job that pays better and will interview at the end of the year
- Ready step up a notch
- Need to make space over the next month to invest in myself
- Add skills
- Finances will need to prepared for opportunities
- New opportunities will come
- Need to take courses NOW
- Will be a higher job, more excited
- Interview with dark guy or dark eyed man<— Started last week! For some reason my timelines move very fast as she saw this at the end of the year…as noted below
- At the end of the year
- Easy to get on with the dark guy<— The guy i had a short interview with is DARK
- I am relaxed during the interview, but guy will stick with criteria
- Determined to be correct in interview
Reconnection from a female - Not sure if this came true as a female friend i haven’t spoke to in a while did pop up in June to reconnect….Yona’s Prediction:- Someone (Female) will try to come in to regain friendship
- Attempt to reconcile
- Not impressed
- May be Queen of Cups, or someone else - female
- Not angry, may not let them in because i don’t have room for them
- Approach will be made
- I will listen
- Will not change my mind
- 3 of Wands clearing out female friends
And that's all folks
