Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2126989 times)


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #120 on: December 04, 2016, 08:56:22 PM »

has anyone read with yona lately? if so, how was your experience?

thanks in advance :)

Hey Stargrazer I read with Yona in Feb and she said the ex and I will not get back together though she did getf some details wrong the big outcome she got right.She said I will meet someone who is better suited for me than my ex and we will be in a relationship by the end of the year she described his  personality well. I read again with her on November 13 two weeks before my g=uy asked me to be his gf and she expressed that my cards were not telling her who I will be in a relartionship with whether with someone elsed or my new guy she expressed that cards did say theres a possiblity it could be (my current bf who at the time was the new guy I was seeing) but she wast sure she expressed that the cards were saying that I will be in a realtionship but not telling with whom.She said she would like tp read with me for free in January becuase she believed there will be more movement then.Well day after thanksgiving my guy asked me to be his gf I updated Yona today so I will update you guys on my reading with her next month.


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #121 on: December 04, 2016, 09:50:52 PM »
Thanks for updating @lovefash. Very happy for you and your new relationship! let us know how your next reading with yona  goes :)

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #122 on: December 07, 2016, 04:23:03 PM »
I just had a reading with her this morning.  First off, she is highly ethical.  Yesterday was my appointment and she just couldn't get a good clear reading so we rescheduled for today.  The same thing happened.  The cards were being very vague.  I kind of put the puzzle together but it was after about 30 minutes of her trying to make sense of them.  She was very kind and apologized and said she was refunding my money because of the lack of clarity in the reading.  She did so immediately when we got off the phone.  She could have easily fed me a fairy tale or bullcrapped her way through the reading and kept my money but she didn't.  That is HUGE to me.   She did say she saw my life getting better in all areas because I got the wheel of fortune card and said late January early February.  She said I could call her back then if I wanted to. 

I was disappointed because I really was looking forward to seeing what she saw, but I guess it wasn't in the "cards" :)


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #123 on: December 15, 2016, 03:44:49 AM »
Hey Baypark1,

I'm sorry that she wasn't able to connect. I do agree with you that she is really ethical.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #124 on: December 28, 2016, 05:20:27 PM »
I tried Yona twice and the first time she had a lot of details, but the outcome never happen. The second time I specifically asked her why something would be happening and she was totally wrong. She picked up on it happening but her reason was not correct at all. She seems to be great for many so I don't think we had a strong connection.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #125 on: December 28, 2016, 07:44:32 PM »
I've never read with her, but from what I understand, she books out about two weeks ahead and may be busier now that it is the end of the year. People want a reading for the year from her. I'd love to get a reading from her sometime, but with the currency exchange she's a little out of my price range right now.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #126 on: December 28, 2016, 08:11:03 PM »
I waited about three weeks. But this was in the beginning of this year and she was really busy. She reads out pretty far.


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #127 on: December 29, 2016, 09:16:51 PM »
Yona is always busy and getting a reading right away just doesn't happen with her. There's always a 2-3 week wait but payment has to be sent to reserve your time slot.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #128 on: January 05, 2017, 04:04:49 AM »
Hi all  I read with Yona today  I got lucky because there was a cancelation right after my email got there.

Anyway,  very interesting cards.  My shadow card was the psychic card which she said very rarely comes up,  and then she basically described me to myself and how those abilities likely make my own life very complicated but for me giving love advice is easy and that's why lol and it was so so true.  She also explained where I'm at in life and love which was accurate,  and then most of the reading was about love but she did pepper in a career thing which.. We will see about I guess!

The love part was accurate and it's complicated,  she basically didn't really like what she was picking up from him at first lol but then when she did a spread on him she decided he was okay. 

My fave part? The crystal ball showed her I'm in a committed partnership by the end of this year .. Symbolism of holding hands.  Yay! Maybe not this guy as someone else comes in,  and it wasn't clear on who,  she said likely because if I knew it would influence my decision.  I'm okay with that, life is for living!

