Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2039865 times)

Offline dragonflyer

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6585 on: November 12, 2024, 08:18:28 PM »
Oh this is bit of a disappointment. When she gave me prediction she did say this is within 3_6 months time that she can see and was specific about it. And contact either poi told me 6-8 weeks time. This she picked up pn her own. And gave me specific details as though could happen..she also said this is fast card so happen quickly. Did she tell you 6 months timeframe? Or sat in futher future?

About 2 years ago, she told me POI then would be back within 6-8 months, we would travel together. Nothing happened as of yet. Don't hold your hopes up. If it happens, it happens.

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6586 on: November 12, 2024, 11:49:11 PM »
Thank you dragonfly and Catherine for sharing your experiences. She picked up communication right away in first few cards 6- 8 weeks shadow card and said you don't need to change just be yourself. Said it's poi communication and may not go as expected. It's not a crossroad is what she said. Then she gave a timeline saying first you have communication then poi goes on a trip and then you meet him face 2 face said March April and described the meeting and tje things he would say etc . We have been out of contact 8 months now..w I don't know what will happen but hope that because yonas prediction have come true for so many I am hoping the same. She also kept picking another guy along with my poi which wasn't making me to happy but if that's the prediction that's the prediction!

Offline Domichan

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6587 on: November 15, 2024, 01:22:28 AM »
Thank you dragonfly and Catherine for sharing your experiences. She picked up communication right away in first few cards 6- 8 weeks shadow card and said you don't need to change just be yourself. Said it's poi communication and may not go as expected. It's not a crossroad is what she said. Then she gave a timeline saying first you have communication then poi goes on a trip and then you meet him face 2 face said March April and described the meeting and tje things he would say etc . We have been out of contact 8 months now..w I don't know what will happen but hope that because yonas prediction have come true for so many I am hoping the same. She also kept picking another guy along with my poi which wasn't making me to happy but if that's the prediction that's the prediction!

Appleeyes75 thanks for sharing your experience. I'm glad you enjoyed it and yes she's easy to talk to, like an old friend. Please keep us updated on how things unfold.

I need to listen to my reading again but I do recall her saying a lot at first about my job and difficulties coming up. Well, on Monday I fell and broke my ankle so i will be out of commission for a while. The struggle could be dealing with short term disability and reduced pay, and how things will be when I return. I don't think that's a stretch to connect the two. What I'm looking forward to is the prediction of meeting a significant other next year, which aligns with several other readers.

Offline greekgeek

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6588 on: November 17, 2024, 04:16:20 AM »
Predictions go in order. Even though dolphin was psycho she was correct about Yona.

I got the star and the house card, role is changing and it was something I always wanted. At the time which was in 2021, I thought something I always wanted was a new car or house but its very likely something I had never expected which I think will happen but I can only verify by the second prediction which was a man known to me communicating with me. Blast from the past. This is the same man from my non read in September which was the first prediction.

I am not sure predictions go in order and there has been some discussions about this. In fact, someone who seems to know how Yona's readings work quite well said that predictions do not necessarily happen in order unless Yona says there is a sequence of events in which case, they do happen in order.

Additionally, I am completely lost at your comment "Even though dolphin was psycho she was correct about Yona." Who is dolphin? How does this relate to my post about Yona? and how was this dolphin person right about Yona?

All you can do is follow whats in this thread and come to a conclusion.  Search dolphin on here and lipstick alley. You will get your answer.

Not really interested to search for some dolphin. Why would I do that in a psychic's forum?The question is why mention such a thing in Yona's thread? And what was that dolphin right about?

I think she meant that dolphin was right about Yona's predictions being in order, which I don't agree with, if that's what dolphin said. In my experience they're happened out of order. As for dolphin, unless you're dolphin, has nothing to do with you :) she was someone who was unhinged to the nth degree and came on here and other forums and created pure chaos. Her username was initially something like dolphin but kept changing.

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6589 on: November 17, 2024, 03:31:13 PM »
Predictions go in order. Even though dolphin was psycho she was correct about Yona.

I got the star and the house card, role is changing and it was something I always wanted. At the time which was in 2021, I thought something I always wanted was a new car or house but its very likely something I had never expected which I think will happen but I can only verify by the second prediction which was a man known to me communicating with me. Blast from the past. This is the same man from my non read in September which was the first prediction.

Maybe you would like to explain on which basis you say that her predictions happen in order because if I remember correctly you are one of those people here who always stated that her predictions did not pan out for you, so I am curious to know how you can make such a statement. I mean, making statements like that without proof or explanations as to why you say that is quite invalid.

Perhaps you are as wrong about Yona's predictions happening in order as much as you are about that dolphin thing/person you brought up for no reason whatsoever or perhaps you do have a reason... let's just leave it at that. I am not interested in searching one specific person's views on Yona on this thread so thank you for suggesting the idea but it is not something I will do.

Why are you so defensive? And such an attitude - every time?
Why don’t you write Yona an email and ask her if her predictions pan out in sequence or not?

Nobody’s response is good for you.

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6590 on: November 17, 2024, 03:54:59 PM »
Predictions go in order. Even though dolphin was psycho she was correct about Yona.

I got the star and the house card, role is changing and it was something I always wanted. At the time which was in 2021, I thought something I always wanted was a new car or house but its very likely something I had never expected which I think will happen but I can only verify by the second prediction which was a man known to me communicating with me. Blast from the past. This is the same man from my non read in September which was the first prediction.

