Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1983095 times)

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6015 on: November 12, 2021, 09:02:47 AM »
Hey, X 😊

Well one, sorry you’re feeling down. That sucks. Yona also told me the same thing about looking at property with a POI (reminder, only “POI” I have is my BF of 10+ years that I’ve known since childhood), but that also wasn’t true for me. I own a large property already and did so at the time of the reading with no intention of selling. I also have no intention of residing with my BF because we both like our space and individuality ::shrug:: He lives down the street, so IDC lol

Given it sounds like this is a RECENT breakup, it’s very well possible that it could still happen, but I’m not going to sit here and tell you it definitely will. You know your life better than any of us so only you (and time) can determine that.

With psychics, I never understood that as well: if the reading winds up being about someone else who the psychic mixed an energy up with, what’s the point? If it happens nearly a decade down the road, what’s the point? I doubt people are looking for a read for 5-10 years into the future. Who cares at that point 😂 granted, I’m sure a select few probably do, but the biggest question I’ve known people to ask psychics is “when?” or “how soon?” something to do with timing which signifies they’re wanting a quick reading/prediction(s).

With Yona, she actually doesn’t believe in free will. She believes that no matter what, the prediction will play out as she stated. I, personally, believe in free will so I don’t agree with her on that. If everything is already predestined…seriously,

Anyway, as stated, I think that the recency of events is way too soon to make a call on it. Typically with breakups, reconnection happens soon after (depending on how long the relationship was), but hoping you find some form of healing and relief in all of this!
« Last Edit: November 12, 2021, 09:09:13 AM by LillyPad99 »

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6016 on: November 12, 2021, 10:55:25 AM »
Yonas wrong because yall are waiting for exs? I am just asking. Was the read about someone new or about an ex?

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6017 on: November 12, 2021, 12:07:04 PM »
Hey PJPilar! 😊

For me, she kept reading me as if I were single and waiting for an ex. I wasn’t. I’ve been in a relationship with the same man for 10+ years. I would always correct her on it too, which made it odd, but then she’d just say something like “having memory like swiss cheese” or whatever. She kept bringing up marriage and pregnancy (nope. Neither of us desire marriage nor kids. I actually cant have kids (by choice)). For me, it wasn’t just about POI where she was wrong though.

One thing I loved about Yona is that I would constantly stop her and ask for clarification or to go more in depth about something and she never declined (whereas other psychics would cop an attitude). She would reshuffle and do it. It’s something I don’t understand why more folks don’t do it and I recall her briefly mentioning that she would prefer if her clients DID interrupt her.. You’re paying for a (expensive) service, so just ask her more questions so SHE can explain things instead of coming on here and expecting random people to decipher a reading. If anyone can answer it, it’s the person that gave it IMO (i.e. Yona), no one else.

X - I saw you PM’ed. I have like 14-15 more msgs to get through and I’ll get to you, promise 😊

« Last Edit: November 12, 2021, 01:38:29 PM by LillyPad99 »

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6018 on: November 12, 2021, 02:21:30 PM »
Hey PJPilar! 😊

For me, she kept reading me as if I were single and waiting for an ex. I wasn’t. I’ve been in a relationship with the same man for 10+ years. I would always correct her on it too, which made it odd, but then she’d just say something like “having memory like swiss cheese” or whatever. She kept bringing up marriage and pregnancy (nope. Neither of us desire marriage nor kids. I actually cant have kids (by choice)). For me, it wasn’t just about POI where she was wrong though.

One thing I loved about Yona is that I would constantly stop her and ask for clarification or to go more in depth about something and she never declined (whereas other psychics would cop an attitude). She would reshuffle and do it. It’s something I don’t understand why more folks don’t do it and I recall her briefly mentioning that she would prefer if her clients DID interrupt her.. You’re paying for a (expensive) service, so just ask her more questions so SHE can explain things instead of coming on here and expecting random people to decipher a reading. If anyone can answer it, it’s the person that gave it IMO (i.e. Yona), no one else.

X - I saw you PM’ed. I have like 14-15 more msgs to get through and I’ll get to you, promise 😊

When you scheduled a reading, what kind of information were you trying to gain? Most people call yona for love predictions but since you said you were in a relationship already, were you just looking for a real general prediction reading?

I usually seek readings for finance and career but with yona, I didn't get any of that. My top up heavily focused on love

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6019 on: November 12, 2021, 02:54:10 PM »
Mainly career. But with Yona, as I’m sure you know lol, whatever she sees (whether it’s what you called about or not) will come out. I think I’ve only had one reading from her where my love life did NOT make an appearance at all, which I was happy with.

