Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2041830 times)

Offline Onyx

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6540 on: November 05, 2024, 01:05:31 PM »
And by continuing this bs, you are no different.  Both the same.

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6541 on: November 05, 2024, 08:22:38 PM »

She is very very unstable and she has been reported for derailing this thread. That is all she is doing and her clear and only purpose. She will be banned.
She provokes answers from guys who ghost her so you see....all she does is provoke, demand, write and write and write and derail. Same as with demanding answers from a guy who ghosted her and still she kept bothering him. Same scenario and pattern here.....

Girl , you  literally used profanities on multiple occasions and have had multiple conflicts with people on here, yet you keep saying everyone else is the problem.  Profanities are not allowed.

Truth is- yes, I could’ve ignored you, but chose to have beef with you, because I couldn’t ignore the awful way you spoke to people. This convo clearly upsets some and entertains others, but it what it is….

You also took the time to read through my profile and posts and are now using my personal information to provoke some further debate … I am going to pettily lower to your level and say this / please, before you comment on others’ stories, why don’t you just worry about the fact that you’ve had no man since 2019 and the guy you’ve been into this whole time clearly doesn’t want you? That’s just sad.

I’ve now said all I had to say. :) thank you

Offline jackY

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6542 on: November 06, 2024, 12:59:29 AM »
Oh, catherines.... here you go again. It's in you and it just has to come out. Everything you stated below is exactly what you did to me-including stalking me on other posts. Project much? Not only will your nasty comments be deleted, you will be, too. But that's okay because you were leaving anyway, right?... Buh bye already.

She is very very unstable and she has been reported for derailing this thread. That is all she is doing and her clear and only purpose. She will be banned.
She provokes answers from guys who ghost her so you see....all she does is provoke, demand, write and write and write and derail. Same as with demanding answers from a guy who ghosted her and still she kept bothering him. Same scenario and pattern here.....

Girl , you  literally used profanities on multiple occasions and have had multiple conflicts with people on here, yet you keep saying everyone else is the problem.  Profanities are not allowed.

Truth is- yes, I could’ve ignored you, but chose to have beef with you, because I couldn’t ignore the awful way you spoke to people. This convo clearly upsets some and entertains others, but it what it is….

You also took the time to read through my profile and posts and are now using my personal information to provoke some further debate … I am going to pettily lower to your level and say this / please, before you comment on others’ stories, why don’t you just worry about the fact that you’ve had no man since 2019 and the guy you’ve been into this whole time clearly doesn’t want you? That’s just sad.

I’ve now said all I had to say. :) thank you

If you only knew....
Please, harrass those who ghost you and force them to explain to you. That is what you do there and here. Keep it going sick girl

Offline Domichan

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6543 on: November 06, 2024, 02:35:10 AM »
Hello guys no need to argue about this. Arguing take too much your energy!! Anyways I am reading with yona this weekend, I an willing to post my opinion for everyone. I am also someone who has enough psychic reading experience under my belt which makes me slightly less foolable lol also I feel my connection with psychics is less rare than usual person I think 🤔. Meaning I don't connect with psychic readers unless they are top notch ..which I think j put Mattie in that list as my first reading I was blown away. After 1st reading she didn't connect me as well and information became vague. Lasr time i called she said she cant read/ pick up anything about me and hung up. :( I am hoping amazing read with yona😊. I saw in the post that you start generic and let her read then come up with questions after ? Let me know.. I will be makes notes 💯

I hope your reading goes well! This thread has become seriously derailed by others arguing and it really needs to stop. My own post about my update has been buried as well. Please report back and I do hope she resonates with you.

Offline bonba

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6544 on: November 06, 2024, 06:38:10 AM »
today after 4 years I found out another prediction from yona turned out to be wrong . It was about a career situation and was specific enough so it cant be something else . the outcome is opposite of what she read . she saw a promotion and described my boss but I am leaving this job and there was no promotion .also my next job is not anything close to what she described
« Last Edit: November 06, 2024, 06:45:51 AM by bonba »

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6545 on: November 06, 2024, 06:35:38 PM »
Thank you I sure will post my experience for my forum members here! 😊

Offline scorpiogirl

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6546 on: November 07, 2024, 04:23:34 AM »
This place never changes. A few people trying to run everything and in the process bullying others. You all have issues.

