Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2038386 times)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6720 on: January 29, 2025, 02:17:41 AM »
@tulips @dawn Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement. Very much appreciated. I will continue to share my stories on here regardless. I've no shame in my experiences, good, bad, ugly and I don't care about people's judgments of me or my situations either. It's mostly hurting people that try to hurt others, whether intentional or unintentional. I still like to try to help them too.

@domichan You won't see anymore back and forth as I will no longer be responding to any commentary from said person. My review of Yona is probably buried in here somewhere. I'll sum it up, she was accurate for me. Just had one reading with her in April 2020 and it took several years for events in the general reading to occur, but they did occur. Hope that helps. :)

Offline Domichan

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6721 on: January 29, 2025, 02:39:27 AM »
@tulips @dawn Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement. Very much appreciated. I will continue to share my stories on here regardless. I've no shame in my experiences, good, bad, ugly and I don't care about people's judgments of me or my situations either. It's mostly hurting people that try to hurt others, whether intentional or unintentional. I still like to try to help them too.

@domichan You won't see anymore back and forth as I will no longer be responding to any commentary from said person. My review of Yona is probably buried in here somewhere. I'll sum it up, she was accurate for me. Just had one reading with her in April 2020 and it took several years for events in the general reading to occur, but they did occur. Hope that helps. :)

It's interesting to see how some of her readings seem to manifest quickly, whereas some take years. Do you know if she indicates general timelines, or is she unable to tell? I saw your earlier post and its really curious how far it goes out for you!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6722 on: January 29, 2025, 02:45:56 AM »
@tulips @dawn Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement. Very much appreciated. I will continue to share my stories on here regardless. I've no shame in my experiences, good, bad, ugly and I don't care about people's judgments of me or my situations either. It's mostly hurting people that try to hurt others, whether intentional or unintentional. I still like to try to help them too.

@domichan You won't see anymore back and forth as I will no longer be responding to any commentary from said person. My review of Yona is probably buried in here somewhere. I'll sum it up, she was accurate for me. Just had one reading with her in April 2020 and it took several years for events in the general reading to occur, but they did occur. Hope that helps. :)

It's interesting to see how some of her readings seem to manifest quickly, whereas some take years. Do you know if she indicates general timelines, or is she unable to tell? I saw your earlier post and its really curious how far it goes out for you!

The only thing she mentioned regarding a timeline was when she talked about the new person entering. She said it would be in the summer time but she didn't feel it was going to be that summer and wasn't sure when and that she was leaving the timeframe open. She was right about the season to a degree. It was when the warmer weather was here, not quite yet summer but I consider it a hit cause it was summer weather and close enough to actual summer time. That's literally it for any mention of timing. I never did ask about timing either because for me, no matter who I read with, it seems like timing always take a long while, half the time it's literally years. I don't think she knows, just like most don't know, how far out her readings can actually be. There's no time in the spiritual realm as everything is already happening, so I do understand that timing can be super hard to pin down.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6723 on: January 29, 2025, 03:10:36 AM »
So nice to see positivity and support ❤️

Back to the topic at hand! I may have to eat my words about my reading with Yona as it seems the first prediction is unfolding now. I read with her at the beginning of November 2024 and she said before the end of the year, so she was only off by a few weeks on this prediction. The 3rd prediction would align with the first so we will see what happens. I’ll confirm for sure if the prediction fully unfolds but as of right now, I’m shocked that I had contact from a POI I thought was gone forever.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6724 on: January 29, 2025, 04:00:05 AM »
So nice to see positivity and support ❤️

Back to the topic at hand! I may have to eat my words about my reading with Yona as it seems the first prediction is unfolding now. I read with her at the beginning of November 2024 and she said before the end of the year, so she was only off by a few weeks on this prediction. The 3rd prediction would align with the first so we will see what happens. I’ll confirm for sure if the prediction fully unfolds but as of right now, I’m shocked that I had contact from a POI I thought was gone forever.

Hey Beans! This is wonderful news! I'm really happy for you! Please please keep us posted on how things go and more predictions unfolding! Sending you lots of love and blessings!

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6725 on: January 29, 2025, 04:24:43 AM »
So nice to see positivity and support ❤️

Back to the topic at hand! I may have to eat my words about my reading with Yona as it seems the first prediction is unfolding now. I read with her at the beginning of November 2024 and she said before the end of the year, so she was only off by a few weeks on this prediction. The 3rd prediction would align with the first so we will see what happens. I’ll confirm for sure if the prediction fully unfolds but as of right now, I’m shocked that I had contact from a POI I thought was gone forever.

Hey Beans! This is wonderful news! I'm really happy for you! Please please keep us posted on how things go and more predictions unfolding! Sending you lots of love and blessings!

Thank you Miss!!! I’ll definitely update if things unfold as she said!

Offline Domichan

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6726 on: January 29, 2025, 04:27:27 AM »
So nice to see positivity and support ❤️

Back to the topic at hand! I may have to eat my words about my reading with Yona as it seems the first prediction is unfolding now. I read with her at the beginning of November 2024 and she said before the end of the year, so she was only off by a few weeks on this prediction. The 3rd prediction would align with the first so we will see what happens. I’ll confirm for sure if the prediction fully unfolds but as of right now, I’m shocked that I had contact from a POI I thought was gone forever.

Oh wow, that's really great to hear! Is this contact you were hoping for?