Maybe you would like to explain on which basis you say that her predictions happen in order because if I remember correctly you are one of those people here who always stated that her predictions did not pan out for you, so I am curious to know how you can make such a statement. I mean, making statements like that without proof or explanations as to why you say that is quite invalid.

Perhaps you are as wrong about Yona's predictions happening in order as much as you are about that dolphin thing/person you brought up for no reason whatsoever or perhaps you do have a reason... let's just leave it at that. I am not interested in searching one specific person's views on Yona on this thread so thank you for suggesting the idea but it is not something I will do.

Why are you so defensive? And such an attitude - every time?
Why don’t you write Yona an email and ask her if her predictions pan out in sequence or not?

Nobody’s response is good for you.

Its odd it quoted me multiple times just to vent. Just order another reading with Yona and ask her, that's the easiest thing for that person to do.

Offline Amoula

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6591 on: November 17, 2024, 04:05:18 PM »
Every time that rotten name is mentioned the thread gets derailed. I’m posting here about one of my predictions with Yona that unfolded was NOT in order.

Offline stayrosy96

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6592 on: November 17, 2024, 08:52:43 PM »
I think I got a Yona hit recently. 2 months ago she predicted that my POI and I would have a series of conversations. One of them would be regarding a medical appt (going to the dentist, pharmacy, etc). This past Friday, my POI and I were in a meeting and he had to cut the conversation short because he was heading to his dental appt just like Yona predicted. I was shocked because he could’ve had a dental appt any other time or on a different day and not even mention it.

I know this is a very minor prediction but I’m hopeful that things will continue to unfold the way they’re meant to happen. She said my cards were “buzzy” so let’s see if anything else happens within her 7-8 month timeframe. Will report back if more predictions occur!

Feel free to PM me to chat about anything Yona since I’m still getting to know how she works no matter how many times I read this thread lol 😂

Offline Howannoying

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6593 on: November 18, 2024, 02:52:48 PM »
It was whimej (sp?) who was very adamant that Yona's predictions happen in order. It wasn't Laura (aka 🐬 and I don't think they were the same person ) though whimej was very correct for me when they told me I was making something fit and at the time I thought Yona was wrong and a prediction happened for someone else around me. But Yona and whimej were right, the prediction was for me and it happened over 4 years later.  I still don't agree that every prediction Yona gives in any given reading happens in order and she may even say "not in a sequence". She'll sometimes use phrases like "a sequence of events or a series of events" those can que somethings will happen in a sequence like she says but I don't think that'll apply to the whole reading from my experience. If anyone has an upcoming reading they can ask Yona and get the official stance on it.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6594 on: November 18, 2024, 07:25:29 PM »
It was whimej (sp?) who was very adamant that Yona's predictions happen in order. It wasn't Laura (aka 🐬 and I don't think they were the same person ) though whimej was very correct for me when they told me I was making something fit and at the time I thought Yona was wrong and a prediction happened for someone else around me. But Yona and whimej were right, the prediction was for me and it happened over 4 years later.  I still don't agree that every prediction Yona gives in any given reading happens in order and she may even say "not in a sequence". She'll sometimes use phrases like "a sequence of events or a series of events" those can que somethings will happen in a sequence like she says but I don't think that'll apply to the whole reading from my experience. If anyone has an upcoming reading they can ask Yona and get the official stance on it.

Can you tell us your real name as well? or do you hide behind a username while you bring up other people's names??? Perhpas you don't know that this is illegal, what you are doing....just be careful. All this while you change usernames to come and post here. What was your old username? "annoying"? or "fucking annoying coward shit"?

Catherines- you have complained about others not reviewing and derailing the thread, but all you do is ask questions, not review, and attack anyone who responds to your questions. Why bother asking the question? I think it’s time you start reviewing and stop complaining. SMH

Offline Howannoying

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6595 on: November 18, 2024, 09:24:58 PM »
Looks like Laura is back!! And she's always dumb enough to give herself away. This person will be a plague here forever.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2024, 09:38:39 PM by Howannoying »

Offline Onyx

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6596 on: November 20, 2024, 09:07:26 PM »
Looks like Laura is back!! And she's always dumb enough to give herself away. This person will be a plague here forever.
And it appears she has been kicked out of here. She was really showing her true colors

Online jackY

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6597 on: November 21, 2024, 02:52:45 AM »
And yet, the majority of your posts were removed by the moderator. Seen it before. You'll be permanently banned next. Not dreaming.

Looks like Laura is back!! And she's always dumb enough to give herself away. This person will be a plague here forever.
And it appears she has been kicked out of here. She was really showing her true colors

Dream on about:

1. Having been kicked out
2. Me being dolphin

Just take some medicine and stop hallucinating  ;D

Online jackY

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6598 on: November 21, 2024, 04:24:06 PM »
Doesn't require any detective work. Facts are facts.

And yet, the majority of your posts were removed by the moderator. Seen it before. You'll be permanently banned next. Not dreaming.

Looks like Laura is back!! And she's always dumb enough to give herself away. This person will be a plague here forever.
And it appears she has been kicked out of here. She was really showing her true colors

Dream on about:

1. Having been kicked out
2. Me being dolphin

Just take some medicine and stop hallucinating  ;D
I didn't know that they have removed my posts. Thank you for sharing your invaluable knowledge with me. Keep up with your detective job. You are so bad at it....

Please, seek medical care. You have a much worse condition than just dreaming.

Online flora0250

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6599 on: November 21, 2024, 05:45:27 PM »
lol deleted bc I completely replied on the wrong thread %uD83D%uDE06
« Last Edit: November 21, 2024, 06:24:51 PM by flora0250 »