Let's hope she's right ❤️❤️

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #129 on: January 05, 2017, 01:29:06 PM »
Style wise,  she very much has a format and she explained t me she uses cards when it's long distance to make better sense of things.  Then it was fairly routine but she really does know her stuff. I didn't really ask many questions but she did say to ask if I have them or she may run out of time. 

She does repeat herself but I think this is likely when cards and impressions keep coming up which is important  and also she tries to be careful of time spent telling you things you already know. 

She also said something interesting which is when she does spreads on someone else she can only see what's relevant as far as this person to me,  and I wonder if that's why sometimes readers can't see third parties? But she did pick up on a third party which I have no way of identifying and she said he won't tell me. Actually the very first thing that came up was that he isn't all that honest with me,  more through editing what he tells me because I won't like it  which my gut says is true. 

So those types of things,  I feel she's very balanced style wise,  Def not a fairy tale reader and also seems to understand how ethics play into why she gets certain info. I feel like I got the truth,  and what she told me about myself and this guy really kind of confirmed my suspicions and instincts.  So that makes me trust her.

I don't mind the shuffle tell me when to stop stuff,  and when she started she seemed amused at my cards and said it might take me a bit to figure out how to explain this haha but she did well.

Overall I find her honest,  and caring,  and she's generous with time, plus she can take her time explaining since she's not rushed by a per min,  which adds a lovely dimension to the reading.  and the advice she gives when she gives it,  which isn't often,  is helpful.  More like food for thought.  E.g. She said he does love you but love is different to different people,  so love from one person may look very different than love from another,  which really resonated with me.

Anyway,  I'm fairly certain I'm done for a while now,  my goal for 2017 was no readings,  (besides my own with my own cards haha), and she was my last booking.  I touched base with him all my trusteds,  and now it's up to life and time as to whether things happen or not  and if it doesn't.. At least I won't have been hanging on to it and letting life pass me by,  which even though I do get out there  and do stuff I was kind of going through the motions of living life while my heart and mind was hoping for something different. 

Haha she even said she saw me reaching out to her when I meet or recognize this other man.  =)  lol.  And that when I do make a decision I'll be really worried about the other person,  wondering if I made the wrong choice,  etc but I won't be able to talk to them because communication will be done.  So could be an interesting year if all this happens!

I hope your predictions come true 😊 she did say to me she gets hints at timing but sometimes it's off  so when I got timing it was with that disclaimer,  however she gives you what she gets or believes to be true.  Keep us posted come April!

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #130 on: January 05, 2017, 03:40:35 PM »
Wow super detailed! I set up an appt with her and have a reading coming up in a few days - I'll keep you guys posted on my experience!

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #131 on: January 21, 2017, 08:18:30 PM »
Hi all, okay finally got the chance to read with her...wanted to talk a little bit about my experience:

Definitely the best value for what you get. Purchased the short tarot reading but ended up being on the phone with her for an hour, only ended the conversation because she had another appt. Definitely a different reading style than most others I've read with, but was super impressed.

She started off by explaining her reading style and asked me the year of my birth and whether or not I was in a relationship. The reading was basically all about love/relationship stuff even though I didn't specifically ask her to zero in on that, although she did tell me about a few other areas in my life. She specifically zeroed in on my POI, or at least who I think and hope is who she interpreted as my POI. She also very accurately told me about myself. She used about 4 different spreads for me in the duration of the reading. She did at the beginning tell me that she felt like she was having trouble interpreting the cards for me - as in, she was definitely getting lots of messages from the cards and she knew we were connecting because she "saw color in her crystal ball" - but it was her ability to get a clear interpretation, which is why I'm assuming she pulled so many spreads for me. She did tell me that she had the same issue in the reading before mine, and even told me 25 minutes in that if she wasn't able to get a more clear interpretation she could either refund me or reschedule me. Luckily, it seemed like she was able to become more thorough in the last 30 minutes of the reading.