The small part about love I did call about was just general like “is this lifelong partnership” and/or “what do you see coming up for us?” So I think she just assumed that since I did ask about love at one point, I must have been single given, as you said, most people call about that.  She kept saying my POI was physically far from me and didn’t live anywhere near me (he lives down the street). The occupation she picked up for him was incorrect and a work issue that she said would deter him never panned out (it was a specific once in a lifetime event and the opposite happened, thank god lol). Our relationship isn’t perfect by any means, but her reading constantly made it seem like we were at odds, not speaking, I was waiting on an apology from him, we’d look at property together, saw us getting married (never. Not my in my life), saw us with pregnancy (physically impossible for me. I voluntarily underwent a hysterectomy when I was 26 because I was adamant that I did NOT want kids. In my early 30s and still feel the same)…things like that.

She also said she saw me continuing my education and getting another degree, but I already have the highest: a JD. I have no intention on going back for any sort of education. My career, she said I’d working with children at one point (I would and will never work with children), then another reading said plants (like botany)?? I’ve had to correct her a few times that I’m an attorney and my area of law deals with none of what she’s saying. She’s mentioned finance issues in the recent past and needing more money…I make six figures from my job and day trade on the side. I have MORE than enough put away and trust me when I say that finances won’t be an issue in my lifetime. I worked hard for my degree and to get where I am, I love it and have no interest in changing careers and wasting my degrees or anything of the sort.

Her opening cards, as she’s said, tell current events and recent past and she would get some of that wrong too. I’d always interrupt and correct her, causing her to reshuffle and see if she could correct herself. She was always mentioning “the ex this” and “the ex that”. “The ex” i’ll speak to again and get an apology. We’d go out for drinks and spend more time together, “would that surprise me”. As I’ve said, I’ve been with this guy for 10+ years. The guy BEFORE this one is and has been deceased for QUITE some time…so unless his ghost is coming back and I’m getting in a relationship with that, it’s a bust. And yeah, i’d be SUPER surprised if I went and got drinks with someone who’s dead lol. I DO, however, get drinks on a often enough with my BF, whether home or out and about. The description didn’t fit him anyway. She would say she saw POI and I fighting over things that didn’t apply to us at all. She would always apologize in the instances where I corrected her though. Most of my readings always just honed in on the same things and over the years, I’ve had more than enough time to determine they weren’t correct. No biggie. She’s very human, unlike a LOT of psychics out there. Even though she didn’t work for me, I would still say she’s one of my favorite just with how down to earth and real her nature is. That is SO hard to find in people, psychic or otherwise. Like some (not all) others, I kept pushing the timeline although Yona would tell me that it should happen “this summer” or “this holiday”. Pushing a few months turned into pushing a few years turned into me trying to force two or three to fit, but I acknowledge that they weren’t accurate. That was ME trying to force her predictions to fit.

Oh. forgot to mention she also saw a huge church that POI and I would get married in. She even said she saw me officiating a friend’s marriage in a church and that is 100% dead. I’m atheist. I would never step foot in a church, let alone officiate a wedding in one.

I’ll reiterate, this is *not* me saying Yona is always wrong. She was wrong **for me**. I acknowledge that she was correct for others and those that got what they wanted, yay! i’m happy for them. I’m also super happy that quite a few of her predictions didn’t pan out at all because some were downright terrible (tragic/sad/unhappy/frustrating events). Phew!
« Last Edit: November 12, 2021, 03:41:12 PM by LillyPad99 »

Offline whimerj

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6020 on: November 12, 2021, 04:27:58 PM »
Babe you’re saying conflicting things. I invite all of the users on here to look through Lilly’s posts. You’ve said clearly your first reading was in 2018. You stated it’s your first reading with her, and in 2020, you’ve stated you’ve been reading with her for two years.

I’m not trusting anything you say here. As far back as 2018, and we’ll into last year, you were saying her predictions could happen for you but that they haven’t happened yet. You said nothing to indicate her predictions as impossible until recently, and with that, have stated lies.

Again, inventing anyone to look through Lilly’s posts. She’s clearly making things up.

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6021 on: November 12, 2021, 04:52:04 PM »
And you clearly have an issue with reading comprehension. I specifically stated earlier that 2018 was my *first* reading that I RECORDED. I had taken a hiatus from reading before that (from Yona and everyone else). I came back to her (and this forum) in ‘18. and given that’s the FIRST reading I remember with clarity due to it being recorded. You’re irrelevant and i’m not wasting my breath on you anymore.

