Hey guys so, I had my reading with Yona this morning she picked up on my breakup and said that it was predestined to happen and that there's really nothing that I could do to prevent it and she saw that I wasn't really bothered by it.She also said that I have yet to meet the King of Wands(who in previous readings was King of Pentancels which will be a new guy that I am crazy about) and that there is King of pentacles ,the way the she described this person I am hundred percent sure its my ex who is my first love. Pretty much she said when the Venus retrograde occurs she said that me waiting and being in limbo with someone will end( I have been waiting to hear from my ex for the last 7 months )She said that this person can be really difficult and stubborn just cause but they have the ability to do better.She also said that this person has lied to me in the past about little things and when they come back I will question a lot of his past actions.She said that she sees me holding hands with a man and since the reading has the timing of 6-8 weeks and the other things that the card described, she believes its my ex and not the new guy.
Yona has always said that I will have two guys and have to choose one or the other. I am just a little confused because in past readings she would say my ex is a King of swords and now she is saying he is the King of Pentacles. She use to describe the new guy that I will be crazy about as the King of Pentacles now he is described as the King of Wands.
Lastly, she said that there will be a Queen of Cups that will bed competing with me in regards to live interest and of course she doesn't see her as a threat so now I'm worried.
She said that my reading was half a reading she wants me to come back after my predictions happen.