All of the spreads she pulled had the same messages and themes, but again she started to get more details at the end of the reading, I'm assuming the extra spreads gave her more insight and clarification. She was a little all over the place so I kind of had to put everything together. She did tell me that she felt the cards she was pulling were more "short term" spanning, as in for the next couple of months, rather than the next year/couple of years because she didn't see any birthdays or holidays or anything. So we'll see.

What she told me:
- Coming up/stuff about me: me evaluating people in my life, working out motivations and their role in my life. Sees me standing alone, independent and not needy, in charge of my own direction, no problems interacting with people but not easy to approach flirtatiously and not accepting or comfortable with compliments. Making sure that I'm being treated fairly - I'm not a sucker and not one to let myself be messed around with or taken advantage of (all of this is super accurate)

- Can expect flirtation in the very near future from poi, shown holding hands (not sure if this is symbolic or if she actually saw a vision of us holding hands?). Developments coming quickly. I will have small disappointments with this guy - they can be difficult, they are not weak, strong willed. Alpha male, assertive, intelligent, mature. She thought it was interesting that she got "King" cards for him because usually she gets those kinds of cards for older mature men (this guys is in his mid 30's) but then she also said that sometimes men in their 70's come up as "Knights" because it's all about their maturity. This does nail my POI as he is all of these things and even referred to himself in one of our convos as an "alpha male" lol.

- Strong chemistry between us, not one sided. Says that the relationship is not sorted or established, which it definitely isn't, but that she saw us getting along well, enjoying each other's company, maintaining communication, him keeping a link to me, and him investing time and effort. She says that i am using logic and intellect to evaluate the situation and that I am not nagging or in fantasyland. She says in the next couple of months I am still definitely single, but that me and poi are exclusive, and that it's sincere...kind of confusing? But I guess maybe she means that we won't be in an established relationship but we won't be seeing other people?

- Coming up he will give me an explanation of why he can't do certain things (I'm assuming being in an immediate relationship) and she feels like he is sincere when he says it and not making excuses. Something to do with things not going as planned and I will get more information on this in his explanation.

- Milestone: a social event/celebration. Coming down of inhibitions (super vague here, not sure if this is just a general life occurrence or this is an event that me and him will be at)

- Slow moving relationship but progress to be made...overall she felt that for this reading we are not at the final outcome, but moreso in an "interim" stage.

- Sees the end of this interim period being after he comes back from being away from me physically. Gets that he is a "man on a mission" and feels like he is going away to please me or to improve the relationship, not to get away from me. (If this is what I think it might be then it totally makes sense) Sounded like he might be gone for a while, although during this period we will stay in communication and he is going to let me know that he is leaving and when he is coming back. I will miss him during this time and be quite keen on him at this point. When he returns there will be honest and open exchange about direction of the relationship and a decision to be made, thus ending the interim period.

- She did at the end of cards pull a Queen of Cups and she described it as him having an issue come up with an ex that is unexpected and unwished for.

Well, phew. That was a long post. Will keep you guys updated....overall moving in a positive direction - I hope I have some luck with her predictions! Definitely feel like this was the reading to end all readings for a while. Don't feel the need to call other readers for a while!

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #132 on: January 27, 2017, 01:49:01 AM »
A good chunk of Yona's predictions just happened for me, but not in the way I hope that everything else she says will happen and that what has just happened is one of the "small disappointments" she saw - although right now I feel like it's a huge dissappointment  :'(

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #133 on: January 27, 2017, 02:59:21 AM »
A good chunk of Yona's predictions just happened for me, but not in the way I hope that everything else she says will happen and that what has just happened is one of the "small disappointments" she saw - although right now I feel like it's a huge dissappointment  :'(

When did you read with her? The 21st of January and her predictions already happened? Did she give you a time frame or just say coming up soon?

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #134 on: January 27, 2017, 03:01:13 AM »
@baypark I believe i read with her on the 19th. I can pm you specifics if you would like