Those who wanted to PM me have done so (and I’ll get to them after I finish answering the other).

Offline whimerj

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6022 on: November 12, 2021, 04:57:51 PM »
And you clearly have an issue with reading comprehension. I specifically stated earlier that 2018 was my *first* reading that I RECORDED. I had taken a hiatus from reading before that (from Yona and everyone else). I came back to her (and this forum) in ‘18. and given that’s the FIRST reading I remember with clarity due to it being recorded. You’re irrelevant and i’m not wasting my breath on you anymore.

Those who wanted to PM me have done so (and I’ll get to them after I finish answering the other).

Again, absolutely not what you stated a few years ago when you joined with this account. You specifically stated on numerous occasions that your first reading was in 2018, and that you’ve been reading with her for “two years”. It’s okay if you don’t remember. Your previous posts from a few years back will remind you. Also, people can see those posts you know. So calling you out on your bull isn’t too difficult of a task. And even then you said essentially that all her predictions still have the possibility of happening. So yeah. You’re lying. Don’t even bother editing those posts, because we can all see when they were edited.

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6023 on: November 12, 2021, 05:02:43 PM »
I have a feeling people are calling about ex's and specific people without saying it which is what causes the impatience and incorrect predictions as of right now. It just seems like it.

at the end of my top up, Yona stated the time I would meet the new person would be right when I cut off someone from the past. I don't know who the past person could be, ill only know when they contact me if that does happen. She also described a specific event the new person is going through that they would tell me about. This is the only way I would know Yonas prediction is right.

My 1st read with Yona was in Feb and the 1st half of that came true and my top up was in sept, which was just a condensed version of the 2nd half of my 1st read.

Offline Faith62520

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6024 on: November 12, 2021, 05:19:31 PM »
And you clearly have an issue with reading comprehension. I specifically stated earlier that 2018 was my *first* reading that I RECORDED. I had taken a hiatus from reading before that (from Yona and everyone else). I came back to her (and this forum) in ‘18. and given that’s the FIRST reading I remember with clarity due to it being recorded. You’re irrelevant and i’m not wasting my breath on you anymore.

Those who wanted to PM me have done so (and I’ll get to them after I finish answering the other).

Again, absolutely not what you stated a few years ago when you joined with this account. You specifically stated on numerous occasions that your first reading was in 2018, and that you’ve been reading with her for “two years”. It’s okay if you don’t remember. Your previous posts from a few years back will remind you. Also, people can see those posts you know. So calling you out on your bull isn’t too difficult of a task. And even then you said essentially that all her predictions still have the possibility of happening. So yeah. You’re lying. Don’t even bother editing those posts, because we can all see when they were edited.

Whimerj, didn't you say you were taking a break from this forum? Do us all a favor and do that. I think I spot a dolphin.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2021, 05:21:16 PM by Faith62520 »

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6025 on: November 12, 2021, 05:24:15 PM »
I have a feeling people are calling about ex's and specific people without saying it which is what causes the impatience and incorrect predictions as of right now. It just seems like it.

at the end of my top up, Yona stated the time I would meet the new person would be right when I cut off someone from the past. I don't know who the past person could be, ill only know when they contact me if that does happen. She also described a specific event the new person is going through that they would tell me about. This is the only way I would know Yonas prediction is right.

My 1st read with Yona was in Feb and the 1st half of that came true and my top up was in sept, which was just a condensed version of the 2nd half of my 1st read.

I think that's the perfect way to describe her Top Ups. I notice it tends to come up now and then on here ("what is it?" "is it worth it?"):- Top Ups are condensed versions of the previous and/or first (if your previous read WAS your first) reading.

I do agree completely though as to what causes the impatience. I remember also at one point on here, a question was brought up as to what constitutes a "true" prediction. If a psychic says XYZ will happen with person A, but only XY happens and it's with person B, would it still be considered true? There were various thoughts on it; made for interesting discussion though! I just HIGHLY encourage folks who continue to read to interrupt and ask her for clarification. She's sweet and will GLADLY oblige. It would hopefully cut down on any questions or uncertainties.

Edit for Faith:- Were you here for that Dolphin fiasco? Oh man. You just unlocked some memories for me. Makes me wonder how Anne (Psychic Diva) is doing.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2021, 05:34:17 PM by LillyPad99 »

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6026 on: November 12, 2021, 05:47:47 PM »
I have a feeling people are calling about ex's and specific people without saying it which is what causes the impatience and incorrect predictions as of right now. It just seems like it.

at the end of my top up, Yona stated the time I would meet the new person would be right when I cut off someone from the past. I don't know who the past person could be, ill only know when they contact me if that does happen. She also described a specific event the new person is going through that they would tell me about. This is the only way I would know Yonas prediction is right.