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6727 on: January 29, 2025, 04:44:16 AM »
So nice to see positivity and support ❤️

Back to the topic at hand! I may have to eat my words about my reading with Yona as it seems the first prediction is unfolding now. I read with her at the beginning of November 2024 and she said before the end of the year, so she was only off by a few weeks on this prediction. The 3rd prediction would align with the first so we will see what happens. I’ll confirm for sure if the prediction fully unfolds but as of right now, I’m shocked that I had contact from a POI I thought was gone forever.

Oh wow, that's really great to hear! Is this contact you were hoping for?

Not exactly, for a couple different reasons lol. The first, I chose logic over the psychic readings and started the process of moving on after our last contact in September. The second, he made contact but it was just a basic “I miss you” text, Yona’s prediction was an apology/explanation, that’s more what I would hope for. She did say that he is slow to sort out his complications so he will make contact but it won’t be consistent. I think he panicked that he broke no contact and he fell off the face of the planet again. It is funny bc Yona said I’d be unbothered by this and carry on which is exactly what I’m doing!

Offline Apalm831

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6728 on: January 29, 2025, 04:50:53 PM »
She didn’t tell you?

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6729 on: January 29, 2025, 05:46:30 PM »
She didn’t tell you?

No, she didn't say what she means by partnership. So I wonder becasue there has been discussions here about what she means by partnership, relationship, etc....

And I do not know what the shadow card and card at the heart of the reading really mean.
In my reading the card at the heart of the reading, King of Wands, was also my outcome card at the end.
She told me that the person that this has all to do with is the one who was central at the beginning (the King of Wands). He has shown at the beginning, also at the outcome.
As for the Hanged man I am not sure either.

Clearly, if I am asking is because I am not sure. If she had told me I wouldn't be here.

It’s helpful to record the reading to refer back to because she says the card and explains the meaning, at least she did for me. I think it just depends on your situation, because my outcome card was the lovers card and she said that can have different meanings for other people, but mine was true to my circumstance as in choosing between two lovers. I think the only person that can explain would be Yona.  Maybe request a top up?

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6730 on: January 29, 2025, 06:34:49 PM »
She didn’t tell you?

No, she didn't say what she means by partnership. So I wonder becasue there has been discussions here about what she means by partnership, relationship, etc....

And I do not know what the shadow card and card at the heart of the reading really mean.
In my reading the card at the heart of the reading, King of Wands, was also my outcome card at the end.
She told me that the person that this has all to do with is the one who was central at the beginning (the King of Wands). He has shown at the beginning, also at the outcome.
As for the Hanged man I am not sure either.

Clearly, if I am asking is because I am not sure. If she had told me I wouldn't be here.

It’s helpful to record the reading to refer back to because she says the card and explains the meaning, at least she did for me. I think it just depends on your situation, because my outcome card was the lovers card and she said that can have different meanings for other people, but mine was true to my circumstance as in choosing between two lovers. I think the only person that can explain would be Yona.  Maybe request a top up?

I did record the reading. Many people who have read with her know the answer to the questions I am asking. No one requests a top up to clarify. These are common questions this forum is for and some people know about it. Whether people are willing to help or provide feedback, that is another story. To be honest, this forum is not helpful at all. It is mostly dead.

I can agree to that
Talks about the same psychics
People trying to control what, how, and when others post
Not answering others questions or engaging in conversations

I wish I was here in the earlier 2000’s when it seemed more lively , but I try to contribute as much as I can about my experiences. I have a top up with Yona coming, if I can remember to, I’ll try to ask.

Offline T422

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6731 on: January 29, 2025, 07:02:04 PM »
A few questions:

Does anyone know what it means to have the 10 of Cups as the Shadow card and King of Wands at the heart of the reading, both in the opening cards?

What is the meaning of the Hanged Man?

What does it mean when Yona says "partnership"?


Pretty sure she said to me that the hanged man is choosing to stay in a situation or not

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6732 on: January 29, 2025, 09:40:14 PM »
The hanged man as per Yona “it sounds sinister but it’s not, it’s sounds as though he’s hanging from his neck, but he is actually hanging by his foot. He’s hanging by one leg with a stupid smile on his face.hes not comfortable. But he will get tired of this, untie his foot an he will walk away. When it’s shown as a work in progress, that’s what it’s referring to”. These are her words verbatim. Not sure it’s of any help but that’s all I have.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6733 on: January 29, 2025, 09:41:23 PM »
She didn’t tell you?

No, she didn't say what she means by partnership. So I wonder becasue there has been discussions here about what she means by partnership, relationship, etc....

And I do not know what the shadow card and card at the heart of the reading really mean.
In my reading the card at the heart of the reading, King of Wands, was also my outcome card at the end.
She told me that the person that this has all to do with is the one who was central at the beginning (the King of Wands). He has shown at the beginning, also at the outcome.
As for the Hanged man I am not sure either.

Clearly, if I am asking is because I am not sure. If she had told me I wouldn't be here.

It’s helpful to record the reading to refer back to because she says the card and explains the meaning, at least she did for me. I think it just depends on your situation, because my outcome card was the lovers card and she said that can have different meanings for other people, but mine was true to my circumstance as in choosing between two lovers. I think the only person that can explain would be Yona.  Maybe request a top up?

I did record the reading. Many people who have read with her know the answer to the questions I am asking. No one requests a top up to clarify. These are common questions this forum is for and some people know about it. Whether people are willing to help or provide feedback, that is another story. To be honest, this forum is not helpful at all. It is mostly dead.

What I meant was the interpretation of the card related to your situation, it’s not always a one size fits all. How can anyone interpret the card for you other than her? No need for the attitude, really.

Offline Florallover87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6734 on: January 30, 2025, 07:00:34 PM »
And also…
What happens or is it a positive outcome when Yona says someone is addicted to you?