I HAVE read with Yona multiple times. She does not make false promises. She doesn't sell pie-in-the-sky dreams. She provides a realistic look at things.Sometimes she's bang on, and sometimes things don't pan out, but she's never been unethical in my dealings with her. She's never tried to milk me for money. In fact, She has been more than generous with her time every single time because I respect her time. In fact, my last reading, she felt she hadn't really given me enough and spoke for an extra half hour! because she didn't want to leave me with half a picture.

She has refunded money when she did not connect with me. Told me to try again. This was way back when you could get a reading with her in a few days.

THIS is why I never share good readers who work for me. Because of this in-fighting and dragging the reader into it as though they are sending people here to do their bidding. I don't believe Yona has the time nor inclination to encourage anyone to review her here or talk her up. No doubt some "readers" do this but every time you all jump on others accusing people. of the weirdest and stupidest shit

I had my own issues with psychic addiction. I have a handle on it now but I do get readings with Yona. Before this year, my last one was in 2017. Until then I had had maybe 1-2 readings per year with her. I don't always know right away what some of her predictions could be. Sometimes I see them clear as day when they do happen, other times I just let it go because I don't know how it fits into my circumstances.

She has been right about some pretty big and serious things in my life. Sometimes she didn't even know what she was saying.
The biggest thing in my life she predicted a( and she had no idea that this was what she was doing, and I still haven't said it to her) was she predicted a loved ones passing. She didn't say "someone is going to die". She predicted things that would happen that made me know it was coming. Again she had no idea it was this. She probably would not have told me if she had thought it.
She predicted some people coming into my life who ultimately played a huge role in who I am now, and what life path I chose for myself. Again, she didn't say "You will meet these people and you will do A, B and C". It was probably two years after I met them that I realised, "Damn! This is what she meant when she said that in my reading a year before I met them". This is not something that would be typically happening in my life at all. In fact, I remember thinking, "OK, but why are you telling me this? It's such a stupid detail and the way I am, this is never going to happen." Little did I know ...

She predicted something for me that I thought was not possible with regard to my career that started in 2018 and still continues today.

Again, they sounded like throwaway lines until I started realising I was living them.

She has been wrong about things, or some things didn't work exactly like she said. A lot of things I have forgotten so I don't know percentage wise how accurate she has been overall. She's never promised me that someone was "THE ONE", that we would live happily ever after.

But she is NOT unethical. I do not believe she sends minions in here to speak for her. And if anyone likes her, good for you, but there is zero need to keep going on and on and on aout the same thing. Some people like her readings and others don't. Is there a need to keep staying how she NEVER worked for you, or how she ALWAYS works for you? Just, why?

There really is not need for this constant attacking posters. I have had some people PM me to attack me when I don't write or respond how they want me to. The admin has a lot to answer for and I don't believe he even deserves to have this place if he can't moderate it in some way. This was his vanity project and the he just disappeared, except when it serves him to post.

Calm TF down.

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6547 on: November 07, 2024, 11:42:31 AM »
Preach!! Thank you and I appreciate this. No one is perfect. Thanks so much a wonderful message!!

Offline Kate

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6548 on: November 07, 2024, 11:56:37 AM »
This place never changes. A few people trying to run everything and in the process bullying others. You all have issues.

I HAVE read with Yona multiple times. She does not make false promises. She doesn't sell pie-in-the-sky dreams. She provides a realistic look at things.Sometimes she's bang on, and sometimes things don't pan out, but she's never been unethical in my dealings with her. She's never tried to milk me for money. In fact, She has been more than generous with her time every single time because I respect her time. In fact, my last reading, she felt she hadn't really given me enough and spoke for an extra half hour! because she didn't want to leave me with half a picture.