My 1st read with Yona was in Feb and the 1st half of that came true and my top up was in sept, which was just a condensed version of the 2nd half of my 1st read.

I think that's the perfect way to describe her Top Ups. I notice it tends to come up now and then on here ("what is it?" "is it worth it?"):- Top Ups are condensed versions of the previous and/or first (if your previous read WAS your first) reading.

I do agree completely though as to what causes the impatience. I remember also at one point on here, a question was brought up as to what constitutes a "true" prediction. If a psychic says XYZ will happen with person A, but only XY happens and it's with person B, would it still be considered true? There were various thoughts on it; made for interesting discussion though! I just HIGHLY encourage folks who continue to read to interrupt and ask her for clarification. She's sweet and will GLADLY oblige. It would hopefully cut down on any questions or uncertainties.

Edit for Faith:- Were you here for that Dolphin fiasco? Oh man. You just unlocked some memories for me. Makes me wonder how Anne (Psychic Diva) is doing.

I never asked questions because I took whatever she said at face value.

Dolphin used to message me but didn't bother me much

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6027 on: November 12, 2021, 06:03:38 PM »
If she’s clear and you can understand what she’s saying (which it sounds like you do  :)) then I don’t think you’d need to ask for clarification. I’m more so emphasizing for everyone else that has issues or can’t understand what she was saying.

Ah, Dolphin haha. She didn’t really bother me either. I think I had one or two encounters with her, but for the most part, it was just entertainment. Makes me miss being here as much as I used to sometimes, but most of the folks I interacted with have also stopped reading and don’t come here anymore, so we speak off of this forum. I just happened to have some down time thanks to the holiday and thought I’d jump on to answer some PMs (was NOT expecting that many) and see what, if anything has changed. Not a lot, clearly 🤷‍♀️

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6028 on: November 12, 2021, 06:19:32 PM »
I have a feeling people are calling about ex's and specific people without saying it which is what causes the impatience and incorrect predictions as of right now. It just seems like it.

at the end of my top up, Yona stated the time I would meet the new person would be right when I cut off someone from the past. I don't know who the past person could be, ill only know when they contact me if that does happen. She also described a specific event the new person is going through that they would tell me about. This is the only way I would know Yonas prediction is right.

My 1st read with Yona was in Feb and the 1st half of that came true and my top up was in sept, which was just a condensed version of the 2nd half of my 1st read.

I think that's the perfect way to describe her Top Ups. I notice it tends to come up now and then on here ("what is it?" "is it worth it?"):- Top Ups are condensed versions of the previous and/or first (if your previous read WAS your first) reading.

I do agree completely though as to what causes the impatience. I remember also at one point on here, a question was brought up as to what constitutes a "true" prediction. If a psychic says XYZ will happen with person A, but only XY happens and it's with person B, would it still be considered true? There were various thoughts on it; made for interesting discussion though! I just HIGHLY encourage folks who continue to read to interrupt and ask her for clarification. She's sweet and will GLADLY oblige. It would hopefully cut down on any questions or uncertainties.

Edit for Faith:- Were you here for that Dolphin fiasco? Oh man. You just unlocked some memories for me. Makes me wonder how Anne (Psychic Diva) is doing.

I never asked questions because I took whatever she said at face value.

Dolphin used to message me but didn't bother me much

I dont lie asking too many questions either because Yona will even tell you that both you and she can get into "assuming". She reads cards and sometimes bc timing is off you may assume its about someone when its entirely someone else....   I DID THIS 100%!!!!   You can make a lot of assumptions - so when you start asking her she will say yes that makes sense.   My cards totally fit a guy and then 5 months later I met someone and the whole thing completely played out exactly as she had said - so she was reading someone she thoguht id met who I hadnt met yet actually..... 

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #6029 on: November 12, 2021, 06:45:30 PM »
Ah that is true too! I’ve heard her say “yes, that makes sense” or some rendition of that.

You’re confirming why I like her so much despite not working for me: she’s HONEST. That is such a rare trait in psychics, unfortunately. And you are correct in that Ive definitely had her say she just reads (or tries to) cards as best she can. She’s definitely a pro, but not infallible. That’s my ultimate bottom line :)

and yes, I did the same thing before: attribute a prediction to someone I thought it was. I find psychic reading to be so interesting, yet convoluted.