Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2041952 times)

Offline Howannoying

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6570 on: November 11, 2024, 03:32:55 AM »
Why would this make Yona confused? My first top up in sept/2021 she said this in regards to a past person I know

"3 of swords- sadness, not swayed, because its self-centered. all about them. started as a convo then updated but they are
apologetic, connected to justifying themselves. disappointed with reception, not swayed. much tougher, not wasting time
death card- end of that link, way forward"

My last read sept/2024 which was a non read because she couldn't figure out who the guy was. She asked me if I know, I said no but she said this

"man known to me knight of swords, complex, disappointment that happened already
3 of swords in the past linked to them, a difference of opinion

challenge 7 of wands, try not let him anger you, provoke you, impact on you, dont really want contact
difficult, death card. Dont let them provoke you to get a response"

Its the same prediction but my last read was deemed a non read because she couldn't figure out who the guy was although in my first read, it wasn't an issue.  Has anyone experienced this with Yona? And why would the same prediction 3 years later cause a non read?

Is it talking about the same guy? If it is, she may have gotten confused that you said you didn't know him when you do or you did know him if it's the same past person from your first top up. The cards then can't move forward or won't let her move forward when she gets stuck like that so it becomes a nonread.

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6571 on: November 11, 2024, 10:13:57 AM »
I would assume so that its the same guy since there's not many from the past that would reach out

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6572 on: November 11, 2024, 03:12:33 PM »
Hi guys!

So I read with yona and I must say I was impressed. She speaks to you as if she is showing a movie and gives you a snip shot of how things unfold as she sees. Obviously prediction pending, however she was able to pick up my poi right off the bat and spoke up the communication in near future. Now because I read the threads and lot of people prediction have come true so that subconsciously could have made me believe her and why shouldn't I? Though the reading can be considered general, I wish she picked up the reason of our breakup bit precisely however she was correct to pick up my poi being over reactive and bit difficult and stubborn and when things are good he is perfect guy! She was correct yo pick up his personality to say. Also I noticed as she speaks she will reveal more ..initially she didn't confirm right away that there's going to be a meet but as I let her speak ..after 1st communication there will be meeting in person and he will tell me 3 specific things as to how he can't be exclusive and he won't be lying however not yp have closed minded as thers chemistry and possibities ( mind you I will be putting a hard break here if this plays out to just be friends with my poi bc of the hurt feelings I have for him at this point)
What confused me is that she said around the same time there will be another guy..didn't say I have to make a choice or anything.. but she said almost better fit will show up  and thar he isn't difficult. When asked who is my long term ...said it only shows 6 months so I cN only predict so far and left it open ended. Pls suggest me what she means..she also said I can't tell you one of other because of the merit for you to go through.( honestly I don't want to meet anyone makes me sick..and want to block thar new guy out 🤢) but anyways she picked up that I am to meet thos new guy and there will be chemistry. I have been stuck for 8 months now so I will be very surprised if I feel good enough to open dating someone different than my poi. I also asked her about me having kids in future. I have zero kids.. she said she saw upright empress card which means pregnancy but not within 6 months. This one she said when I asked. She also mentioned before I meet my poi in Person he will go on a trip but he is going alone and meeting will happen after. She said he had bad relationships in the past which makes him not trust his decision and that his ex will reach out to him to want him back. And that he will tell me when we meet. One thing about my poi is true is that when he says something it is the poi is very direct person and bit emotionally volatile atleast towards rhe end of our relationship which I think was true. My first card was shadow card which she said meant argument. So will see ...this could be between me and my poi. I feel so armored after this resding that I will put up a good fight when he reaches out. So lot of clarity was provided. I would certainly read with her again she specifically said after predictions come true, then book appointment with me. She was also very nice and warm person to talk to. I would overall rate her 9/10. I will update when prediction come true. 

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6573 on: November 11, 2024, 03:17:05 PM »
I’m coming back to give my update. So yes I did meet the hazel eyed guy in the restaurant after my interview but things did not go as Yona predicted. Things fizzled out pretty fast between us as I really was not interested in him and it seems as though he only took interest in me for a multi level marketing scheme. Whereas Yona had described how great our relationship would go and he’d have potential for long term partnership. I ended up talking to another guy for a while who Yona didn’t see in the reading at all. I’m considering doing a top-up in December since my reading was in September. I really would like to know what happened.