She has refunded money when she did not connect with me. Told me to try again. This was way back when you could get a reading with her in a few days.

THIS is why I never share good readers who work for me. Because of this in-fighting and dragging the reader into it as though they are sending people here to do their bidding. I don't believe Yona has the time nor inclination to encourage anyone to review her here or talk her up. No doubt some "readers" do this but every time you all jump on others accusing people. of the weirdest and stupidest shit

I had my own issues with psychic addiction. I have a handle on it now but I do get readings with Yona. Before this year, my last one was in 2017. Until then I had had maybe 1-2 readings per year with her. I don't always know right away what some of her predictions could be. Sometimes I see them clear as day when they do happen, other times I just let it go because I don't know how it fits into my circumstances.

She has been right about some pretty big and serious things in my life. Sometimes she didn't even know what she was saying.
The biggest thing in my life she predicted a( and she had no idea that this was what she was doing, and I still haven't said it to her) was she predicted a loved ones passing. She didn't say "someone is going to die". She predicted things that would happen that made me know it was coming. Again she had no idea it was this. She probably would not have told me if she had thought it.
She predicted some people coming into my life who ultimately played a huge role in who I am now, and what life path I chose for myself. Again, she didn't say "You will meet these people and you will do A, B and C". It was probably two years after I met them that I realised, "Damn! This is what she meant when she said that in my reading a year before I met them". This is not something that would be typically happening in my life at all. In fact, I remember thinking, "OK, but why are you telling me this? It's such a stupid detail and the way I am, this is never going to happen." Little did I know ...

She predicted something for me that I thought was not possible with regard to my career that started in 2018 and still continues today.

Again, they sounded like throwaway lines until I started realising I was living them.

She has been wrong about things, or some things didn't work exactly like she said. A lot of things I have forgotten so I don't know percentage wise how accurate she has been overall. She's never promised me that someone was "THE ONE", that we would live happily ever after.

But she is NOT unethical. I do not believe she sends minions in here to speak for her. And if anyone likes her, good for you, but there is zero need to keep going on and on and on aout the same thing. Some people like her readings and others don't. Is there a need to keep staying how she NEVER worked for you, or how she ALWAYS works for you? Just, why?

There really is not need for this constant attacking posters. I have had some people PM me to attack me when I don't write or respond how they want me to. The admin has a lot to answer for and I don't believe he even deserves to have this place if he can't moderate it in some way. This was his vanity project and the he just disappeared, except when it serves him to post.

Calm TF down.

100% agree with this - I've had around 6/7 readings with Yona. She has seen things and predicted events that no one else was able (inc Kisha/Cookie) - she is a phenomenal reader - highly ethical, and a joy to interact with.

There's a reason why she is booked weeks in advance.

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6549 on: November 07, 2024, 02:03:03 PM »
This place never changes. A few people trying to run everything and in the process bullying others. You all have issues.

I HAVE read with Yona multiple times. She does not make false promises. She doesn't sell pie-in-the-sky dreams. She provides a realistic look at things.Sometimes she's bang on, and sometimes things don't pan out, but she's never been unethical in my dealings with her. She's never tried to milk me for money. In fact, She has been more than generous with her time every single time because I respect her time. In fact, my last reading, she felt she hadn't really given me enough and spoke for an extra half hour! because she didn't want to leave me with half a picture.

She has refunded money when she did not connect with me. Told me to try again. This was way back when you could get a reading with her in a few days.

THIS is why I never share good readers who work for me. Because of this in-fighting and dragging the reader into it as though they are sending people here to do their bidding. I don't believe Yona has the time nor inclination to encourage anyone to review her here or talk her up. No doubt some "readers" do this but every time you all jump on others accusing people. of the weirdest and stupidest shit

I had my own issues with psychic addiction. I have a handle on it now but I do get readings with Yona. Before this year, my last one was in 2017. Until then I had had maybe 1-2 readings per year with her. I don't always know right away what some of her predictions could be. Sometimes I see them clear as day when they do happen, other times I just let it go because I don't know how it fits into my circumstances.

