Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1723566 times)

Offline Momentos67

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6525 on: Today at 06:03:36 AM »
I had my reading at 1am this morning.  She was really delightful to talk to! So a good portion of the reading centered around what I believe was work related troubles. Feeling stuck, not feeling like I know my path, financial issues, there was a tower card in there somewhere...but my shadow card was the upright Fool so she saw new adventures coming. She didn't say it was specifically work centered but that's where my mind went, as I've been feeling frustrated and stuck in my career path for a while now. We're always short staffed, don't get paid enough and the stress is constantly high. She said though that I've done nothing wrong and this is actually where I'm supposed to be at this time, and to hold tight for the next 6 weeks or so. Unexpected (maybe not totally unexpected) work related negative twist happening from now to the end of the year. Change is coming though.

Queen of Cups--work related woman I know already, should listen to her ideas, she's able to get things done (manager?).

(I'm actually to find out today if I'll have a completely new work schedule that should prove to be a lot more desirable which was suggested by a coworker who is superior to me, so maybe that's part of the Queen of Cups?)

Predictions: a dark eyed man I know already, someone "flexible with the truth", I'll see soon out and about where other people are, no big romantic overtones (I do have a date planned for this weekend with someone I met online a couple of weeks ago) but saw the death card around his card, I close the door on that as I think on how he fits into my life and would it go anywhere. So we'll see how that goes.

Former POI will reconnect (he ceased communication recently) and it won't be a romantic reconnect, but I'll hear of or from him. More like closure on unfinished business.

One big love still to come! Haven't yet encountered him. King of Swords next to Ace of Cups. He comes in around the time of an interview or something similar. Very close to this event. I'll have had a disagreement or something with someone that day when we meet. There are legal symbols around which could have to do with a contract. I'll meet him in real life, not online. There's a chain of events, new contacts, one thing leads to another and we meet. He'll be part of a team, group of people, event or know a colleague, when we meet. There will be 3-4 people in the meantime (likely the POI reconnect, the Death card guy, perhaps another guy or two) but we'll likely to meet next year. Not immediately. Perhaps March/April? I should know him before next summer. Not quite like previous relationships and will require a little bit of a leap of faith. He's sensible and down to earth, dependable and decent, not a project or anyone I need to fix.

Now, I was really interested in reading with Yona because I've read with a number of CP readers who have said the same about these POIs. The one who is not in contact with me will reach back out, the one I have a date with this weekend won't go anywhere as our energies don't align beyond initial attraction, and there is a big love coming in sometime between now and next spring who I'll meet in person and not online (i've heard mid-October, November, December, March from other readers). So that energy is there. I'm low key suspicious about CP readers sharing notes because they've all had similar predictions, but here Yona is saying the same. So I just have to let it play out and see!

A little update on this so far:

If the dark haired man is who I think it is, I had a couple of dates with him this past weekend which were quite nice, but I haven't heard from him since Sunday. A little flexible with the truth is probably on point. Not sure if I'm closing the door on him or if he did it already, since I've had no reply.

I was approved for the wonderful schedule change by the women in charge at work, so maybe that part was true as well?

I had an old old poi reach out out of the blue and we had dinner together, just as friends, but we had been in touch sporadically so I'm not sure if that's who she saw, or if it's still the most recent POI that I'm hoping will reach out so that we can remain friends. Due to a new girlfriend he decided to break off our friendship, so I'm curious if he'll want to reconnect.

Still waiting for that big new love to come. Another CP reader today yet again said the March timeline, meet in person, all that. I could use some good news. 6 months wait is ugh but if it actually happens then it'll be so worth it.
I hope for your sake your prediction happens in 6 months. I read with Yona back in April 2019 and nothing has happened. I had top-ups as well and haven’t read with her since April 2021. I had other readers telling me stuff was going to happen soon as well and mirrored Yona. Yona herself thought things were going to happen soon and I know timing isn’t her strong suit and don’t hold her to it. I do know when she sees a season, it’s accurate but may not be in the year you think it is. But alas, here I am over 5 years later not really remembering why I contacted her in the first place.

« Last Edit: Today at 06:09:06 AM by Momentos67 »