Does anyone know if Yona is one of those readers that sees things and then tries to piece the ending together herself through guesses?

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6574 on: November 11, 2024, 03:20:56 PM »
Hi dawn legacy

Did she tell you you would br in a relationship with this hazel eyed guy or just said you would Meer? At one point in my reading she said she sees me in a relationship with a guy but don't know who but doesn't seem difficult. My poi is difficult. Did she quote as "relationship" ?

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6575 on: November 11, 2024, 03:37:16 PM »
Hi dawn legacy

Did she tell you you would br in a relationship with this hazel eyed guy or just said you would Meer? At one point in my reading she said she sees me in a relationship with a guy but don't know who but doesn't seem difficult. My poi is difficult. Did she quote as "relationship" ?

     She said that we’d hit it off. He’d be flirting with me and we’d have a really great conversation and end up exchanging numbers.(the conversation was awkward and had no chemistry between us) and That things between us would essentially grow and she saw me in a relationship next year(I’d have to listen again to see if she specifically meant him but she did bring it up during his portion of the reading). My only guess is I must be meeting another hazel eyed man in a restaurant after an interview because there’s no way she meant him. I will say I think she had another hit in regards to one of my male friends. At the time of the reading she stated we would be speaking again, and she referred to him as “big” which was funny because he’s 6’5 so anytime he throws one of his tantrums I go “you are 6’5, you are literally too big to be doing this” and we are speaking again since the time of the reading.

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6576 on: November 11, 2024, 04:02:00 PM »
Thanks for explaining Dawnlegacy. When did you last read and has other predictions panned out for you?

quote author=Dawnlegacy link=topic=1215.msg150932#msg150932 date=1731339436]
Hi dawn legacy

Did she tell you you would br in a relationship with this hazel eyed guy or just said you would Meer? At one point in my reading she said she sees me in a relationship with a guy but don't know who but doesn't seem difficult. My poi is difficult. Did she quote as "relationship" ?

     She said that we’d hit it off. He’d be flirting with me and we’d have a really great conversation and end up exchanging numbers.(the conversation was awkward and had no chemistry between us) and That things between us would essentially grow and she saw me in a relationship next year(I’d have to listen again to see if she specifically meant him but she did bring it up during his portion of the reading). My only guess is I must be meeting another hazel eyed man in a restaurant after an interview because there’s no way she meant him. I will say I think she had another hit in regards to one of my male friends. At the time of the reading she stated we would be speaking again, and she referred to him as “big” which was funny because he’s 6’5 so anytime he throws one of his tantrums I go “you are 6’5, you are literally too big to be doing this” and we are speaking again since the time of the reading.

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6577 on: November 11, 2024, 04:09:07 PM »
Thanks for explaining Dawnlegacy. When did you last read and has other predictions panned out for you?

quote author=Dawnlegacy link=topic=1215.msg150932#msg150932 date=1731339436]
Hi dawn legacy

Did she tell you you would br in a relationship with this hazel eyed guy or just said you would Meer? At one point in my reading she said she sees me in a relationship with a guy but don't know who but doesn't seem difficult. My poi is difficult. Did she quote as "relationship" ?

     She said that we’d hit it off. He’d be flirting with me and we’d have a really great conversation and end up exchanging numbers.(the conversation was awkward and had no chemistry between us) and That things between us would essentially grow and she saw me in a relationship next year(I’d have to listen again to see if she specifically meant him but she did bring it up during his portion of the reading). My only guess is I must be meeting another hazel eyed man in a restaurant after an interview because there’s no way she meant him. I will say I think she had another hit in regards to one of my male friends. At the time of the reading she stated we would be speaking again, and she referred to him as “big” which was funny because he’s 6’5 so anytime he throws one of his tantrums I go “you are 6’5, you are literally too big to be doing this” and we are speaking again since the time of the reading.

My last reading was September 15th so the three month mark will be here in December, thinking I should schedule now as she schedules a month out. Nothing else has seemed to come to fruition for me as everything else revolved my ex, my job, and a business venture with my mom. Interestingly enough, my mom talked to her and she picked up on the same business venture for her but read it differently in terms of what she would be doing. I just want more clarification on the love part of the reading.

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6578 on: November 11, 2024, 04:12:28 PM »
She told me come back after 6 months when reading unfold orelse could be confusing and nothing may not show. So maybe you wanna wait a bit?