She has been right about some pretty big and serious things in my life. Sometimes she didn't even know what she was saying.
The biggest thing in my life she predicted a( and she had no idea that this was what she was doing, and I still haven't said it to her) was she predicted a loved ones passing. She didn't say "someone is going to die". She predicted things that would happen that made me know it was coming. Again she had no idea it was this. She probably would not have told me if she had thought it.
She predicted some people coming into my life who ultimately played a huge role in who I am now, and what life path I chose for myself. Again, she didn't say "You will meet these people and you will do A, B and C". It was probably two years after I met them that I realised, "Damn! This is what she meant when she said that in my reading a year before I met them". This is not something that would be typically happening in my life at all. In fact, I remember thinking, "OK, but why are you telling me this? It's such a stupid detail and the way I am, this is never going to happen." Little did I know ...

She predicted something for me that I thought was not possible with regard to my career that started in 2018 and still continues today.

Again, they sounded like throwaway lines until I started realising I was living them.

She has been wrong about things, or some things didn't work exactly like she said. A lot of things I have forgotten so I don't know percentage wise how accurate she has been overall. She's never promised me that someone was "THE ONE", that we would live happily ever after.

But she is NOT unethical. I do not believe she sends minions in here to speak for her. And if anyone likes her, good for you, but there is zero need to keep going on and on and on aout the same thing. Some people like her readings and others don't. Is there a need to keep staying how she NEVER worked for you, or how she ALWAYS works for you? Just, why?

There really is not need for this constant attacking posters. I have had some people PM me to attack me when I don't write or respond how they want me to. The admin has a lot to answer for and I don't believe he even deserves to have this place if he can't moderate it in some way. This was his vanity project and the he just disappeared, except when it serves him to post.

Calm TF down.

I don’t have any deep opinion on Yona myself because I don’t have a long standing history of readings with her - but you are so right in what you said. Everybody needs to calm down. 👌🏻

Offline Howannoying

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6550 on: November 07, 2024, 10:09:15 PM »
This place never changes. A few people trying to run everything and in the process bullying others. You all have issues.

I HAVE read with Yona multiple times. She does not make false promises. She doesn't sell pie-in-the-sky dreams. She provides a realistic look at things.Sometimes she's bang on, and sometimes things don't pan out, but she's never been unethical in my dealings with her. She's never tried to milk me for money. In fact, She has been more than generous with her time every single time because I respect her time. In fact, my last reading, she felt she hadn't really given me enough and spoke for an extra half hour! because she didn't want to leave me with half a picture.

She has refunded money when she did not connect with me. Told me to try again. This was way back when you could get a reading with her in a few days.

THIS is why I never share good readers who work for me. Because of this in-fighting and dragging the reader into it as though they are sending people here to do their bidding. I don't believe Yona has the time nor inclination to encourage anyone to review her here or talk her up. No doubt some "readers" do this but every time you all jump on others accusing people. of the weirdest and stupidest shit

I had my own issues with psychic addiction. I have a handle on it now but I do get readings with Yona. Before this year, my last one was in 2017. Until then I had had maybe 1-2 readings per year with her. I don't always know right away what some of her predictions could be. Sometimes I see them clear as day when they do happen, other times I just let it go because I don't know how it fits into my circumstances.

She has been right about some pretty big and serious things in my life. Sometimes she didn't even know what she was saying.
The biggest thing in my life she predicted a( and she had no idea that this was what she was doing, and I still haven't said it to her) was she predicted a loved ones passing. She didn't say "someone is going to die". She predicted things that would happen that made me know it was coming. Again she had no idea it was this. She probably would not have told me if she had thought it.
She predicted some people coming into my life who ultimately played a huge role in who I am now, and what life path I chose for myself. Again, she didn't say "You will meet these people and you will do A, B and C". It was probably two years after I met them that I realised, "Damn! This is what she meant when she said that in my reading a year before I met them". This is not something that would be typically happening in my life at all. In fact, I remember thinking, "OK, but why are you telling me this? It's such a stupid detail and the way I am, this is never going to happen." Little did I know ...

She predicted something for me that I thought was not possible with regard to my career that started in 2018 and still continues today.

Again, they sounded like throwaway lines until I started realising I was living them.

She has been wrong about things, or some things didn't work exactly like she said. A lot of things I have forgotten so I don't know percentage wise how accurate she has been overall. She's never promised me that someone was "THE ONE", that we would live happily ever after.

But she is NOT unethical. I do not believe she sends minions in here to speak for her. And if anyone likes her, good for you, but there is zero need to keep going on and on and on aout the same thing. Some people like her readings and others don't. Is there a need to keep staying how she NEVER worked for you, or how she ALWAYS works for you? Just, why?

There really is not need for this constant attacking posters. I have had some people PM me to attack me when I don't write or respond how they want me to. The admin has a lot to answer for and I don't believe he even deserves to have this place if he can't moderate it in some way. This was his vanity project and the he just disappeared, except when it serves him to post.

Calm TF down.

Scorpio I agree with you and all of this. My only issue is towards the people who want to come here with nothing constructive. A bad review of Yona is constructive but constant derailing of an ethical and legitimate reader, I had it. The ones making baseless accusations and claims that there are people with multiple accounts and we're getting paid to post, is who I was trying to stand up to those individuals. But also, it's fun to interept Yona's readings and it's interesting to see how your reading can manifest. This used to be a place where people could do that. I'll take a back seat but I'll continue to share my experience with Yona good or bad. I've had multiple predictions pass in the last 3 months and I look forward to sharing those!

Offline scorpiogirl

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6551 on: November 07, 2024, 11:12:26 PM »
[quote author
Scorpio I agree with you and all of this. My only issue is towards the people who want to come here with nothing constructive. A bad review of Yona is constructive but constant derailing of an ethical and legitimate reader, I had it. The ones making baseless accusations and claims that there are people with multiple accounts and we're getting paid to post, is who I was trying to stand up to those individuals. But also, it's fun to interept Yona's readings and it's interesting to see how your reading can manifest. This used to be a place where people could do that. I'll take a back seat but I'll continue to share my experience with Yona good or bad. I've had multiple predictions pass in the last 3 months and I look forward to sharing those!

Just ignore it. The group of people changes but the name calling and accusations don’t.
This group has been slated all over the internet. A group of psychics even threatened to sue ( or did sue) because of the users who posted here and how vitriolic it all is. That’s why the admin is hanging you all out to dry for many years now.

Don’t participate in the superfluous stuff. Post your reviews, good and bad and don’t take the bait. This is the nature of this group.
It’s like when people argue about who’s the best and worst in a reality show franchise. Who cares? Those people don’t know you so just do you.

I read here on and off randomly but it’s the same shit over and over. Two or three people leading the charge, scaring others into not posting.

I don’t really think there’s anything “fun” in analysing things to death but if that’s what you want then cut out all the other chatter.

All the best

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6552 on: November 07, 2024, 11:19:32 PM »
Hi guys,
   How soon do you guys get a top up with Yona?
I just had a fling that seems to now be ending and I’m trying not to go on a psychic binge but I would really like some answers.

Offline Kate

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6553 on: November 07, 2024, 11:31:25 PM »
Hi guys,
   How soon do you guys get a top up with Yona?
I just had a fling that seems to now be ending and I’m trying not to go on a psychic binge but I would really like some answers.

No sooner than 3 months unless a prediction happens (at least that's the advice from Yona).

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6554 on: November 08, 2024, 11:05:38 AM »
Can we just stick to reviews and events that passed? I wish people were give a bit more detail about predictions that passed so we can understand how Yona reads tarot cards