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6579 on: November 11, 2024, 05:02:32 PM »
She told me come back after 6 months when reading unfold orelse could be confusing and nothing may not show. So maybe you wanna wait a bit?

I’m contemplating that, someone else had said it could be as early as three months, so maybe I’ll just go with another reader for now to be safe. Thanks for letting me know!

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6580 on: November 12, 2024, 12:14:10 AM »
I would assume so that its the same guy since there's not many from the past that would reach out

Have you met such guy? or is this guy in your life?

No, it has to be someone from the past

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6581 on: November 12, 2024, 03:15:05 AM »
Si reading with yona - she kept saying with my current poi there is potential also she kept bringing another guy that she kept saying I will meet him next year ..which confused me bc right now I do not want to meet anyone besides my poi... that's the purpose of this reading..again she would saying I see you in relationship but he is not difficult which your poi is very difficult. Also again kept saying there will be chNce yp connect with your poi amd thers chemistry but he is not emotionaly compatibe but if you not involve in conflict he will open up and when he opens up he is a nice guy . I aske ld her who do u have future with and she said she can't see with who as she can't see pass 6 months. Now I am confused ...who is she hinting ? Any insight will be helpful. Tbh I am not interested in new guy and want to shut him out.

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6582 on: November 12, 2024, 04:34:30 PM »
I feel like Yona readings are best zipped up and placed somewhere you won't see them for a while -- and then later revisited

I had my first reading with her back in 2022. I actually just pulled out the notes and realized that mostly everything has not played out (yet, possibly).
I have a lot of predictions about work... going back to school to learn a course to increase earnings (has not happened in my life)... she said she saw me doing something within 3-4 months at the time of the reading that involved a lot of communication because she saw my phone "red hot" (didn't happen)...saw me planning a long trip in the summer (has not yet happened and not on my list to do)... saw me managing a team at some point and enhancing my skills there (not something I'm looking to do again.. definitely want to get away from corporate and switch careers all together but you never know)... two long distance trips coming up (no to this as well at this time)... a move within 12 months of the reading (has not happened but I am looking to move.. COVID set me back on that one)...
Really not much about romance or POI. Said she saw me involved with someone connected to law. Nothing there either.

I don't know. I don't feel compelled to get another reading with her at this time... but maybe I'll be one of the ones whose predictions take 7-10 years to play out :P

Offline bonba

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6583 on: November 12, 2024, 05:12:52 PM »
I feel like Yona readings are best zipped up and placed somewhere you won't see them for a while -- and then later revisited

I had my first reading with her back in 2022. I actually just pulled out the notes and realized that mostly everything has not played out (yet, possibly).
I have a lot of predictions about work... going back to school to learn a course to increase earnings (has not happened in my life)... she said she saw me doing something within 3-4 months at the time of the reading that involved a lot of communication because she saw my phone "red hot" (didn't happen)...saw me planning a long trip in the summer (has not yet happened and not on my list to do)... saw me managing a team at some point and enhancing my skills there (not something I'm looking to do again.. definitely want to get away from corporate and switch careers all together but you never know)... two long distance trips coming up (no to this as well at this time)... a move within 12 months of the reading (has not happened but I am looking to move.. COVID set me back on that one)...
Really not much about romance or POI. Said she saw me involved with someone connected to law. Nothing there either.

I don't know. I don't feel compelled to get another reading with her at this time... but maybe I'll be one of the ones whose predictions take 7-10 years to play out :P

Im not surprised at all . mine has been over 4 years and a few already turned out to be wrong . they were specific so it cant be another one in the future so she got the outcome completely wrong . as for love predictions dont take them seriously or you will get disappointed . most of the time she does not even know who she is reading and she gave me contradictaty outcome about some one . traveling or changing jobs are generic predictions and can happen to anyone even 10 years later . so at this point nothing she said was accurate . sadly people often make things fit even when it us not what she predicted .
« Last Edit: November 12, 2024, 05:15:51 PM by bonba »

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6584 on: November 12, 2024, 08:04:30 PM »
Oh this is bit of a disappointment. When she gave me prediction she did say this is within 3_6 months time that she can see and was specific about it. And contact either poi told me 6-8 weeks time. This she picked up pn her own. And gave me specific details as though could happen..she also said this is fast card so happen quickly. Did she tell you 6 months timeframe? Or sat in futher future?